Surveillance Footage Shows Nashville Shooter Used a Carbine Which Fires Pistol Rounds, Not an AR-15

Black Panther thugs. Why do you support thugs?

Um, as opposed to what MAGA thugs on January 6th?

These performance artists stood outside one polling place for five minutes before someone called the cops on them and they were arrested.
Um, as opposed to what MAGA thugs on January 6th?

These performance artists stood outside one polling place for five minutes before someone called the cops on them and they were arrested.
The thug said "You're about to be ruled by a Black man". Nice. Why do you support this shit?
Um, as opposed to what MAGA thugs on January 6th?

These performance artists stood outside one polling place for five minutes before someone called the cops on them and they were arrested.
Stop lying...nobody was arrested by the police that day...and obama's doj made sure any case against them was dismissed.

Two members of the New Black Panther Party, Minister King Samir Shabazz, and Jerry Jackson, stood in front of the entrance to the polling station in uniforms that have been described as military or paramilitary.[5][6] Minister King Samir Shabazz carried a billy club, and is reported to have pointed it at voters while both men shouted racial slurs,[7] including phrases such as "white devil" and "you're about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."[8]

The incident drew the attention of police, who around 10:00 am, sent King Samir away in part because of his billy club. Jackson was allowed to stay.
poll watchers witnessed some voters approach the polls and then turn away, apparently in response to the New Black Panther Party members.
The Department of Justice became aware of the Election Day incident and started an inquiry. In January 2009, less than two weeks before the Bush Administration left office, the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice filed a civil suit under the Voting Rights Act against four defendants, including Shabazz
In April 2009 Bartle Bull, a former civil rights lawyer who was serving as a poll watcher at the polling station where the incident occurred, submitted an affidavit at the Department of Justice's request supporting the lawsuit, stating that he considered it to have been the most severe instance of voter intimidation he had ever encountered.[7]

When none of the defendants who were charged appeared in court to answer the charges, the career attorneys pursuing the lawsuit assumed that they would win it by default. However the move to pursue a default judgment was overruled by two of their line superiors, Loretta King, who was acting Assistant Attorney General, and Steve Rosenbaum, Acting Deputy Assistant Attorney General.
Democrats play dumb when confronted with this shit.
Oh, this is where we disagree. They don't "play dumb" - the reality is the Dembots are pure cultist....they are dumb to reality and only believe and follow what the Demafascist propagandist tell them
And you are guilty of at least one of the 9 year olds that died in the last shooting. Stand up and take credit for it instead of lying about it.
Why would I be guilty? But, back to your red flag law claim, it would not have applied if they had a red flag law there. The parents knew she had one gun and told her to sell it. As far as they knew, she got rid of the gun and they did not know she got several others. So, the parents would not have used the red flag law and you have no proof that ANYONE knowing her, would have.
I think it goes to the "You don't shit where you eat." philosophy. The minute some Ammosexual shoots up a gun show, that would be the end of gun shows.
Bullshit. The over whelming majority of mass shootings are done in gun free zones . Face it you loons don't want real solutions. You want bans and confiscations.

Luckily I live in an area that if you loons get your way the local law enforcement here will tell you to take your unconstitutional laws and shove them up your asses. They will not get enforced.
Why would I be guilty? But, back to your red flag law claim, it would not have applied if they had a red flag law there. The parents knew she had one gun and told her to sell it. As far as they knew, she got rid of the gun and they did not know she got several others. So, the parents would not have used the red flag law and you have no proof that ANYONE knowing her, would have.

She owns one gun but actually owns 7. Her parents tell her to sell it. She's 28, an adult and her parents have no hold on her.

She is under mental help which her Doctor would know that she was dangerous. But, again, she's 28 and an adult.

So, with a good solid Red Flag Law, the Parents would not only suggest that she sell the one gun they knew about but get with the shrink and a judge to secure whatever other weapons she might have access to until it can be determined that the dangers have passed.

You keep making excuses and they keep murdering en mass and all are using the same weapon. If you won't take the weapon away one way, take it away another way. Otherwise, you may just as well be reloading that AR for them so they can get even more children murdered.
Bullshit. The over whelming majority of mass shootings are done in gun free zones . Face it you loons don't want real solutions. You want bans and confiscations.
Yes, that would be nice. If you are telling me you can't accept any standards, then we don't have much of a choice.

