Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies

Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.
Repeal is just a pipe dream for Republicans. They will lose the Senate and the Whitehouse in 2016

When are they going to be realistic about healthcare and do something to improve it rather than just spout bullshit about repeal and replace?
Oh I totally agree. ObamaCare will be a primary reason they won't get elected.
How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.

Yup, you definitely can't back it up.

I won't give names so ingrate fuckers like you can harass them. Fuck off.

I'm not asking for names because anecdotes don't say shit.

Physician Praveen Arla is witnessing a reversal of health care fortunes: Poor, long-uninsured patients are getting Medicaid through Obamacare and finally coming to his office for care. But middle-class workers are increasingly staying away.

"It's flip-flopped," says Arla, who helps his father run a family practice in Hillview, Ky. Patients with job-based plans, he says, will say: " 'My deductible is so high. I'm trying to come to the doctor as little as possible. … What is the minimum I can get done?' They're really worried about cost."

Dilemma over deductibles Costs crippling middle class
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.

No Americans are fucked when they too realized that socialized medicine sucks.

You realize of course that these people are still using private insurance companies right?
Have righties even once considered, that all these Supreme Court cases they're losing, might just indicate their ideas are not as consitutionally sound as they think?

Mr Dingle Berry Sir

Have the fascists ever once considered that the Justices are aware of the fact that any president can actually abolished their institution like FDR attempted in 1935. So they concluded that since they can not fight parasitism, Americans don't know their ass from a hole in the ground then it is a lot easier to join, than fight, the parasitic fascistic majorities.

It's occurred to me that it's very enjoyable watching you nutbags thrash around.


You are then in for a treat.

Wait until you are severe distress and need medical about a nut bag thrashing around. Make sure your folks upload the video to YOU tube
Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

I've actually talked to people in my congressman's office who feel they are getting ripped, I won't give you names, have you talked to any in yours.
I can answer this question, no need to talk to congressmen. They just send other people to talk to me, to get those answers.

This trend predates Obamacare by a few years.

The least costly ACA plan has a $6,000 individual deductible, and a $12,750 out of pocket maximum per calender year. The premiums can be anywhere from $300/mo to almost nothing depending on subsidies.

The most expensive PPOs have $250 deductible, and the most expensive HMO's have no deductible.

Sorry, gotta run
This is good for the American people. For right now the GOPs are wiping the sweat on their forehead. Whew.....if the decision went the other way wondering how in the world are they going to replace the ACA.
Woohoo......the Supreme Court just passed the ACA and claimed that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. For all the states that put their foot down and didn't want to set up their own exchanges a double whammy.....they don't like government interference but in essence agreed to government interference, and if they did it hoping that it would cause the whole thing to fail......well, sorry again.

Read and weep.....Obamacare opposers.

Chief Justice Roberts: Congress passed ACA to improve insurance markets, not destroy them

The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Affordable Care Act for a second time, stating that states with federally run exchanges can still receive tax subsidies. Had the court ruled against subsidies, millions of Americans would have been left without means to pay their insurance premiums. The court also also sided with civil rights activists in a challenge to housing law.

Affordable Care Act subsidies survive high court challenge

The fact that so many woefully ignorant morons refer to the mindless decision by the SCOTUS as the "passage" of that "Act," proves that the Republic is fucked.
IF Republicans are so damn opposed to the hated word "Subsidies", why do they need to give them to Oil Companies?

Because oil companies don't receive subsidies. Farmer receive them though.

Semantics pure and simple. The Oil Companies receive over Three Billion Dollars ($3,000,000,000.00) a year in U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Tax Payer Supported Subsidies each year. RePugs have to date refused to end those Subsidies.

Bullshit, tax credits are NOT subsidies. Subsidies are direct payment of money---like when the govt pays the premium for your obozocare-----thats a subsidy.

The oil companites get tax credits for exploration and development expenses------because congress decided that development of energy resourses is good for the country and should be incentivized.
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.

No Americans are fucked when they too realized that socialized medicine sucks.

You realize of course that these people are still using private insurance companies right?

with policies and coverages dictated by the government. Does it make sense to you that a 60 year old couple has to pay for maternity coverage?
IF Republicans are so damn opposed to the hated word "Subsidies", why do they need to give them to Oil Companies?

Because oil companies don't receive subsidies. Farmer receive them though.

Semantics pure and simple. The Oil Companies receive over Three Billion Dollars ($3,000,000,000.00) a year in U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Tax Payer Supported Subsidies each year. RePugs have to date refused to end those Subsidies.

Bullshit, tax credits are NOT subsidies. Subsidies are direct payment of money---like when the govt pays the premium for your obozocare-----thats a subsidy.

The oil companites get tax credits for exploration and development expenses------because congress decided that development of energy resourses is good for the country and should be incentivized.

BS such as that. that tax credits are the same as a subsidy. IS why this country doomed
IF Republicans are so damn opposed to the hated word "Subsidies", why do they need to give them to Oil Companies?

Because oil companies don't receive subsidies. Farmer receive them though.

