Supreme Court upholds Obamacare subsidies


But it looks like you either slept through class, or took the one on Kenyan politics...

If the majority of people hate a law, they simply elect the people who will change or repeal it, just like Justice Roberts suggested.

So the polls can give an indication of what people think, and how they are likely to vote in the next election based on candidates' position.
Still having that little child attitude of denial. Having your ass handed to you and the right wingers 2 times now by the SCOTUS and then the 60 + times in the congress.
You never learn.

Sure you do! And they seem to have had their asses handed to them once again.

Surely, anyone can pull out a common dictionary and tell you what the word "state" means. But wait! Nobody can tell you what anything means, you make up your own definitions!

But it looks like you either slept through class, or took the one on Kenyan politics...

If the majority of people hate a law, they simply elect the people who will change or repeal it, just like Justice Roberts suggested.

So the polls can give an indication of what people think, and how they are likely to vote in the next election based on candidates' position.

Good luck with that one.

Time to go clean someones SOCK DRAWER.
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

But it looks like you either slept through class, or took the one on Kenyan politics...

If the majority of people hate a law, they simply elect the people who will change or repeal it, just like Justice Roberts suggested.

So the polls can give an indication of what people think, and how they are likely to vote in the next election based on candidates' position.

So the polls can give an indication of what people think, and how they are likely to vote in the next election based on candidates' position.
Or in Hillary's case her position is whatever the polls show...
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

No, fascists/socialists do.

Even though the overwhelming evidence shows that government controlled medicine does not work the fascists continue to believe in fairy tales.

So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

Tell that to the folks that are paying much more for far less coverage. I think they outnumber the takers.

And yet, when asked to provide hard, cold stats on this, RWNJs like you start to glaze up and then all of a sudden, you leave threads.

So, chuck up some real hard data and I will look at it.

How about you talk to people in your congressman's office and ask them what has happened to their cost and deductibles under maobamacare. I'm sure they would be willing to give you some hard facts.

IOW, you can't back this up, right?

But it looks like you either slept through class, or took the one on Kenyan politics...

If the majority of people hate a law, they simply elect the people who will change or repeal it, just like Justice Roberts suggested.

So the polls can give an indication of what people think, and how they are likely to vote in the next election based on candidates' position.

What are the numbers for repeal?
So...what you going to do now Republicans?

How about we do this? Come up with a "replace" plan that the party agrees on and convince America that it will be better than Obamacare

Otherwise, America will know you are full of shit
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

Tell that to the more than 10,000,000 who are now covered and to the many millions more who get more care, often for less cost.

Righties live in a fantasy world, really, they do.

No, fascists/socialists do.

Even though the overwhelming evidence shows that government controlled medicine does not work the fascists continue to believe in fairy tales.


Just love that wingnut bitterness.

Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.
How about they run on the fact that most Americans hate GruberCare??????

After all, getting nothing is better than taking a big bite of shit......

OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

No. Rightwinger is right. Not one single candidate has proposed a viable alternative, not even a sketch.


The Jindal Plan

You can read the full 21-page plan document here, the 3-page Executive Summary here, Gov. Jindal’s op-ed here, and overviews from Robert Costa and Amy Goldstein at the Washington Post and Benjy Sarlin at MSNBC.

Yes There s A Republican Health Care Plan Bobby Jindal s Plan RedState
Let's look at this as it can affect the next election (bearing in mind that the election will be determined by independents)... The poll is actually closer than it has been in the past, but bear in mind that the latest split for or against is statistically insignificant (and costs are projected to rise 25-30% next year, which will be a factor). It appears the latest polls shows a pretty even split, before costs skyrocket again.

Kaiser Health Tracking Poll April 2015 The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

This month’s Kaiser Health Tracking Poll finds American’s opinion of the health care law closely divided, 43 percent say they have a favorable view of the law and 42 percent say they have an unfavorable view. Last month, opinion narrowed to the closest margin in over two years (41 percent favorable and 43 percent unfavorable), and now appears to be holding steady. This month, the share with a favorable view exceeds the share with an unfavorable view for the first time since November 2012, albeit by one percentage point, and the difference is within the survey’s margin of sampling error and is not statistically significant.

Figure 1

The public continues to view the law through a partisan lens, a dynamic that has persisted since the passage of the law in 2010. Most Democrats (70 percent) express a favorable view of the law, while most Republicans (75 percent) express an unfavorable view, and independents fall in between (42 percent favorable, 46 percent unfavorable).
It's been a tough day for righties.

I can't wait to watch Bill O'Reilly, but when big stuff that's bad for the GOP come down, he has someone else fill in.

Hannity will be fun
Republicans are so fucked. They have no idea how to handle ObamaCare. Repealing would piss off the 10s of million who will be newly insured through the exchange by 2017 and choosing to keep the law will make them look like the losers that they are.

No Americans are fucked when they too realized that socialized medicine sucks.

And for the record, Republicans have quite a few plans to fix the ACA..... They just haven't decided which one to go with yet.
OK ...let's go there
Kicking ten million off their insurance
Kicking 26 year olds off their parents policy
Sending people with prexisting conditions back in the open marked
Kicking people off of Medicaid and ending subsidies

Is that what Republicans are willing to run on?

I say, the Republicans should run on exactly that and see how they do.

They love to talk the talk and spout the rhetoric

But out of 15 + Republican candidates, I have not heard a single word on what they propose as "Replace"

Trust us?

Not listening I guess.

No. Rightwinger is right. Not one single candidate has proposed a viable alternative, not even a sketch.


The Jindal Plan

You can read the full 21-page plan document here, the 3-page Executive Summary here, Gov. Jindal’s op-ed here, and overviews from Robert Costa and Amy Goldstein at the Washington Post and Benjy Sarlin at MSNBC.

Yes There s A Republican Health Care Plan Bobby Jindal s Plan RedState
Stop and think about the math.

Obamacrae has over 3000 pages, and it's complex because Healthcare is complex.

There is no way in creation that a 21 page document can be a valid plan that will work, and can be implemented.

It's probably got the same weak tea that includes tort reform and interstate competition
Still having that little child attitude of denial. Having your ass handed to you and the right wingers 2 times now by the SCOTUS and then the 60 + times in the congress.
You never learn.

Sure you do! And they seem to have had their asses handed to them once again.

Surely, anyone can pull out a common dictionary and tell you what the word "state" means. But wait! Nobody can tell you what anything means, you make up your own definitions!

Still having problems finding that dictionary I see.

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