Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

The other thing that the left is failing to understand is that even though the Not so Supreme court ruled that obamacare fit into the confines of constitutional, it did not rule that it was a constitutional right. Therefore, if we can get Americans back into office, its very possible that it can still be done away with.
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.
You really believe the electorate is going to vote to keep bigotry and hate and the confederate flag. You really believe they are going to vote to get gay marriage overturned. You really believe voters are going to vote for cons trying to start another war in Iraq and Iran. You really think that abortion is a winning issue for the cons. You don't think the elderly is going to vote against the cons destruction of SS and Medicare. And you think liberals and the middle isn't going to vote next year like they didn't last year. Here's a thought,....Dylann Roof trial will be happening around election.

the democrat party controlled the south during the slavery years. the democrat party fillibustered the civil rights act, the democrat party dominated the KKK,

your target is misplaced.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

these left wing idiots want a dictatorial monarchy, what they don't seem to understand is that the next dictator will be a conservative Christian.
You have lost yo dang mind.

nope, my mind is just fine
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
They have been saying that about Social Security for eighty years. Any day now Social Security will end.

Ah, deflection.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
What world do you live in? The dems kicked the crap out of us in 2006, 2008 and 2012; the Pubs did very well in 2010 and 2014; and who knows what will happen next year.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

Yeah, people in the know get upset when the Constitution gets trashed. The loss of checks and balances between the three branches of government isn't something that should be taken lightly by anyone. Being uninformed like you are is no excuse.

Whatever loser....

I'm extremely well-informed on the topic. If nothing else, the ACA being back in the forefront of the news has exposed just how little the right wing knows about the subject.

I read it last evening...Doctors will not accept it US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

The brazen idiot in the OP would have you believe that Obamacare is something like a credit card only accepted at some places. This, along with the volumes of other lies people like you knowingly tell only make yourselves look worse. You'll note that very few of the GOP candidates are making repeal the centerpiece of their campaigns.
Actually it is an issue because the far right wants to run its fascist rule on morality in America.

Let them be quiet, and it becomes a non issue.

Do not victimize the victim, marylandpatriot.
The position the right holds on gay marriage is quite counter intuitive to the Libertarian movement within the GOP.

I'm disappointed in how they want to apply Christian values to social issues, but the social platform the GOP churns out is anything but hands off...whether it's abortion, or gay marriage

Not just Christian values. The basic definition and understanding of marriage has been consistent between virtually all religions and cultures since before recorded history. Of course, today's culture is all about coopting and changing terms like "marriage" or "state" to mean something totally different from the historical meaning in an effort to legitimize an agenda.
You of all people want to speak for culture and its values? You? Give us your reasons why, and be specific.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
National Defense is a benefit to all.
the poor serve no purpose.
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.
You really believe the electorate is going to vote to keep bigotry and hate and the confederate flag. You really believe they are going to vote to get gay marriage overturned. You really believe voters are going to vote for cons trying to start another war in Iraq and Iran. You really think that abortion is a winning issue for the cons. You don't think the elderly is going to vote against the cons destruction of SS and Medicare. And you think liberals and the middle isn't going to vote next year like they didn't last year. Here's a thought,....Dylann Roof trial will be happening around election.

the democrat party controlled the south during the slavery years. the democrat party fillibustered the civil rights act, the democrat party dominated the KKK,

your target is misplaced.
Just keep digging that hole. The Klan and Aryans have voted GOP since the 60's. THEY DIDN'T VOTE FOR OBAMA! But you know that. Just keep digging.
now, did the cons destroy SS and Medicare, or did the liberals destroy it by deciding that even those that didnt pay into it were able to get back. And how about that liberal BS with the EIC? WTF?? you dont pay anything in tax, so you get 4k back? and the rich arent paying their fair share? LOL
Keep thinking that the socialists are doing you favors if it helps you sleep at night.

SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
National Defense is a benefit to all.
the poor serve no purpose.
Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?
Your head is way to big about those past elections. The American people change and go back and forth like a pendulum. The last election followed a traditional pattern for an off year election. The voter turnout was extremely low. It indicated a frustration with nothing getting done in Washington and predictably ousted the party in control of the Senate. You are calling a handful of changes made in the Senate as the Democrats getting the living shit kicked out of them. You do remember the Democrats reelected the President just three years ago don't you? The country chose to keep the President and give him some competition and to balance things out with the Congress.

Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Let me be crystal clear, the Dem's got bitch slapped in the last 3 elections in a row, 2010, 2012, and 2014. Yes 2012, you may not understand it and choose to live in denial but facts are on my side.
Nope, you are a liar.
Ahahaha denial and excuses. Dude we bitch slapped the fool Democrats in beatings so epic you have to go all the way back to 1921 to find a beat down that bad. Go ahead tell us how with a black president in the White House and the over the top biased support in the MSM you people keep losing? lol
You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.
You really believe the electorate is going to vote to keep bigotry and hate and the confederate flag. You really believe they are going to vote to get gay marriage overturned. You really believe voters are going to vote for cons trying to start another war in Iraq and Iran. You really think that abortion is a winning issue for the cons. You don't think the elderly is going to vote against the cons destruction of SS and Medicare. And you think liberals and the middle isn't going to vote next year like they didn't last year. Here's a thought,....Dylann Roof trial will be happening around election.

the democrat party controlled the south during the slavery years. the democrat party fillibustered the civil rights act, the democrat party dominated the KKK,

your target is misplaced.
Just keep digging that hole. The Klan and Aryans have voted GOP since the 60's. THEY DIDN'T VOTE FOR OBAMA! But you know that. Just keep digging.
no true American voted for obama.
SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
National Defense is a benefit to all.
the poor serve no purpose.
Still trying to get America to believe the Iraq war was national defense. That boat left the dock a long time ago.
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.




You claimed the Dem's got their ass's kicked the last "several elections" and that is an untrue statement. Repub's did good in the off year election last year. The one before that they failed to unseat the President. He won with overwhelming support. You are back peddling away from your original statement of victories in the last several elections.

Republicans control both houses of Congress......which in and of itself is a historical drubbing of the Democratic party. You also need to take into account that 31 governors and state legislatures are Republican. 31 out of addition to the US Congress. That's because the majority of America is conservative.

Obama might have won a couple of victories in court, but the US Congress and the 31 states are a direct result of Obama's "fundamental change" of America. With these last two court decisions, Democrats may have very well hammered the last nail in their coffin for 2016. Perhaps sanity and the rule of law will once again prevail.
You really believe the electorate is going to vote to keep bigotry and hate and the confederate flag. You really believe they are going to vote to get gay marriage overturned. You really believe voters are going to vote for cons trying to start another war in Iraq and Iran. You really think that abortion is a winning issue for the cons. You don't think the elderly is going to vote against the cons destruction of SS and Medicare. And you think liberals and the middle isn't going to vote next year like they didn't last year. Here's a thought,....Dylann Roof trial will be happening around election.

the democrat party controlled the south during the slavery years. the democrat party fillibustered the civil rights act, the democrat party dominated the KKK,

your target is misplaced.
Just keep digging that hole. The Klan and Aryans have voted GOP since the 60's. THEY DIDN'T VOTE FOR OBAMA! But you know that. Just keep digging.
no true American voted for obama.
See, now that's why Mittens lost. Cons think the majority of this country are the enemy. And that's why you will lose next year.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
National Defense is a benefit to all.
the poor serve no purpose.
Still trying to get America to believe the Iraq war was national defense. That boat left the dock a long time ago.
still trying to prove you as a welfare leach serve a valued purpose to the country?
besides, those wars have been going on under your homosexual butt buddy obama for a rather long time.
Just keep beating that dead horse. It's the only thing cons are good at. Like destroying SS for the last 85 years, still beating that dead horse too.




Beating the hell out of that dead horse, exposing once again the cons desire to destroy SS and throw grandma out in the street. Always on the wrong side of the issues. Please continue.
SS and Medicare are destroying themselves with an assist from the Fed. As they head towards insolvency, the Fed will ignite significant inflation that is not included in the CPI used to adjust SS payments. We see this already in the huge disconnect between food costs and the official inflation rates.
That's the conspiracy of the cons, to make SS insolvent. But this is just going to be another case the SC will rule in favor of repaying the $3 trillion stolen from the fund.

You poor addle-brained booby. SS is handling its own insolvency via its original design. As demographic changes result in fewer taxpayers per beneficiary, it will collapse under its own weight.
Socialists dont understand the relationship between those paying and those collecting. They think it all comes from the government, and costs nothing for the citizens.
dont confuse the mentally disabled, its not nice.
The poor ask for a pittance compared to the greedy cons that steal from all Americans for their stupid fuking wars.
National Defense is a benefit to all.
the poor serve no purpose.

Oh, they serve a purpose as a voting bloc for the Dems - paid for by handouts.
Deflection is a new word for you, huh. You use it like you use "victory for conservatives" on Obamacare. Sophomoric.

Awwww don't be mad, it sucks that the left owns this Obamacare turd but maybe you will recover in a decade or two. :eusa_boohoo:

Mad, me? Na, I'm positively over joyed seeing cons like you have shit fits. You guys never get tired of being on the wrong side of issues. Confederate flag, healthcare, and now gay marriage. If you think life is tough now, wait till you grow up to find the GOP lost their asses in 2016. BWAH HA HA HA HA!

We are on the wrong side of issues? Is that why we kicked the living shit out of the Democrats in the last several elections, what are you smoking bro?

We bitch slapped the fools the last 3 elections in a row.
Romney by a lanslide

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