Semantics pure and simple. The Oil Companies receive over Three Billion Dollars ($3,000,000,000.00) a year in U.S. Government Funded, U.S. Tax Payer Supported Subsidies each year. RePugs have to date refused to end those Subsidies.

Bullshit, tax credits are NOT subsidies. Subsidies are direct payment of money---like when the govt pays the premium for your obozocare-----thats a subsidy.

The oil companites get tax credits for exploration and development expenses------because congress decided that development of energy resourses is good for the country and should be incentivized.

BS such as that. that tax credits are the same as a subsidy. IS why this country doomed

right, our population has become so fricken stupid that they are like sheep who will follow their leader over a cliff. Thanks, teachers union for failing to educate an entire generation.
This country is over when the supreme court makes decisions based on politics and political correctness rather than on the law and constitution.

We are going down the tubes and the libs are celebrating the demise of this great nation. Its truly sad.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening.
Another piss-poor decision from the Roberts court. They find ambiguity where none exists, then correct the ambiguity.

Scalia's dissenting opinion is dead-on.


Nope. Was fully expected.

Sure...tell us another lie.
Republicans are in charge of Congress and SCOTUS. They should fix things.

Clearly NOT the SCOTUS, and being in charge of Congress is meaningless when SCOTUS chooses to ignore the law.

Which law was ignored?

They interpreted the law. That is their job

Uhhh, no. Their job is to rule on what the law actually says, not what someone believes it should have said. Words have meanings. Laws are made of words and it is important that the laws say what they mean and mean what they say. If SCOTUS did their job of ruling on what the law actually said, then they would have found that subsidies couldn't be given. They instead bought into the administration's "oopsie", we didn't really mean what we said and that isn't their job. The correct answer was," your law does not match your intent. You are free to fix it. Until then, follow the law the way you wrote it."
Republicans presented a convoluted interpretation of the phrase. The court did not accept it

the court made a decision based on politics and not on the law. A lifetime term is supposed to keep politics out of the SC, but that is not happening. know more than 9 justices...NOT. You should be better at losing; you do it often enough.
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun

Mark Levin did not disappoint. I was late for an appointment because I stayed in my car and listened to him bust a gasket.

How about if we just ask the guy who wrote the ACA?????

Obamacare advisor thinks voters are stupid Opinion -

There appears to be a bottomless well of Gruber's greatest hits.

In yet another, from a speech at the University of Pennsylvania in 2013, he explains that the very function of the law -- doing what it was designed to do -- was totally unpalatable to voters (that is, if only we'd turned away from our Cheetos bags and NASCAR races long enough to catch it).

"If you had a law which said healthy people are going to pay in -- if you made it explicit that healthy people pay in and sick people get money, it would not have passed."

To hammer the point home, he admits that the sales pitch was one big cover-up operation: "Lack of transparency is a huge advantage. And basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever. But basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass."

And in still another video he's caught telling Washington University at St. Louis in 2013 that one important provision of the bill passed "because the American people are too stupid to understand the difference."

Let's be clear: Gruber didn't say any of this incredibly arrogant, deeply offensive stuff in a soft whisper at a clandestine meeting of liberal donors. He said these things out loud, at lectures, over and over and over again, without even an attempt at discretion.
No, he did not write the ACA. He was Romeny's chief advisory in construction of the Massachusetts healthcare systems. However he is the person that came up with individual mandate and sold Obama on it. He was part of the Obama transition team and certainly contributed to the writing of the law. However, a number of people wrote various sections of the law such as Max Baucus, the senior Senator from Montana, Elizabeth, ‘Liz’ Fowler was Baucus’ top health care aide from 2001-2005, Tom Harkin, co-author of the bill Dr. Jonathan Gruber, Professor of Economics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, John McDonough, a professor of public health at the Harvard School of Public Health, Ezekiel “Zeke” Emanuel, an American bioethicist and fellow at The Hastings Center, and 3 subcommittees..
Judging from some of the liberal responses, I genuinely wonder how many liberals really understand what Obamacare is. When you see inane remarks like "another loss for conservatives trying to take away people's health care," you wonder if such folks even understand what that "care" is.

They don't. Clearly they haven't read the hundreds of articles it has generated and just spout party line talking points. I see the articles everyday ( both pro and con) They are send to me by the big hospitals as an FYI.
I think it's far more important than reading bull shit in millions of articles written about the law by other people who never read it, is to take the time to read it yourself.

H.R.3590 - 111th Congress 2009-2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Library of Congress

Well, I dd it. I read it by myself.

The Bill approved by the House read:

FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 768(Democrats in roman; Republicans in italic; Independents underlined)
H R 3590 2/3 YEA-AND-NAY 8-Oct-2009 12:15 PM
QUESTION: On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass

BILL TITLE: Service Members Home Ownership Tax Act

What I am looking for is the House version of the ACA.

Now be a good citizen and find it for me.

Well, since you can't find it, I'll provide you with links to the HTML version, the certified PDF version, and the ACA full law page.

H.R.3590 - 111th Congress 2009-2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Library of Congress

Certified full-text version: Affordable Care Act (PDF – 2.41 MB)

Read the Affordable Care Act Health Care Law

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