Surprise? FBI Notes / Files On Clinton Investigation 'Missing'

I don’t trust Wray.

Whaaaaaat?! How could you NOT trust the current FBI Director who agreed with the previous admitted criminal FBI Director on how secret electronic surveillance of someone who does not know you're doing it is NOT 'spying'?!


no one should get to pick and choose what to turn over to requesting parties in these matters and anyone who does is under immediate suspicion of why the need to do this.

Roger Stone's home was raided in the
dark by armored / heavily armed agents
who physically seized ANYTHING they

[URL=''][URL=''] [/URL]
[URL='']Hell, Democrats even stormed a home
and took little Cuban immigrant Elian
Gonzales at gun-point
(So much for Dems being against deportation of children)

[URL=''][URL=''] [/URL]
It was a different scene when they
eventually showed up at Hillary's door
ASKING, 'Can we have the server and
documents yet?'


Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'

"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."

For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...

Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing
Just like they tried to make disappear all of the texts between Strozk And Page, and told The IG they were irretrievably lost.

He found all of them 24 hours later by going through the mobile provider instead.
So James Comey, in violation of FBI Procedures and Protocols:

  • Allowed Clinton to destroy 33,000 emails from her server despite the fact it had TWO Federal Court Ordered Preservation Orders on that server to Prohibit anyone from doing PRECISELY what they did to it.
  • He then allows Clinton and her staff to turn in their Cell Phones without THE SIM CARDS.
  • He writes an exoneration statement for her months before she is interviewed.
  • He gives her and her entire staff immunity from prosecution.
  • He interviews them but does not allow any recordings of the interviews not any notes. NONE.
  • He allows material witnesses in the room with The Interviewees in clear violation of FBI procedures.
  • He then intentionally oversteps his authority and exonerates Clinton because: "She's too stupid to know what classified information is"
  • He then finds all of the destroyed emails (bleach bitted) on Anthony Weiners laptop, which was an unauthorized device outside the control of The State Department.
  • She lied about that, and lied about how much classified information was on her server and Weiner's Laptop.
  • Comey still does not prosecute Clinton.
This is just a handful of the illegal and unethical things Comey did.

He leaked classified information. He falsified Affidavits in The FISA Court. He knowingly used Russian Propaganda paid for by Clinton and Obama to file False Affidavits and Defraud The FISA Court and hid exculpatory evidence from them to get a fraudulent wire tapping warrant ....he engaged in entrapment......he sent FBI whores to try to seduce his targets in to saying something juicy about Trump.....and on....and on ......and on.

And then when you get to people like Clapper, Brennan, Obama, McCabe, Ohr, Steele, Baker, Strozk, Page, Rice, Lynch, the scandal gets worse, and even more corrupt acts are committed.
I'm certain you'll get her this time.


Hillary belongs in 'Ripley's' for such a long and infamously corrupt/criminal career in which she always got away with her crimes because of her and her husband's wealth, influence-peddling, connections, and power which made people very reluctant or unwilling to hold her accountable (as demonstrated by Page's testimony of how Obama's DOJ was unwilling to pursue a criminal case against her despite the FBI having admitted publicly several times she had broken the law).

While finally bringing her to justice would temporarily provide Americans with the illusion that there is such a thing as 'equal justice' in this country, the 'mandatory NEED' for her to be 'perp-walked', indicted, and sent to prison no longer exists, at least not for me.

I take, great JOY in knowing her #1 life's goal - what she was willing to sell her soul and this country for, becoming PRESIDENT, what she saw as 'ULTIMATE POWER' - was and will forever be denied her.

Hillary KNEW that 2016 was her last shot, that she would never get another one, and she was consumed with winning, with finally achieving that goal, with obtaining that 'Ultimate Power'.

When she lost that night, she SNAPPED. She blamed Trump. She blamed the Russians. She blamed Voters. She blamed the 'vast Right Wing Conspiracy'. She blamed Comey. She blamed Bill. She blamed Obama.

And she, an old, bitter, miserable defeated corrupt / criminal has-been with no more power / no more 'influence' to sell is still out there desperately appearing in front of any camera or microphone who will give her 10 seconds of 'air' time to try to remain relevant and to try to attack anyone and everyone she still blames for HER LOSING.

