Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Another piss-poor decision from the Roberts court. They find ambiguity where none exists, then correct the ambiguity.

Scalia's dissenting opinion is dead-on.


Nope. Was fully expected.

Sure...tell us another lie.

Perhaps you could explain in detail how it's a lie. Use references from the suit and the decision.

As soon as you can dig up your quotes predicting the colossal can of whoop ass Obama opened up on the conservitards today...
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.

No Americans are fucked when they too realized that socialized medicine sucks.

You realize of course that these people are still using private insurance companies right?

Excuse me dingle berry.
Many doctors refuse to participate in medicare and/or Obama Hellcare.

THE ACA is scam in order to provide the illusion that you have healthcare and that the politicians who belong to the fascist Party are great guys.


the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.

No, I'll explain to you what happened.

You see, Roberts is a BUSINESS REPUBLICAN. Now, you bible thumping, gun-toting idiots don't get this, but big business WANTS ObamaCare. While you are angry at ObamaCare because the Negro Did It, Business realizes that it costs them huge amounts of money when the uninsured show up at emergency rooms for the sniffles, and the cost of that is spread around to everyone else.

So the politicians will stomp their feet and pander to you guys who are just so angry, but the reality is, REPUBLICAN appointees saved ObamaCare because big business wanted them to.
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.
Repeal is just a pipe dream for Republicans. They will lose the Senate and the Whitehouse in 2016

When are they going to be realistic about healthcare and do something to improve it rather than just spout bullshit about repeal and replace?
Oh I totally agree. ObamaCare will be a primary reason they won't get elected.

We are talking Conservatives....a group stuck in the 1950s socially and 1980s Reagan economically

They are gearing up for their big chance in 2016 with their big weapons being Obamacare from 2009 and Benghazi from 2012

Can you imagine them running on what their vision is for 2016 and beyond?
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.

No Americans are fucked when they too realized that socialized medicine sucks.

You realize of course that these people are still using private insurance companies right?

Excuse me dingle berry.
Many doctors refuse to participate in medicare and/or Obama Hellcare.

THE ACA is scam in order to provide the illusion that you have healthcare and that the politicians who belong to the fascist Party are great guys.


shhhhhh..........<inside voice>
I'm not reading through 79 pages of posts, so, was this already addressed or discussed...

That SCOTUS is interpreting "State" to mean "Federal" to get this sucker through?

Is SCOTUS over-reaching their authority?
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.

It is a conservative court stacked by Republicans

It was a petty lawsuit based on a convoluted interpretation of a phrase taken out of context

You guys LOST

You have lost repeatedly and have no way to win other than cooperate with the other side to get the changes that you want
Another piss-poor decision from the Roberts court. They find ambiguity where none exists, then correct the ambiguity.

Scalia's dissenting opinion is dead-on.


Nope. Was fully expected.

Sure...tell us another lie.

Perhaps you could explain in detail how it's a lie. Use references from the suit and the decision.

As soon as you can dig up your quotes predicting the colossal can of whoop ass Obama opened up on the conservitards today...

In the absence of evidence ...

I recall posting no such quote. Why don't you find one wherein I predicted the SCOTUS would behave properly?
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA
Well if ACA is a bad thing, it's the American people that will lose

Time will tell....
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA
No doubt that there are some that like it.
however those of us that work for a living and have become accustomed to providing for ourselves without forced charity do not.
It is not affordable to those that work, it is only affordable to the lowest denominator on the social economic group.
Those that provide a benefit to society are being forced out of care in order to give it to those that provide nothing. This is no way to insure the stability of a nation.
But this, just like all things the government runs, will go broke, rationing will have to be placed on care to keep the program going, money will be stripped from other areas, (not welfare, never welfare) to keep it going. and for what? to make sure those that dont matter in society continue to live and demand more free stuff?
What happens when more people are collecting than are paying? because it is quickly getting to that point.
The very least that should happen is that people getting the subsidy should have to provide a service (work) to cover the cost of their subsidy. Then it might be affordable, still wont work but at least it will be an affordable useless program.
and then we have the problem nobody is bringing up. affirmative action, how long until minorities are being given a free pass through school so the government can start forcing all medical practices to have minority Doctors and staff? how long until some unqualified minority is the one deciding if you need treatment or not. Great for the minorities, not so much for the whites. Of course denial of care to a white will not be racist.
obamacare might not go away, but with some real leadership in DC, and Americans working on the problem instead of some goat herder from Kenya, the program can be cut back so far that it does not affect the workers.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA
No doubt that there are some that like it.
however those of us that work for a living and have become accustomed to providing for ourselves without forced charity do not.
It is not affordable to those that work, it is only affordable to the lowest denominator on the social economic group.
Those that provide a benefit to society are being forced out of care in order to give it to those that provide nothing. This is no way to insure the stability of a nation.
But this, just like all things the government runs, will go broke, rationing will have to be placed on care to keep the program going, money will be stripped from other areas, (not welfare, never welfare) to keep it going. and for what? to make sure those that dont matter in society continue to live and demand more free stuff?
What happens when more people are collecting than are paying? because it is quickly getting to that point.
The very least that should happen is that people getting the subsidy should have to provide a service (work) to cover the cost of their subsidy. Then it might be affordable, still wont work but at least it will be an affordable useless program.
and then we have the problem nobody is bringing up. affirmative action, how long until minorities are being given a free pass through school so the government can start forcing all medical practices to have minority Doctors and staff? how long until some unqualified minority is the one deciding if you need treatment or not. Great for the minorities, not so much for the whites. Of course denial of care to a white will not be racist.
obamacare might not go away, but with some real leadership in DC, and Americans working on the problem instead of some goat herder from Kenya, the program can be cut back so far that it does not affect the workers.

