Sweeping the Forrest?

Do you know how fast a beetle-borer dead pine goes up? Like gas was poured on it.

We cut one down at my friends and he had this dumbass from his work there. My friend starts playing around, flicking the lighter near the pine. Dumbass from his job goes "That'll never burn, it's too green." Hah! I knew what was coming next. He put the lighter to it for real the next time, and the whole pile was gone in 20 mins.

My friend with the lighter has burnt down acres. We used to call him Burny McBurnington. He was looking at me while flicking the lighter. I knew what was gonna happen, especially after dipshit challenged him.

You're gonna count that word-salad bullshit as a credible link? GFY with that!

"1,000 individuals stay listed as lacking within the worst-ever wildfire to hit the US state."

"Lacking within"...WTF?!

"killing dozens if not tons of of individuals and burning a whole city to the bottom?"

Again, What in the fucking fuck?!

"Trump instructed reporters as he posed with California officers within the charred ruins of Paradise — his first cease on the tour."

"cease on the tour"? Gah!

Trump suggests Californians can rake their forests to forestall wildfires. (He's mistaken.) - US - Gazette Star

^Oh Journalism, where art Thou? :( You're outta your fucking head if you think that world-salad, foreign language translated "Orange Man Bad" farce is supposed to be credible. :uhoh3::cuckoo:

Phake NOOOZ!
"Orange Man Bad"

I love it, thanks for the laugh!

Manbearpig reincarnated!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
As someone who lives in a forest in CA (the other day there was a 20-acre fire only several miles from me which thankfully got extinguished very quickly) , these liberal miscreants are too stupid, too pig-ignorant, to understand that cleaning/managing the forest of piles of dead material is 100% vital to preventing forest fires. Hell, everyone who lives in the woods know this instinctively! I'll bet these brain-addled liberal dullards who mock "sweeping out the forests" live in big city concrete jungles and haven't been in the woods in ages.
As someone who lives in a forest in CA (the other day there was a 20-acre fire only several miles from me which thankfully got extinguished very quickly) , these liberal miscreants are too stupid, too pig-ignorant, to understand that cleaning/managing the forest of piles of dead material is 100% vital to preventing forest fires. Hell, everyone who lives in the woods know this instinctively! I'll bet these brain-addled liberal dullards who mock "sweeping out the forests" live in big city concrete jungles and haven't been in the woods in ages.
Everyone knows leaves can blow in the wind. Very important to rake all leaves.
As someone who lives in a forest in CA (the other day there was a 20-acre fire only several miles from me which thankfully got extinguished very quickly) , these liberal miscreants are too stupid, too pig-ignorant, to understand that cleaning/managing the forest of piles of dead material is 100% vital to preventing forest fires. Hell, everyone who lives in the woods know this instinctively! I'll bet these brain-addled liberal dullards who mock "sweeping out the forests" live in big city concrete jungles and haven't been in the woods in ages.
Everyone knows leaves can blow in the wind. Very important to rake all leaves.
commercial blowers work wonders.

You're gonna count that word-salad bullshit as a credible link? GFY with that!

"1,000 individuals stay listed as lacking within the worst-ever wildfire to hit the US state."

"Lacking within"...WTF?!

"killing dozens if not tons of of individuals and burning a whole city to the bottom?"

Again, What in the fucking fuck?!

"Trump instructed reporters as he posed with California officers within the charred ruins of Paradise — his first cease on the tour."

"cease on the tour"? Gah!

Trump suggests Californians can rake their forests to forestall wildfires. (He's mistaken.) - US - Gazette Star

^Oh Journalism, where art Thou? :( You're outta your fucking head if you think that world-salad, foreign language translated "Orange Man Bad" farce is supposed to be credible. :uhoh3::cuckoo:

Phake NOOOZ!
"Orange Man Bad"

I love it, thanks for the laugh!

Manbearpig reincarnated!!! :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

:eusa_naughty: I've been accused of that, but no. I have seen him a couple times, he can lay it on thicker than I would ever dare to.
You may not live in a city but you by no means live in the Forest. As a typical retarded republican tDrumpster, you haven't been to a real wilderness in years.
Drive down your lane into your little house and think you live int he Forest. Not a chance.
When you go out and really try to exist in the Forest. Tell us what is is like
Oh and maybe you non-believers in science, you may want to check out what happens to pine needles when they are affected by extreme heat. Like the heat that is created by a FIRE .
Nice try pretending you are a "forest" dweller.

As someone who lives in a forest in CA (the other day there was a 20-acre fire only several miles from me which thankfully got extinguished very quickly) , these liberal miscreants are too stupid, too pig-ignorant, to understand that cleaning/managing the forest of piles of dead material is 100% vital to preventing forest fires. Hell, everyone who lives in the woods know this instinctively! I'll bet these brain-addled liberal dullards who mock "sweeping out the forests" live in big city concrete jungles and haven't been in the woods in ages.
Walk in the Forest.
Like a few hundred yards off the road.
Or from your ATV.
Nice try dumb-ass you sycophant.

LOOK it is another stupid dumb-ass.One of the biggest of them all.

Get off your lazy f*cking ass and go out in the wilderness.
Don't drive in your vehicle, get of your fat *ss and walk a few miles into a true wilderness.
Then get back and tell us what you noticed.
Or, like "the gropenfheurer" you will tell us all you know by pure conjecture; a.k.a. as bull sh*t.:bigboy:

Liberals screw up the forests, then deflect by mocking Trump.