Personally I would love to keep her out of prison and still pathetically 'making the circuit', wandering around like a pathetic, smelly, slightly mentally unstable, homeless street bum pleading her insane little case while being consumed in sorrow / regret / hate because the voters, the United States voting citizens REJECTED her in 2016.

If she goes to prison, one might get a moment of satisfaction, but when she goes away it goes away. Watching her wither away, struggling against it, is a lot more satisfying.
I'm certain you'll get her this time.


Hillary belongs in 'Ripley's' for such a long and infamously corrupt/criminal career in which she always got away with her crimes because of her and her husband's wealth, influence-peddling, connections, and power which made people very reluctant or unwilling to hold her accountable (as demonstrated by Page's testimony of how Obama's DOJ was unwilling to pursue a criminal case against her despite the FBI having admitted publicly several times she had broken the law).

While finally bringing her to justice would temporarily provide Americans with the illusion that there is such a thing as 'equal justice' in this country, the 'mandatory NEED' for her to be 'perp-walked', indicted, and sent to prison no longer exists, at least not for me.

I take, great JOY in knowing her #1 life's goal - what she was willing to sell her soul and this country for, becoming PRESIDENT, what she saw as 'ULTIMATE POWER' - was and will forever be denied her.

Hillary KNEW that 2016 was her last shot, that she would never get another one, and she was consumed with winning, with finally achieving that goal, with obtaining that 'Ultimate Power'.

When she lost that night, she SNAPPED. She blamed Trump. She blamed the Russians. She blamed Voters. She blamed the 'vast Right Wing Conspiracy'. She blamed Comey. She blamed Bill. She blamed Obama.

And she, an old, bitter, miserable defeated corrupt / criminal has-been with no more power / no more 'influence' to sell is still out there desperately appearing in front of any camera or microphone who will give her 10 seconds of 'air' time to try to remain relevant and to try to attack anyone and everyone she still blames for HER LOSING.

Personally I would love to keep her out of prison and still pathetically 'making the circuit', wandering around like a pathetic, smelly, slightly mentally unstable, homeless street bum pleading her insane little case while being consumed in sorrow / regret / hate because the voters, the United States voting citizens REJECTED her in 2016.

If she goes to prison, one might get a moment of satisfaction, but when she goes away it goes away. Watching her wither away, struggling against it, is a lot more satisfying.

Uh huh.

Obsession? Hardly, As I said, occasionally seeing Hillary resurface - like fat little blind mole popping up out of the ground for a quick 'look' at the world it is out of touch with - makes me smile for a moment. Then, just as quickly, she is 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'.
Obsession? Hardly, As I said, occasionally seeing Hillary resurface - like fat little blind mole popping up out of the ground for a quick 'look' at the world it is out of touch with - makes me smile for a moment. Then, just as quickly, she is 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'.

Nope. Definitely an obsession.
[QUOTE="XponentialChaos, post: 22544310, member: 71065
Nope. Definitely an obsession.[/QUOTE]
Whatever you say, sparky. Who can argue with a snowflake when they decided to speak for you and tell you what you mean / think / say / believe.?! Sometimes it's just better to walk away and let the nice crazy man continue to argue with himself.

Whatever you say, sparky. Who can argue with a snowflake when they decided to speak for you and tell you what you mean / think / say / believe.?! Sometimes it's just better to walk away and let the nice crazy man continue to argue with himself.


You have 27 pages of topics that you've started regarding Hillary Clinton. Here's the first page:

CNN MOCKS Hillary / Hillary Election Loss / Hillary 'Blame Tour'

Hillary's 'Deplorables'

Hillary Blames....

Hillary Testimony

Hillary Aides To Be Used As 'Human Shields' To Protect Hillary?

Countdown To Hillary Pardon

Hillary LOSES....AGAIN

Question for Hillary Supporters:

Hillary is LOSING it: Protestor - 1, Hillary - 0 / 'Meltdown Imminent'

Hillary Clinton's Crimes


Hillary said WHAT?

Following in Hillary's Footsteps...

Good News For Hillary

Anonymous Targets Hillary

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

'Hillary: The Face of the Vanquished'

If Hillary wins the Presidency...

Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Hillary is Officially 'F*ED': Guccifer - 'I hacked Hillary's server'

HIDING HILLARY: Hillary Will NOT Hold A Press Comference Until Elected President

''Grey Lady' Telling Hillary To Shut Up Proves Hillary Is 'Radioactive'

THANK YOU, HILLARY: Hillary - "No one should be too big to faill

Don't Blame The Russians Or Trump - Hillary's team Says it was .... Hillary and her Team!

The Russians Just Pulled A 'Hillary'


Hillary criminal mishandling of Classified

Found: Hillary's Running Mate!

Where is the $6 BILLION, Hillary?

Hillary 'TOO BIG TO JAIL'?!


You're clearly obsessed with her.
Hillary will get justice when she is sentenced to Hell for Eternity.

That is how Evil Works. A lot of Evil People get away with their crimes for decades, but they never escape Hell when their number comes up to be tried for their crimes against God and Humanity.
Obsession? Hardly, As I said, occasionally seeing Hillary resurface - like fat little blind mole popping up out of the ground for a quick 'look' at the world it is out of touch with - makes me smile for a moment. Then, just as quickly, she is 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'.

Nope. Definitely an obsession.
And TDS is what again?

"You guys have Trump Derangement Syndrome because Trump is living in your heads lololololol. Now let's talk about Hillary Clinton some more."

- Conservative Logic
This isn't keystone cops screwing up, this is illegal activities. I don't know the policies for protecting files and CDs, but generally there is evidence of who did what on a computer and who destroyed what physical evidence. How much of that information was digitized and saved on a backup server somewhere? I really hope somebody goes to prison if this story is true.

I worked for the Fed for a time where we sometimes had to close the blinds in a room on the 11th floor to view information projected on a screen so that no one could look in our windows from ACROSS THE STREET (hundreds of feet away, city skyscrapers) with a telescope.

Believe me, the Fed doesn't accidentally lose anything. They don't accidentally destroy anything. No one even gets near a government terminal without being logged in with a special smart-card and certified, and at that, they watch EVERYTHING. You are watched, monitored, timed. And nothing is in only one place without backup. Indeed, the REAL, original source any lost or damaged CD or file is in, is in a giant computer server system off somewhere guarded like their lives depend on it!

Nothing is getting lost or destroyed that someone very high up doesn't WANT lost and destroyed! Trump and Barr have a real situation on their hands!
Obsession? Hardly, As I said, occasionally seeing Hillary resurface - like fat little blind mole popping up out of the ground for a quick 'look' at the world it is out of touch with - makes me smile for a moment. Then, just as quickly, she is 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'.

Nope. Definitely an obsession.
And TDS is what again?

"You guys have Trump Derangement Syndrome because Trump is living in your heads lololololol. Now let's talk about Hillary Clinton some more."

- Conservative Logic
Not at all. Just you bitching people are obsessed is fucking hilarious considering your own obsessions.
Surprise, Surprise....FBI Notes On Clinton E-Mail Investigation 'GO MISSING'

"The FBI has released 277 pages of redacted records that show the FBI failed to produce information from an August 2015 meeting with Intelligence Community Inspector General about Hillary Clinton’s email server. The FBI claimed that notes are “missing” and the CD containing notes from meeting is likely “damaged” irreparably."

For having the reputation as the world's premiere criminal investigative service, the FBI has been exposed as being more equivalent to the Keystone Cops...

Tom Fitton: FBI Notes on Clinton Emails Go Missing

Meh. Sessions and Huber and Q are all over this, or something.

Remember, it's not a crime either when a democrat does it or it's done in order to protect a democrat
Obsession? Hardly, As I said, occasionally seeing Hillary resurface - like fat little blind mole popping up out of the ground for a quick 'look' at the world it is out of touch with - makes me smile for a moment. Then, just as quickly, she is 'out-of-sight-out-of-mind'.

Nope. Definitely an obsession.
And TDS is what again?

"You guys have Trump Derangement Syndrome because Trump is living in your heads lololololol. Now let's talk about Hillary Clinton some more."

- Conservative Logic
Not at all. Just you bitching people are obsessed is fucking hilarious considering your own obsessions.

Yet here you are, talking about Hillary Clinton. Again.

What were you saying about obsessions?

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