Sweet Victory For Earth Is The Destruction Of Religion.

There was an episode of South Park that revealed the truth. If atheists ever did manage to kill off all religion, they would break up into factions and start killing off each other.

Despite your pathetic attempt at trying to make your delusions the issue, It is not the religious that need to die, it is religion that needs to die in case your brain really is way too small to realize something so simple all by yourself.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

Another one who's brain you have weighed and measured. Can you enlighten us to your own brain's size and weight. Baffle us.
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

Before getting too full of yourself for revealing things that will blow people's minds, remember that you wont be saying anything that others haven't said for thousands of years. There are no new ideas, and because of how old religion is, and how it is indeed all based on lies, anything we might think to say about it has been said already.

Jesus said to look at the fruit to judge the tree.

Christianity has had its problems, but in the modern world, no other idea inspires more charity than Christianity.

In my town, Catholic Charities feeds hundreds of homeless every night, and gives them a warm place to sleep when it is cold.

I don't see atheism inspiring that kind of selfless dedication to others.

On the contrary, the fruits of atheism seem to be unhappiness, intolerance, and hate.

Look at the way this forum's atheists behave, or any other forum's atheists.

Look at the lawsuits they are constantly launching against Christians.

Look at the way atheists have behaved when they controlled countries like Russia, China or Cuba.

Or look at the terrors of the French Revolution.

You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.

Yeah, peace and joy coming from an angry, self-hating zealot. You folks are just fountains of peace and joy.

I just nailed them with this Hollie:

Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!! Not to mention you evade contesting the factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the video proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity (which in your case proves that there is no such thing as a god) Then you come here trying to make your lies and deceptions the issue painting a bunch of liars and deceivers who's lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years as some sort of acceptable example to follow.

Jesus Christs lies not only lead to his own death but to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and here you are talking about this guy like he is something to pride yourself on like bearing such shame and humility means nothing to you because your ignorant bubble is all that matters to you for now. That sis until I get through to everyone. How does it feel knowing that you value lies more than human life?

Oh right, according to you non religious are just suppose to embrace such filthy lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Not only that but it was the Christians that glorified a murderer of children and called him Santa Clause. Now kids have this sick murderers name all over presents and they are all fooled like a bunch of dumb vulnerable tarts to think that Santa Clause the child murderer was / is a good person who goes out of their way to help children instead of killing them to perpetuate his own immortality.

The Christians put a murderer of children on a pedestal and you have a hard time understanding why people are so disgusted with Christianity.

Back in the days after the fall of Rome and the creation of Roman Catholic brought on the title of what they called a Saint and this is about a specific Saint who was referred to as Saint Nicholas. This man became renowned for murdering / sacrificing children.

For hundreds of years people lived in fear of the name until Christians decided to glorify this guy as a good guy to perpetuate their religious lies upon society. Now this sick filthy low life's name is on childrens presents and I suppose this makes you feel good about yourself?!!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's it. Talk to Hollie. You and she can argue over which one's brains is the smaller.

It's a good thing you didn't attempt to actually address the issues. That would have yet again exposed your lack of education.
Before getting too full of yourself for revealing things that will blow people's minds, remember that you wont be saying anything that others haven't said for thousands of years. There are no new ideas, and because of how old religion is, and how it is indeed all based on lies, anything we might think to say about it has been said already.
Jesus said to look at the fruit to judge the tree.

Christianity has had its problems, but in the modern world, no other idea inspires more charity than Christianity.

In my town, Catholic Charities feeds hundreds of homeless every night, and gives them a warm place to sleep when it is cold.

I don't see atheism inspiring that kind of selfless dedication to others.

On the contrary, the fruits of atheism seem to be unhappiness, intolerance, and hate.

Look at the way this forum's atheists behave, or any other forum's atheists.

Look at the lawsuits they are constantly launching against Christians.

Look at the way atheists have behaved when they controlled countries like Russia, China or Cuba.

Or look at the terrors of the French Revolution.

You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.
Yeah, peace and joy coming from an angry, self-hating zealot. You folks are just fountains of peace and joy.

I just nailed them with this Hollie:

Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!! Not to mention you evade contesting the factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the video proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity (which in your case proves that there is no such thing as a god) Then you come here trying to make your lies and deceptions the issue painting a bunch of liars and deceivers who's lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years as some sort of acceptable example to follow.

Jesus Christs lies not only lead to his own death but to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and here you are talking about this guy like he is something to pride yourself on like bearing such shame and humility means nothing to you because your ignorant bubble is all that matters to you for now. That sis until I get through to everyone. How does it feel knowing that you value lies more than human life?

Oh right, according to you non religious are just suppose to embrace such filthy lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Not only that but it was the Christians that glorified a murderer of children and called him Santa Clause. Now kids have this sick murderers name all over presents and they are all fooled like a bunch of dumb vulnerable tarts to think that Santa Clause the child murderer was / is a good person who goes out of their way to help children instead of killing them to perpetuate his own immortality.