Troll thinks I am going to read this?
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA
No doubt that there are some that like it.
however those of us that work for a living and have become accustomed to providing for ourselves without forced charity do not.
It is not affordable to those that work, it is only affordable to the lowest denominator on the social economic group.
Those that provide a benefit to society are being forced out of care in order to give it to those that provide nothing. This is no way to insure the stability of a nation.
But this, just like all things the government runs, will go broke, rationing will have to be placed on care to keep the program going, money will be stripped from other areas, (not welfare, never welfare) to keep it going. and for what? to make sure those that dont matter in society continue to live and demand more free stuff?
What happens when more people are collecting than are paying? because it is quickly getting to that point.
The very least that should happen is that people getting the subsidy should have to provide a service (work) to cover the cost of their subsidy. Then it might be affordable, still wont work but at least it will be an affordable useless program.
and then we have the problem nobody is bringing up. affirmative action, how long until minorities are being given a free pass through school so the government can start forcing all medical practices to have minority Doctors and staff? how long until some unqualified minority is the one deciding if you need treatment or not. Great for the minorities, not so much for the whites. Of course denial of care to a white will not be racist.
obamacare might not go away, but with some real leadership in DC, and Americans working on the problem instead of some goat herder from Kenya, the program can be cut back so far that it does not affect the workers.

Troll thinks I am going to read this?
I would assume since you are a socialist prick that needs to dig in other peoples pockets to survive, you wouldn't have the intellect to read it anyway.
When are Republicans going to admit that they LIKE Obamacare?

1. They want no part of creating their own healthcare plan. Their base does not want ANY national healthcare plan. If they write a new plan THEY are responsible

2. It is so much easier to stand on the outside and say "Obamacare sucks" and block any attempt to improve it

3. It gives them something to run on year after year. Their base never catches on to the fact that "I will repeal Obamacare" is an empty promise

4. Republicans like Obamacare so much that they are now calling it ACA

The point is that Republicans want to fight against Obamacare, but they don't want to win

The last thing Republicans wanted was to win this case and have 6 million people screaming at them right before an election. Political ads showing sick people who can no longer afford insurance because of the Republican lawsuit
Even worse, Republicans would be expected to fix the problem they created and they know they are incapable of doing that
I will stand with my GOP against ACA when they come up with an acceptable alternative.

We have had since 1994 to offer solid alternatives.

Yet . . .
IF Republicans are so damn opposed to the hated word "Subsidies", why do they need to give them to Oil Companies?

Because oil companies don't receive subsidies. Farmer receive them though.

Semantics pure and simple. The Oil Companies receive over Three Billion Dollars ($3,000,000,000.00) a year in U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Tax Payer Supported Subsidies each year. RePugs have to date refused to end those Subsidies.

Bullshit, tax credits are NOT subsidies. Subsidies are direct payment of money---like when the govt pays the premium for your obozocare-----thats a subsidy.

The oil companites get tax credits for exploration and development expenses------because congress decided that development of energy resourses is good for the country and should be incentivized.
If you want to get technical, what people call the subsidy, is officially known as an "advanced premium tax credit". Or APTC

So you don't claim the credit when you file your taxes, like the tax credits we're all used to, and the reason is because you can choose how much of your APTC to apply to your premiums each month. If the amount of APTC payments you get for the year, is less than the tax credit you're due, you'll get the difference as refunded on your federal income tax return. If your advance payments for the year are more than the amount of your credit, you have to pay the difference on your tax return.

They thought about making the subsidies an end of year tax credit, but that wouldn't help people with their premium payments every month, so they advance it to you
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How about the people who write a law pay attention when doing it?
How about cons quit obstructing so that it gets written correctly?

Exactly the same thing happened when Medicare was passed. The difference was that we didn't have an entire party intent on bringing down the country. The parties worked together and the result is that Medicare now works very well and within budget.
And like SS, it pays for itself.

Same is true of health care insurance and all other kinds of insurance as well.

Medicare turns down more people than private insurance. Now that insurance has become more of a government agency, I suspect more will be turned down

Unless you have some evidence, any credibility you might have had, and that is very little, is gone:

When you turn 65, you become eligible for Medicare if you:

  • Collect or qualify to collect Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits

  • You are a current US resident and either
    • A US citizen or
    • A permanent US resident having lived in the US for 5 continuous years before you apply for Medicare
How you enroll at age 65 depends on whether or not you are already receiving Social Security retirement benefits or Railroad Retirement benefits.

How much you have to pay for your Medicare coverage depends on your work history (if and how long you have paid Medicare taxes). Everyone has to pay a monthly premium for their medical insurance (Part B). Most people with Medicare get their hospital insurance (Part A) premium-free.

For questions regarding Medicare eligibility, call the Medicare Rights Center's free national helpline at 800-333-4114.

I don have one question, did you lie knowingly, or are you just a parrot who repeats the bullshit you hear form Lush Limbaugh or Shun Hannity?

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