Surprise? FBI Notes / Files On Clinton Investigation 'Missing'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'

"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."

For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...

Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing
Contacting Russian Oligarchs to fund a rescue mission of a missing ex-FBI agent (2009)

Hiding evidence of Russian Crimes (extortion/bribery/intimidation... 2014)

At least 75 cases of FISA Court Abuses (2014)

Allowing Hillary witness to attend questioning of Hillary Clinton

NO video/audio recordings of Hillary 'questioning'

Notes of the Hillary 'questioning' not written until months later after being asked for

Criminal discovery of all Hillary classified e-mails on Abedin personal laptop ignored

Evidence shows Hillary associates caught Lying to the FBI - No indictment

FBI Director admitted under oath Clinton committed Perjury - No indictment / charges

FBI recovered 15,000+ official subpoenaed docs proving FOIA violations - No indictment
-- 15,000+ official docs proving Federal Records Act violations - No indictment
-- 15,000+ subpoenaed docs Hillary attempted to destroy - obstruction - No indictment

FBI Director ADMITTED leaking of classified to successfully get an investigation opened

FBI Agent testifies DOJ declared no intent of making a case against Hillary / prosecuting

FBI Agent testifies illegal FBI investigation resulted in no evidence of a crime found

Former US AG accuses former FBI Director of Perjury regarding what she said

State Dept / DOJ Official testimony proves FBI / DOJ committed FISA Court abuses

DOJ Official testimony exposes DOJ/NIA/CIA/FBI warned Dossier was 'unreliable'
--- DOJ and FBI knowingly proceed with illegally presenting info as 'Legitimate Intel'

DOJ official testified Mueller worked w/FBI & foreign spy before named Special Counsel

Ex-foreign spy working with / being paid by Russians working for FBI

FBI-US AG wrote 'exoneration letter' before interviewing the suspect

FBI Director stated Hillary broke laws then claimed ignorance of law is legal defense

US IG reported FBI abandoned traditional / formal procedures / processes

US IG reported FBI Director 'usurped power of US AG' to declare No Hillary indictment

US IG recommended indictment for Deputy Dir of FBI for illegal leaking of classified info

US IG recent report IDed FBI Agent Strzok as criminal classified info leaker
-- 'Someone' in DOJ refuses to recommend / allow indictment

FBI Legal Counsel Baker testified he pushed for Hillary indictment - leadership rejected

FBI Directors say secret electronic surveillance unknown to target is NOT 'Spying'

Hillary ASKED to turn in subpoenaed server/docs when convenient - No raids/seizure

Hillary ALLOWED to decide FOR the FBI what was 'official', what was personal
-- Hillary considered over 15,000 official subpoenaed docs 'personal' - tried to destroy

Hillary / FBI declared some e-mails / documents 'missing' - quickly recovered by FBI
-- FBI recovered over 15,000 official subpoenaed docs - attempt to destroy reported
-- FBI reports docs attempted to be destroyed, attempted Bleach Bit of server, multiple official subpoenaed devices illegally destroyed, official subpoenaed SIM cards missing


Trump-hating ex-MI6 foreign spy working with Russians working FOR the FBI
-- Sold Hillary the Dossier used to attempt to alter 2016 election
-- Gave FBI the Dossier DOJ/NIA/CIA/FBI illegally used in FISA Court abuses / Perjury
-- Refused to substantiate / verify Dossier contents - 'did not know' what was in it
-- Russians authored / provided Dossier contents - believed to be Russian Counter-Intel
-- Evidence / testimony shows FBI made no contact to substantiate contents
-- Fired for lying to the FBI about interview with the media; still kept around as 'adviser'
-- State Dept / DOJ official testimony prove FBI was warned Steele / Dossier unreliable
-- Exposed 'Secret Society' w/in Obama administration acting to take down Trump
-- 'Already held meetings'
-- 'President Obama insists on being kept updated on everything'
** Evidence shows former FBI Director Comey briefed President Obama on 'Dossier/ Russian Collusion Investigation'; attended by Lynch, Yates, Rice, Comey - attendance increased in FOLLOW-ON MEETINGS - Clapper, Brennan, Kerry....

-- Exposed existence of a 'Leak Strategy' as part of the Counter-Intel Op FBI Agent Strzok opened on the President
** Former FBI Director Comey admitted to leaking classified info to get official investigation opened

** US IG Deputy Director Andrew McCabe recommended for indictment by US IG after their investigation found evidence he had been leaking classified; currently under investigation by the DOJ

--- McCabe said he was ordered to by FBI Director Comey
** Recent US IG investigation report identified former FBI agent Strzok as a criminal classified info leaker...
The US IG report on his FISA Court Abuses is due out any day now; several news outlets have suggested the IG's Report has already be released to US AG Barr (it was due 'at the 'end of May / early June')

Numerous DOJ investigations into the origins of the faux 'Russian collusion accusations / investigation / Dossier' are on-going; DOJ released it is investigating both Govt agencies and former/current employees AS WELL AS NON-GOVT orgs / businesses / employees (Fusion GPS...)

Ex-FBI employee / former Russian-paid foreign spy Steele reportedly agreed to a deal and has already met with DOJ and continues to do so, providing testimony...
(THAT can't be good for a lot of ex-Obama agency Directors....which is why they have all been turning on each other....)