Or you could do the sensible thing and say, "Hey, maybe Adam Lanza doesn't need enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse!"

Luckily I live in an area that if you loons get your way the local law enforcement here will tell you to take your unconstitutional laws and shove them up your asses. They will not get enforced.
I guess... but it was never the plan to start with.
She owns one gun but actually owns 7. Her parents tell her to sell it. She's 28, an adult and her parents have no hold on her.

She is under mental help which her Doctor would know that she was dangerous. But, again, she's 28 and an adult.

So, with a good solid Red Flag Law, the Parents would not only suggest that she sell the one gun they knew about but get with the shrink and a judge to secure whatever other weapons she might have access to until it can be determined that the dangers have passed.

You keep making excuses and they keep murdering en mass and all are using the same weapon. If you won't take the weapon away one way, take it away another way. Otherwise, you may just as well be reloading that AR for them so they can get even more children murdered.
Who would have reported her so that the red flag law could happen? No one. Her parents didn't know she had guns. No one else would have reported her either. It would have still happened.
Who would have reported her so that the red flag law could happen? No one. Her parents didn't know she had guns. No one else would have reported her either. It would have still happened.

If her parents knew she had the guns, they might have taken action. YOu know, if they actually did a background check that involved interviewing people.
Yes, that would be nice. If you are telling me you can't accept any standards, then we don't have much of a choice.

Or you could do the sensible thing and say, "Hey, maybe Adam Lanza doesn't need enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse!"

I guess... but it was never the plan to start with.
It was always the plan most of the mouth breathing left are to stupid to realise it and never learn from history. The 2nd Amendment is clear and I will never give up my rights.
It was always the plan most of the mouth breathing left are to stupid to realise it and never learn from history. The 2nd Amendment is clear and I will never give up my rights.

Americans are sick of watching their kids being wheeled out of schools in body bags.... so your cooperation isn't necessary.
Who would have reported her so that the red flag law could happen? No one. Her parents didn't know she had guns. No one else would have reported her either. It would have still happened.

Stop trying to rewrite history. Her Parents knew she had at least one gun since they suggested that she sell it.. It starts with a family member or a doctor. In this case either one would have been enough.

I am not trying to completely stop mass shootings, only minimizing the body counts. You want to up the body counts.
Americans are sick of watching their kids being wheeled out of schools in body bags.... so your cooperation isn't necessary.
I have provided a workable solution without stomping on the peoples rights. You and your ilk do not give a shit about children's safety all you want is bans and confiscations. Unless you are one of the dumb asses who believe unconstitutional laws will actually stop gun violence.
I have provided a workable solution without stomping on the peoples rights. You and your ilk do not give a shit about children's safety all you want is bans and confiscations. Unless you are one of the dumb asses who believe unconstitutional laws will actually stop gun violence.

Sure they will.

because they work just fine in the rest of the industrialized world.
Sure they will.

because they work just fine in the rest of the industrialized world.
The rest of the world never had a Constitutional right to bear arms. There is also the fact that many of those countries have either been invaded or had tyrannical governments that committed mass murder after disarming the population. Shit that will never happen in the US because of the 2nd Amendment.
The rest of the world never had a Constitutional right to bear arms. There is also the fact that many of those countries have either been invaded or had tyrannical governments that committed mass murder after disarming the population. Shit that will never happen in the US because of the 2nd Amendment.

Until you and your other gunnutters stop with this crap the mass murder of our children will continue. You are MAGAing the mass shooters.
Until you and your other gunnutters stop with this crap the mass murder of our children will continue. You are MAGAing the mass shooters.
As I have pointed out before Israel had a shooting back in the 70's they installed armed guards in schools and have had two incidents since. It's a working solution that doesn't shit all over law abiding citizens constitutional rights. The majority of mass shootings are committed with illegal handguns by gang members trying to kill other gangbangers, but you loons are fixated on specific semi-automatic rifles, why is that ?

You are either one of the morons who have been duped into believing bans and confiscations will keep you safe or you are smart and know that no gun law will stop anyone with criminal intent your just using tragedies as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

What the fuck does MAGA have to do with mass shooters ?

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