"You can't make fire cuts and burn off the underbrush, trees have feelings." -Leftist treehugging moonbats.

Here snowflake.

As Trump toured the Skyway Villa Mobile Home and RV Park his comments caused controversy. Just as he did in the days after the fire began, he again blamed forest management:

“I’m committed to make sure that we get all of this cleaned out and protected. You know have to take care of the floors, you know the floors of the forest. It’s very important. You look at other countries where they do it differently and it’s a whole different story. I was with the President of Finland and he said… we are a forest nation. He called it a forest nation and they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don’t have any problem. And when it is it’s a very small problem. So I know everyone is looking to that end and it’s going to work out well.”

Donald Trump Visits Areas Destroyed By Fires, Again Blames Forest Management - News & Guts Media

Hell, this is a video of him making the statement but butt-licking snowflakes like you wouldn't understand unless "the gropenfhuerer" himself said it right to your face.

Moonbats stopped proper forest management, so when it went, it all went.

I bet your dumbass doesn't even know what a firecut is.

Hey dumbass, I do walk miles into the woods. I bowhunt.

However, forests are fairly well-managed here. :eek:

I notice firecuts and areas that have had underbrush burned off and trees thinned out. :eek:
Liberals screw up the forests, then deflect by mocking Trump.

"You can't make fire cuts and burn off the underbrush, trees have feelings." -Leftist treehugging moonbats.

Here snowflake.

As Trump toured the Skyway Villa Mobile Home and RV Park his comments caused controversy. Just as he did in the days after the fire began, he again blamed forest management:

“I’m committed to make sure that we get all of this cleaned out and protected. You know have to take care of the floors, you know the floors of the forest. It’s very important. You look at other countries where they do it differently and it’s a whole different story. I was with the President of Finland and he said… we are a forest nation. He called it a forest nation and they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don’t have any problem. And when it is it’s a very small problem. So I know everyone is looking to that end and it’s going to work out well.”

Donald Trump Visits Areas Destroyed By Fires, Again Blames Forest Management - News & Guts Media

Hell, this is a video of him making the statement but butt-licking snowflakes like you wouldn't understand unless "the gropenfhuerer" himself said it right to your face.

Moonbats stopped proper forest management, so when it went, it all went.

I bet your dumbass doesn't even know what a firecut is.

Or a prescribed burn or what a rake and shovel are used for.
Maybe we can take all those people in the caravan and get them a job as forest sweepers
Call me crazy, but today I "swept" my yard clean of leaves, needles and debris. I used to think it was a good system of maintenance and fire prevention, but I'm starting to see things the liberal way, it's a wasted effort.
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Call me crazy, but today I "swept" my yard clean of leaves, needles and debris. I used to think because it was a good system of maintenance and fire prevention, but I'm starting to see things the liberal way, it's a wasted effort.
Crooked Donnie will be proud of you

Of course, he has never raked a leaf in his life
Call me crazy, but today I "swept" my yard clean of leaves, needles and debris. I used to think because it was a good system of maintenance and fire prevention, but I'm starting to see things the liberal way, it's a wasted effort.
Crooked Donnie will be proud of you

Of course, he has never raked a leaf in his life

I don't rake leaves. That's for people who waste time, money and space. Ha!.....Alright, sometimes I do, if they're underneath something.......Blower and lawn mower is the ticket. Three tree's worth into a single garbage can, they're somewhat mature trees, and one is a maple. If only the pines didn't take up so much space.

But never again. I've come to realize it's foolish to clean up debris, Trump's an idiot.
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You may not live in a city but you by no means live in the Forest. As a typical retarded republican tDrumpster, you haven't been to a real wilderness in years.
Drive down your lane into your little house and think you live int he Forest. Not a chance.
When you go out and really try to exist in the Forest. Tell us what is is like
Oh and maybe you non-believers in science, you may want to check out what happens to pine needles when they are affected by extreme heat. Like the heat that is created by a FIRE .
Nice try pretending you are a "forest" dweller.

As someone who lives in a forest in CA (the other day there was a 20-acre fire only several miles from me which thankfully got extinguished very quickly) , these liberal miscreants are too stupid, too pig-ignorant, to understand that cleaning/managing the forest of piles of dead material is 100% vital to preventing forest fires. Hell, everyone who lives in the woods know this instinctively! I'll bet these brain-addled liberal dullards who mock "sweeping out the forests" live in big city concrete jungles and haven't been in the woods in ages.

GO FUCK YOURSELF, you jaw-dropping piece of fucking SHIT!!! I have spent ALL 45 years of my life living within a few miles of California's Big Basin state park which features the oldest, most 4000 year old redwood trees on Earth, outside a little town called Boulder Creek, you putrid, prickless, treasonously-America-hating liberal cocksucking maggot. Fuck you and every fucked-up chromosome in every cell of your body, you bubonic-plague-spreading sewer rat. YOU are the pompous ass who knows NOTHING about forest-fire management, you liberal INSECT. Like EVERY liberal fuckbag troll here, you are an evil pathologial liar on whom I wish cancer. You LYING fuckbag. Yes, I live a couple of miles outside of Boulder Creek, CA, on the highway to Big Basin State Park, you mess-sewer.
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Not sure if this is posted yet.

Please watch from 4:44...Trump's rambling nonsensical blather is just embarrassing. Plus, we know he made most of it up.

This guy is both hilarious and pathetic.

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