"(Former FBI Agent) Page responded by writing to Strzok, Moffa, and others that four FBI 302 reports of interviews related to the Clinton “Midyear Exam” investigation had never even been written"

IF the FBI did NOT deliberately ignore evidence of crimes, attempt to hide evidence of crime, did not destroy evidence of crime, did not commit crimes...then the world-renowned 'Premiere Criminal Investigative Agency In The World's reputation just got OBLITERATED as they were - and are still being - exposed as an investigative service run by biased boobs, ignorant partisan morons, leaders who are just like what they claimed Hillary to be - TOO STUPID TO KNOW THEY WERE COMMITTING CRIMES!
Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'
"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."
For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...
Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing

Nothing to see here! Now Pogo and Golfing Gator will tell you its all part of your HDS obsession with the woman.

Bet they never lose a page on Trump though . . .
The FBI will continue to fight Trump until Trump fires Wray and puts Rudy in charge....Wray is a deep state swamper.....
Color me shocked.

The by the book FBI has missing files and a damaged CD??

J Edgar would turn over in his grave.
The FBI will continue to fight Trump until Trump fires Wray and puts Rudy in charge....Wray is a deep state swamper.....

You make a good point about how the next Director of the FBI should he someone from OUTSIDE the agency, someone who has NOT come from / have been in the NIA or CIA as well.

It seems every Director chosen has 'grown up' in and has been 'groomed from within' the agency....which apparently means they have been indoctrinated ('FBI Loyalty 1st - hide all crimes / errors, protect the agency 1st) and seduced by power.

I love Barr as the pick for US AG. His reputation as being a staunch unbiased non-partisan protector and defender of the Rule of Law and Constitution is impeccable. Even Joe Biden declared Barr to be the 'best' US AG he had EVER seen / worked with ... '...and I have worked with a lot of them'.

Barr had no political ambitions or objectives - he was sitting on the outside watching the circus that had been going for the last 3 years, like the rest of us - when he was called to step up and take the job as US AG. He was able to take that 'outside view', not one 'tainted' by having been one of the people involved in the mess for the last several years, and put that well-earned reputation to work.

THAT is the type of person we need to become the next Director of the FBI - someone from the outside, who has an outside perspective, and someone who has not be tainted / indoctrinated / influenced by having grown up / been 'groomed' within the FBI...

Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'
"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."
For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...
Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing

The records, which were posted on the FBI’s website, are the 32nd release of documents in response to our 2016 Freedom of Information Act
  • And the House has the NERVE to sue Trump claiming coverup because he isn't jumping to give them his personal records???!!!

ICIG investigator Fred Rucker advised Strzok of an “anomaly” on Hillary Clinton’s emails going through the private server. The forensic analysis found that all of those emails except four – over 30,000 – “were going to an address that was not on the distribution list.” It was later reported that it was a “Chinese state-owned company” that hacked Clinton’s server. The ICIG referred the Clinton email investigation to the FBI on July 6, 2015, just under a month before the meeting for which the notes were “lost.”

  • More intelligence from the Clintons to the Chinese after Charlie Trie in the '90s and more evidence conveniently "lost?" This is nothing short of treason and many people here need shot as traitors to the USA or life in prison. There is something here they wamnt to hide very badly and why they want to impeach Trump!

This new information underscores the need for a fresh, unbiased investigation into the Clinton email scandal.

  • Never happen. Too many years delay now and too much evidence destroyed. What did Mueller just tell us? You have to get the data while it is still fresh and available. Deep State End Around Deep Pass to protect the Clintons ONE MORE TIME.
This isn't keystone cops screwing up, this is illegal activities. I don't know the policies for protecting files and CDs, but generally there is evidence of who did what on a computer and who destroyed what physical evidence. How much of that information was digitized and saved on a backup server somewhere? I really hope somebody goes to prison if this story is true.
This isn't keystone cops screwing up, this is illegal activities. I don't know the policies for protecting files and CDs, but generally there is evidence of who did what on a computer and who destroyed what physical evidence. How much of that information was digitized and saved on a backup server somewhere? I really hope somebody goes to prison if this story is true.
I read it in the notes. It is sadly true.
maybe a Republican from Trumps cartel can share a prison cell with Clinton - :funnyface:
Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'

"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."

For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...

Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing
this would be where the republicans demand a full un-redacted report or the dems are obstructing justice.
This isn't keystone cops screwing up, this is illegal activities. I don't know the policies for protecting files and CDs, but generally there is evidence of who did what on a computer and who destroyed what physical evidence. How much of that information was digitized and saved on a backup server somewhere? I really hope somebody goes to prison if this story is true.
I read it in the notes. It is sadly true.
while some people spin this - 100% of the spin is predicated on "trusting" hillary to do the right thing. since this ability is afforded to no one else, i don't give it to her.

she was found to have been using a private server
she was asked by a senate committee to turn over mail
she stalled, had her IT guys asking how to change header info in e-mail and ultimately bleachbit a drive.
in the end she had her retention policy changed to 60 days which is 30 days shorter of what is required for base level e-mail. work related timeframes can be up to a year or more. now since this retention policy can't tell the difference between benghazi or weddings, how is this policy not in direct conflict with law?

it's not.

now considering the left won't let trump get away with taking a dump in off-time, there's simply no way he would also get this benefit of doubt. truth be told, he shouldn't be.


no one should get to pick and choose what to turn over to requesting parties in these matters and anyone who does is under immediate suspicion of why the need to do this.

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