Survivor. Are you watching?

Well the opening episode was kind of interesting. I wonder if they are going to stay with the 90-minute format? Actually I thought Zane was going to be one of the most interesting characters so was surprised, and disappointed, that he was the first to go.

Was reading that it is generally the men who are the most compelling or interesting characters. For some reason it is the rare woman who manages to be really memorable which it is why it is so seldom that they bring a woman back for multiple episodes. I'm thinking about that.

But I'll be watching this season.

I've been in love with Lisa since the Mickey Mouse Club

Yes, she could be memorable, but based on the previews last night, she may be too much outside the inner circle of her tribe and could be out fairly soon. We'll hope not. She is still unmistakably "Blair" isn't she. :)
Well the opening episode was kind of interesting. I wonder if they are going to stay with the 90-minute format? Actually I thought Zane was going to be one of the most interesting characters so was surprised, and disappointed, that he was the first to go.

Was reading that it is generally the men who are the most compelling or interesting characters. For some reason it is the rare woman who manages to be really memorable which it is why it is so seldom that they bring a woman back for multiple episodes. I'm thinking about that.

But I'll be watching this season.

I've been in love with Lisa since the Mickey Mouse Club

Yes, she could be memorable, but based on the previews last night, she may be too much outside the inner circle of her tribe and could be out fairly soon. We'll hope not. She is still unmistakably "Blair" isn't she. :)

As a (almost) middle-aged woman with Christian values and manners, she won't last long.

I met her when we were both teens. She was in a movie called The Double McGuffin(sp) they were filming in Savannah where I went to school.
A grounded and humble person.
I've been in love with Lisa since the Mickey Mouse Club

Yes, she could be memorable, but based on the previews last night, she may be too much outside the inner circle of her tribe and could be out fairly soon. We'll hope not. She is still unmistakably "Blair" isn't she. :)

As a (almost) middle-aged woman with Christian values and manners, she won't last long.

I met her when we were both teens. She was in a movie called The Double McGuffin(sp) they were filming in Savannah where I went to school.
A grounded and humble person.

Yes, I've read that she is a genuinely down to Earth and good person. And as she expressed last night, she has been out of the entertainment business long enough that, coupled with the 2008 market crash, she has little of the immense wealth enjoyed by most prominent entertainers and actors/actresses. Certainly the character "Blair" was not anything like the real life Lisa.

Ah well. I have long given up trying to second guess how Survivor or any of the shows like this will go. I'm almost never right. :)
I get SO mad when I hear the losers talking about voting out "So&So" because their "the biggest threat".

Dumbasses! They need these strong players to SURVIVE out there.
Kepp 'em...use 'em....THEN kick 'em out!
I get SO mad when I hear the losers talking about voting out "So&So" because their "the biggest threat".

Dumbasses! They need these strong players to SURVIVE out there.
Kepp 'em...use 'em....THEN kick 'em out!

There are dynamics to be considered indeed. If you have the strongest tribe physically and creatively, you will likely win challenges and won't have to kick folks out, at least for many weeks. If you form a strong alliance, you don't have to worry about being voted out when you lose. But if you tick people off or are so unethical that you incur their disrespect, even if you make it to the end, you won't survive the jury vote.

It is obvious that much of the sea life or reptiles or birds, etc. at location are off limits to the tribes, and in earlier seasons, I could appreciate that the game isn't worth putting people's health into jeopardy by forcing prolonged starvation. I wish they could negotiate with the host country that the tribes could hunt and eat ANYTHING they could catch and kill out there and make it a true test of survival. But otherwise, I don't object to the tribes being provided some food.
Modern "Survivor" :)

I usually have trouble keeping two tribes straight but with three there's less in each tribe so maybe it won't be as confusing. Who knows. Russell is the black guy who is back from leaving early from a previous game, right? I remember liking him before and that he didn't want to be leader he was just kind of voted in to the job. So why is he 'leading' his tribe this time when he said he wouldn't? Dumb. He got lucky that Zane was dopey enough to say 'vote me out, I'm a lug' and they did. It always amazes me that people try out for this show and don't get into some kind of shape before being on and for the love of God people, learn to make a fire without a kit or flint, like Russell's tribe did.

I don't recall Russell being such an ass last time. That was bullshit how he ordered the girls to do the puzzle, and I think he should have been voted off...but Zane got way too cocky, so he deserved it too.
Best survivor line ever....

"It a BOOBY trap" lol

I liked this one.

Oh, you’ve done it this time, Probst. Sitting there all cool, in your jungle-casual gear. Putting contestants on notice with your “thoughts” and “opinions.” WELL, I’M PUTTING YOU ON NOTICE, PROBST! Because nobody — nobody — openly mocks the power of cookies. You thought you were being so clever at Tribal Council by asking poor Angie what she would change about her tribe, and then had the absolute audacity to belittle her response of “that we could have cookies.”

'Survivor: Philippines' episode 2 TV recap | Season 25 Episode 02 |
I don't know who is blonder .... the blond boobie chick or Malcolm. What dopes.

So far this season is not holding my interest, it's a snooze-fest. I'll give it a few more episodes and if it doesn't get any better, I'm out.
The tribe is now down two in the downsized tribe demographic due to there being three tribes rather than two. Again they chose to vote out a physically stronger person rather than the obvious weaker one. Though I can see how they would resent Roxy who went into the challenge claiming to be dehydrated. And that would be frustrating to team members who needed everybody to be 100%.

So far there is no strong interesting character or dynamics emerging to put me into a "I can't wait to see what happens next" mode, but I will keep watching.
Roxy's comment about essentially being unprepared for the competition was ironic considering how she mocked them for acting like what they did around the camp was more important than being ready for the comps. To her, her only job was to be ready for comps and then she whiffled.
I don't know who is blonder .... the blond boobie chick or Malcolm. What dopes.

So far this season is not holding my interest, it's a snooze-fest. I'll give it a few more episodes and if it doesn't get any better, I'm out.

I love those two, they're as cute as stupid little buttons.. :D

Hilarious, I like either the super strategists and/or the really dumb ones. The ones in the average middle are boring to me. I hope Angie and Malcolm stick around awhile, they won't end up winning anything.

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