Surveillance Footage Shows Nashville Shooter Used a Carbine Which Fires Pistol Rounds, Not an AR-15

The rest of the world never had a Constitutional right to bear arms. There is also the fact that many of those countries have either been invaded or had tyrannical governments that committed mass murder after disarming the population. Shit that will never happen in the US because of the 2nd Amendment.

Uh, first, we had mass murder in this country. Just ask the Native Americans.

Germany had extensive private gun ownership before WWII. Not one German rushed out with his gun and said to the SS, "You can't take Goldstein, he's my friend!"

When the US rounded up Japanese Americans, not one American rushed out with his gun and said, "You can't take Ito, he's my friend!"

Guns don't protect you from Government.

As I have pointed out before Israel had a shooting back in the 70's they installed armed guards in schools and have had two incidents since. It's a working solution that doesn't shit all over law abiding citizens constitutional rights. The majority of mass shootings are committed with illegal handguns by gang members trying to kill other gangbangers, but you loons are fixated on specific semi-automatic rifles, why is that ?

Again, the Zionist Entity is an Apartheid Police State that has to struggle every day to keep half their population from killing the other half, because if you ever allowed all the Palestinians to vote, Israel would be abolished. So that's not a good example.

You are either one of the morons who have been duped into believing bans and confiscations will keep you safe or you are smart and know that no gun law will stop anyone with criminal intent your just using tragedies as an excuse to disarm law abiding citizens.

Except this never happens in the UK, Germany, Italy, France, or Japan. Why do you think this is?

If her parents knew she had the guns, they might have taken action. YOu know, if they actually did a background check that involved interviewing people.
LOL. So, you want to conduct interviews on everyone buying a gun? How utterly and totally stupid. Please show me the legislation Democrats propose that would require doing interviews on everyone buying a gun.
Stop trying to rewrite history. Her Parents knew she had at least one gun since they suggested that she sell it.. It starts with a family member or a doctor. In this case either one would have been enough.

I am not trying to completely stop mass shootings, only minimizing the body counts. You want to up the body counts.
Her parents knew she had one gun and they told her to get rid of it and they thought she did. So, they would not have used a red flag law because, as far as they knew, she had no guns. Quit trying to rewrite history.
She owns one gun but actually owns 7. Her parents tell her to sell it. She's 28, an adult and her parents have no hold on her.

She is under mental help which her Doctor would know that she was dangerous. But, again, she's 28 and an adult.

So, with a good solid Red Flag Law, the Parents would not only suggest that she sell the one gun they knew about but get with the shrink and a judge to secure whatever other weapons she might have access to until it can be determined that the dangers have passed.

You keep making excuses and they keep murdering en mass and all are using the same weapon. If you won't take the weapon away one way, take it away another way. Otherwise, you may just as well be reloading that AR for them so they can get even more children murdered.

^^^Told ya. The fascists want to take ALL our guns, not just the "scary" ones. Don't let them do it.

The INSTANT the fascists have our guns, they will kick off the next Holocaust.
Her parents knew she had one gun and they told her to get rid of it and they thought she did. So, they would not have used a red flag law because, as far as they knew, she had no guns. Quit trying to rewrite history.

When they found out she had the gun they could have used a red flag law to get it removed and put into their custody. That would also have meant that the authorities would have inspected her home finding the 6 other guns. You can make excuses all you want but just stand up and take the blame for those deaths like a good little MAGAt.
When they found out she had the gun they could have used a red flag law to get it removed and put into their custody. That would also have meant that the authorities would have inspected her home finding the 6 other guns. You can make excuses all you want but just stand up and take the blame for those deaths like a good little MAGAt.
That's just your wishful thinking. When the parents found out she had a gun they told her to get rid of it, which they believed she did, so, there would have been no reason for them to report a red flag law.
LOL. So, you want to conduct interviews on everyone buying a gun? How utterly and totally stupid. Please show me the legislation Democrats propose that would require doing interviews on everyone buying a gun.
Oh, I think the Democrats are just as cowardly as Republicans are.

Her parents knew she had one gun and they told her to get rid of it and they thought she did. So, they would not have used a red flag law because, as far as they knew, she had no guns. Quit trying to rewrite history.

