Supremes: Hobby Lobby wins

IUDs cost in the thousands, what middle class woman can afford that? This wasn't only about the morning after pill. It was about IUDs too.

From Planned Parenthood:

The IUD is the most inexpensive long-term and reversible form of birth control you can get. Unlike other forms of birth control, the IUD only costs money in the beginning. The cost for the medical exam, the IUD, the insertion of the IUD and follow-up visits to your health care provider can range from $500 to $900. That cost pays for protection that can last more than a decade.
How much does an IUD cost? | Planned Parenthood

"Thousands" please, relearn math. They can be cheaper if you have insurance. Please. Stop lying.

Oh goodness, I was maybe off by $100. So sue me. Even if it's a better long term solution, it's a large up front cost.

Even still, on the high end it is cheaper than paying for contraceptives over a decade.

And why would I sue you? I'm not the kind of guy who likes to make spectacles out of people.
From Planned Parenthood:

How much does an IUD cost? | Planned Parenthood

"Thousands" please, relearn math. They can be cheaper if you have insurance. Please. Stop lying.

Oh goodness, I was maybe off by $100. So sue me. Even if it's a better long term solution, it's a large up front cost.

Even still, on the high end it is cheaper than paying for contraceptives over a decade.

And why would I sue you? I'm not the kind of guy who likes to make spectacles out of people.

It's an expression. An old one albeit but I thought you would get it.
IUDs cost in the thousands, what middle class woman can afford that? This wasn't only about the morning after pill. It was about IUDs too.

That's it?? This is your weak argument?? How much do we tax payers give Planned Parenthood??? THEY CHARGE FOR IUDS.. lmao Where's the fucking outrage from you leftists.. DAMN THEM, IT SHOULD BE FREE! HOW DARE PLANNED PARENTHOOD CHARGE ANYTHING!

I don't understand the need for caps but okay......

You said it was about a female's "bad decision to fuck without a condom last night." Well I don't know if you have had this happen to you but I have had a condom break. It scared me and I wasn't the one that could get pregnant. Sex is a naturally occurring event in a human's life. It's a primal event we do.

I just think it's hypocritical that I can get any pill I want for my sexual health care as a man but we must limit women's sexual health care? I don't see the logic behind that religiously or not.

You made the decision to have sex using a condom knowing full well the implications, risks.. You could have walked away. It's not my problem that you're running around chasing the orgasm and then if something happens and a potential "accident' occurs, you want a corporation to be responsible because you couldn't keep it on your pants? Really?
A person shouldn't force the person giving them their paycheck to give them free abortive care. In fact, the best and most effective way of abortion is to keep those legs closed and wait until the time is right. But hey... 'war on women' and all that stuff.

The morning-after pill makes it so a microscopic cluster of cells cannot implant in the lining of a woman's womb. I offer that a woman is not pregnant until the fetus is attached to her body. That is the definition of pregnant. The morning-after pill makes the lining of the uterus not right to accept that implantation. So no pregnancy occurs.

I sometimes wonder if the Supreme Court even bothers to examine the hard science behind the decisions they make? Or if the christian right has looked into what actually happens...that a woman isn't even pregnant yet when the morning-after pill has done its magic.

Decades ago they had this pill for animals and livestock. They'd simply give it to them if an improper or unwanted mating occured. We used to marvel at what a perfect solution it was to the whole horror of unwanted pregnancy vs abortion.

Once again, a perfectly sensible idea gets canned by people who are ignorant of how well it works and what it actually does in practice. This country really is devolving into Judge's "Idiocracy"..
A person shouldn't force the person giving them their paycheck to give them free abortive care. In fact, the best and most effective way of abortion is to keep those legs closed and wait until the time is right. But hey... 'war on women' and all that stuff.

The morning-after pill makes it so a microscopic cluster of cells cannot implant in the lining of a woman's womb. I offer that a woman is not pregnant until the fetus is attached to her body. That is the definition of pregnant. The morning-after pill makes the lining of the uterus not right to accept that implantation. So no pregnancy occurs.

I sometimes wonder if the Supreme Court even bothers to examine the hard science behind the decisions they make? Or if the christian right has looked into what actually happens...that a woman isn't even pregnant yet when the morning-after pill has done its magic.

Decades ago they had this pill for animals and livestock. They'd simply give it to them if an improper or unwanted mating occured. We used to marvel at what a perfect solution it was to the whole horror of unwanted pregnancy vs abortion.

Once again, a perfectly sensible idea gets canned by people who are ignorant of how well it works and what it actually does in practice. This country really is devolving into Judge's "Idiocracy"..

