Sweeping the Forrest?

Trump said some stupid shit today about the Finnish President telling him that "forrest sweeping" is what keeps Finnish forests from burning.

The problem?

It never happened. The Finnish President says he made no such statement

Trump just lies...constantly.

No wonder he can't sit down with Mueller
Having lived over there I discovered that Germany manicures their forests. They have forest Rangers that are paid by the cities to clean up dead fall. Driving through the forests is an experience because they are the cleanest woods I've ever seen. So what Trump said was true. They clean the forest to prevent fires and deseases.
----------------------------- my DAD said similar as he hoofed it through those woods in ww2 in France MWhistle .
i don't know what the 'Finlander' said but the concept of cleaning , sweeping , raking up the forest of dead wood and debri certainly makes a lotta sense .
Then why didn’t trump order that he done on federal lands in California before this massive fire?
------------------------------- don't know for sure but i think that he ASSUMED that USA Forest Service manages the Forests Faun .
So when it comes to trump, the buck stops there, is that what you’re saying?
i think that the Forests are managed by the Forest Management Employees and some bigshot forest managers [expurts] . Paradise was a feck up because of poor forest management by those expurts in my opinion . Personally i think that these fires are ALLOWED by design by that Forest Service as they then blame and push the concept of 'global warming' Faun .
Trump said he would release his taxes and that he would not ban the press.
He never said he would release his taxes as long as he's being audited.
And he did not ban the press. He simply kicked out one asshole for being disrespectful and causing a disruption.
Yes, he said he would “absolutely” release them. He only added the audit excuse, which doesn’t actually prevent him from releasing them, after he decided he didn’t want America to see his tax returns.
i think that the Forests are managed by the Forest Management Employees and some bigshot forest managers [expurts] . Paradise was a feck up because of poor forest management by those expurts in my opinion . Personally i think that these fires are ALLOWED by design by that Forest Service as they then blame and push the concept of 'global warming' Faun .
from what i understand , TRUMP doesn't need to release his tax returns and i hope that he doesn't as he laughs at YOU Lefties Faun .
from what i understand , TRUMP doesn't need to release his tax returns and i hope that he doesn't as he laughs at YOU Lefties Faun .

Cracks me up watching you righties cheer on a president to lie to Americans.
Trump said some stupid shit today about the Finnish President telling him that "forrest sweeping" is what keeps Finnish forests from burning.

The problem?

It never happened. The Finnish President says he made no such statement

Trump just lies...constantly.

No wonder he can't sit down with Mueller
Ahem, Patrick Gonzalez, principal climate change scientist with the U.S. National Park Service, said “a century of suppressing wildfires has built up fuel in forests.” When all fires are suppressed, smaller, more frequent fires can’t clear out dead trees and underbrush. The result is accumulated flammable biomass that eventually explodes into unmanageable conflagrations.
Oh gee, another "Trump hurt my butt in 2016, Orange man bad" thread. ... #367646787654567 to be exact.

How fresh and exciting! Not.

Liberals screw up the forests, then deflect by mocking Trump.

"You can't make fire cuts and burn off the underbrush, trees have feelings." -Leftist treehugging moonbats.

Bro west coast liberals passed laws protecting trees from homeowners, they can be fined thousands of dollars if they dare cut down a tree on their own property.

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