Well, since TN doesn't have a red flag law, they couldn't have called for one anyway.
Oh, I think the Democrats are just as cowardly as Republicans are.

Well, since TN doesn't have a red flag law, they couldn't have called for one anyway.
I was responding to another poster who said the shooting would not have happened if TN had a red flag law. I was pointing out to them that the shooting would have still happened, despite red flag laws and despite an assault weapons ban.
The weapon in question is a Kel Tec Sub-2000 (2nd gen) 9mm with a G17 Glock grip. The PCC (pistol caliber carbine) was pictured with a 33 round Glock mag.

I have a couple. I prefer the 17 round Glock mags with a +2 extension.

View attachment 770785
Will it blow a lung right out of the body?


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That's just your wishful thinking. When the parents found out she had a gun they told her to get rid of it, which they believed she did, so, there would have been no reason for them to report a red flag law.

Go ahead, make excuses and more and more children die every day. Maybe the mass shooters can convince you to hold them still since they may move around too much and be too hard to hit.
Go ahead, make excuses and more and more children die every day. Maybe the mass shooters can convince you to hold them still since they may move around too much and be too hard to hit.
I'm stating the facts of this particular case. Neither red flag laws or assault weapons bans would have prevented the Nashville shooting.
Americans are sick of watching their kids being wheeled out of schools in body bags.... so your cooperation isn't necessary.
How many kids have been killed in 2023 in school shootings?

How many kids have died in car accidents?

How many kids have drowned in pools?
I'm stating the facts of this particular case. Neither red flag laws or assault weapons bans would have prevented the Nashville shooting.

1. Assault Weapon Ban would have meant that she could not have purchased an AR. Her intention was for maximum body count. But she was so inept that she could only bag 6. Had she been unable to purchase an "assault" style rifle, the body count may not have changed since she is so inept. But chances are, it would have been less. The ONLY handgun mass shooter in the last 20 years with a high body count was done by a Combat Marine. Imagine what he could have done with 3 ARs and a band of MAGs. Again, we are not out to stop the mass shootings, we are just out to make them harder to get a high body count and frequency.

Red Flag Laws certainly would have prevented this had her Mother and Doctor approached a Judge and had ALL her weapons seized and prevented her from purchasing any replacements.

The facts are, you love you AR more than you do children. Actually, your love of children may stem from needing more for target practice.
1. Assault Weapon Ban would have meant that she could not have purchased an AR. Her intention was for maximum body count. But she was so inept that she could only bag 6. Had she been unable to purchase an "assault" style rifle, the body count may not have changed since she is so inept. But chances are, it would have been less. The ONLY handgun mass shooter in the last 20 years with a high body count was done by a Combat Marine. Imagine what he could have done with 3 ARs and a band of MAGs. Again, we are not out to stop the mass shootings, we are just out to make them harder to get a high body count and frequency.

Red Flag Laws certainly would have prevented this had her Mother and Doctor approached a Judge and had ALL her weapons seized and prevented her from purchasing any replacements.

The facts are, you love you AR more than you do children. Actually, your love of children may stem from needing more for target practice.

A semi auto handgun would have accomplished as much, if not more. 🤦‍♂️
So it wasn't an AR-15 type, just a carbine using pistol rounds.

Surveillance photographs and video footage shows the 28-year-old transgender suspect who attacked the Nashville Christian school was using a carbine which fires pistol rounds, not an AR-15.
The 28-year-old was armed with three firearms, and police photos of the guns show that an AR-15 was not one them.
The firearms were an AR-pistol, a handgun, and a carbine. The type of carbine possessed by the attacker uses 9mm or .40 caliber handgun rounds.
From surveillance video, it appears the attacker may have used the AR-pistol to shoot and shatter the glass on the front door. But in photos and videos that show her walking the halls, looking for potential targets, she is holding the carbine.
She can be seen holding the carbine in the following video as she approaches the school office:
NPR reported that the attacker used a handgun and “two AR-style guns,” but she did not. She had a carbine — which is not an “AR-style” gun — an AR-pistol, and a handgun.

So what?
A semi auto handgun would have accomplished as much, if not more. 🤦‍♂️

Sure. With the shooter know what they were doing. The Combat Marine in CA did an upwards of 60 with a single handgun. But she wasn't a shooter. She was just a fruitcake with a gun.

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