Our Founders were wise.. they wanted religion to be protected, period. Some religions believe that any type of contraception is sinful. I don't adhere to it, but I respect their right to practice and believe it..Who are you to tell them you're right and they're wrong, forcing them to even go against a sacred belief in what they feel is basically damnation by making them provide that product? Your beliefs don't trump theirs.. GET IT?
A person shouldn't force the person giving them their paycheck to give them free abortive care. In fact, the best and most effective way of abortion is to keep those legs closed and wait until the time is right. But hey... 'war on women' and all that stuff.

The morning-after pill makes it so a microscopic cluster of cells cannot implant in the lining of a woman's womb. I offer that a woman is not pregnant until the fetus is attached to her body. That is the definition of pregnant. The morning-after pill makes the lining of the uterus not right to accept that implantation. So no pregnancy occurs.

I sometimes wonder if the Supreme Court even bothers to examine the hard science behind the decisions they make? Or if the christian right has looked into what actually happens...that a woman isn't even pregnant yet when the morning-after pill has done its magic.

Decades ago they had this pill for animals and livestock. They'd simply give it to them if an improper or unwanted mating occured. We used to marvel at what a perfect solution it was to the whole horror of unwanted pregnancy vs abortion.

Once again, a perfectly sensible idea gets canned by people who are ignorant of how well it works and what it actually does in practice. This country really is devolving into Judge's "Idiocracy"..

"Moment of conception" is the religious arguement
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I sometimes wonder if people who advocate for the Government taking care of our personal needs-wants-desires even understand the concept of common sense.
I'm glad I was gone all day..Major meltdown from the forum libruls and over what?? Not being able to trash someone's Constitutional right to choice? That's all we ever hear from liberals, "IT'S ALL ABOUT CHOICE," the freedom to choose but today we learned that only applies if it fits the leftist narrative.

Why should a corporation make the decision that should be left between you and your doctor? Why shouldn't you have the contraception you want?

Obamacare makes them part of the decision by mandating that they pay for your insurance. If you don't want the employer in the decision, then they should not be part of the transaction that pays for your insurance.
That's it?? This is your weak argument?? How much do we tax payers give Planned Parenthood??? THEY CHARGE FOR IUDS.. lmao Where's the fucking outrage from you leftists.. DAMN THEM, IT SHOULD BE FREE! HOW DARE PLANNED PARENTHOOD CHARGE ANYTHING!

I don't understand the need for caps but okay......

You said it was about a female's "bad decision to fuck without a condom last night." Well I don't know if you have had this happen to you but I have had a condom break. It scared me and I wasn't the one that could get pregnant. Sex is a naturally occurring event in a human's life. It's a primal event we do.

I just think it's hypocritical that I can get any pill I want for my sexual health care as a man but we must limit women's sexual health care? I don't see the logic behind that religiously or not.

A women has 16 choices for herself. :eusa_whistle:

Do you get your hard on pills for free?

How many of those 16 choices are made from the same hormone Plan B is made out of?
Liberals in this thread are acting as though we young women don't have access to birth control or can't afford it somehow?? I can't tell you the number of times one of my friends or more have used the Health Dept (Dept of Social Services) to get discounted contraception.. we all have at one time most likely.. I know I have.. I had no problem at all getting it either.. You make an appointment, they do a pap and you walk out with contraception.. Mine cost like $3 bucks.. Get off of your dead fucking asses, make the appointment, go thru the exam and protect yourself otherwise STFU.
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How many of you librul chicks in this thread actually still have periods and need birth control?? Not fucking many , so how do you know what's out here at affordable prices and access? YOU DON'T.
I don't understand the need for caps but okay......

You said it was about a female's "bad decision to fuck without a condom last night." Well I don't know if you have had this happen to you but I have had a condom break. It scared me and I wasn't the one that could get pregnant. Sex is a naturally occurring event in a human's life. It's a primal event we do.

I just think it's hypocritical that I can get any pill I want for my sexual health care as a man but we must limit women's sexual health care? I don't see the logic behind that religiously or not.

A women has 16 choices for herself. :eusa_whistle:

Do you get your hard on pills for free?

How many of those 16 choices are made from the same hormone Plan B is made out of?

When I finish my on line pharmacy class, I'll get back to you.
Until then, 16 are covered and there are 4 that aren't. The 4 can terminate a pregnancy, which the other 16 don't.
Then she is free to sell her labor to somebody else who provides such benefits.

A person shouldn't have to quit their job to get the health coverage they need. That's barbaric.

A person shouldn't force the person giving them their paycheck to give them free abortive care. In fact, the best and most effective way of abortion is to keep those legs closed and wait until the time is right. But hey... 'war on women' and all that stuff.

Plan B isn't the abortion pill. It stops or interrupts ovulation. How many of the 16 birth controls that are covered are made from the same hormone Plan B is made from?
Hobby Lobby shouldn't have to cover it, but this was an empty victory. They fought over what it says on the packaging. And morons like you lapped it up.
Well, guess its time to start my own religion and claim that religious freedom allows my business to ignore laws.

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