The Christians put a murderer of children on a pedestal and you have a hard time understanding why people are so disgusted with Christianity.

Back in the days after the fall of Rome and the creation of Roman Catholic brought on the title of what they called a Saint and this is about a specific Saint who was referred to as Saint Nicholas. This man became renowned for murdering / sacrificing children.

For hundreds of years people lived in fear of the name until Christians decided to glorify this guy as a good guy to perpetuate their religious lies upon society. Now this sick filthy low life's name is on childrens presents and I suppose this makes you feel good about yourself?!!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's it. Talk to Hollie. You and she can argue over which one's brains is the smaller.
It's a good thing you didn't attempt to actually address the issues. That would have yet again exposed your lack of education.

Unlike you and the other atheists, I feel no need to blather on and on about my education. That's an atheists trait.
The evidence is clear, Jesus Christ is God. There is no other.

In. Your. Humble. Opinion.

In my humble opinion, the evidence clearly supports the idea that if God is, She's SO much bigger than all of the ancient stories put together, let alone any one or two of the most popular three to survive thus far.

Now, we have two and only two choices in the relationship that is forced upon us by sharing this moment on the Timeline:

> :neutral: :neutral: Agree to disagree.

> :meow: Go all Sunni -vs- Shiite on each other defending our beliefs about the unprovable questions at the point of a gun.

Beer? :beer:


I'll take a Montieths Bitter, please!
You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.
Yeah, peace and joy coming from an angry, self-hating zealot. You folks are just fountains of peace and joy.

I just nailed them with this Hollie:

Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!! Not to mention you evade contesting the factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the video proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity (which in your case proves that there is no such thing as a god) Then you come here trying to make your lies and deceptions the issue painting a bunch of liars and deceivers who's lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years as some sort of acceptable example to follow.

Jesus Christs lies not only lead to his own death but to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and here you are talking about this guy like he is something to pride yourself on like bearing such shame and humility means nothing to you because your ignorant bubble is all that matters to you for now. That sis until I get through to everyone. How does it feel knowing that you value lies more than human life?

Oh right, according to you non religious are just suppose to embrace such filthy lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Not only that but it was the Christians that glorified a murderer of children and called him Santa Clause. Now kids have this sick murderers name all over presents and they are all fooled like a bunch of dumb vulnerable tarts to think that Santa Clause the child murderer was / is a good person who goes out of their way to help children instead of killing them to perpetuate his own immortality.

The Christians put a murderer of children on a pedestal and you have a hard time understanding why people are so disgusted with Christianity.

Back in the days after the fall of Rome and the creation of Roman Catholic brought on the title of what they called a Saint and this is about a specific Saint who was referred to as Saint Nicholas. This man became renowned for murdering / sacrificing children.

For hundreds of years people lived in fear of the name until Christians decided to glorify this guy as a good guy to perpetuate their religious lies upon society. Now this sick filthy low life's name is on childrens presents and I suppose this makes you feel good about yourself?!!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's it. Talk to Hollie. You and she can argue over which one's brains is the smaller.
It's a good thing you didn't attempt to actually address the issues. That would have yet again exposed your lack of education.

Unlike you and the other atheists, I feel no need to blather on and on about my education. That's an atheists trait.
At least you're honest about announcing your limitations.
I am speaking from the Islamic perspective.

Religion is the means to rebuliding the connection between man and his Creator. It is a human need to go back to one's origins. Only religion fulfils the need to return to one's origins, to God the Creator. But only one religion can ultimately be true. It is Islam. Why ? Because Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was sent as the last of all 124 000 prophets. Jesus, Moses, Noah, Araham, Solomon, etc were prophets.

(Authentic) Islam is the means to the uplifting of mankind to lofty statures, far from materialism and vile morality.
You are correct. Atheists are full of unhappiness, intolerance, and hate. They simply cannot abide the peace and joy Christians exhibit.
Atheists hate to attack Christians because they could never converse with one another. They would end up fighting over which one is the most intelligent.
Yeah, peace and joy coming from an angry, self-hating zealot. You folks are just fountains of peace and joy.

I just nailed them with this Hollie:

Oh Christianity based upon one of the most selfish and greedy liars recorded throughout history named Jesus Christ. How much more greedy or selfish can anyone get than to claim to be a god?!! Not to mention you evade contesting the factual evidence as clearly demonstrated within the video proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies with so much as a shred of validity (which in your case proves that there is no such thing as a god) Then you come here trying to make your lies and deceptions the issue painting a bunch of liars and deceivers who's lies have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years as some sort of acceptable example to follow.

Jesus Christs lies not only lead to his own death but to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years and here you are talking about this guy like he is something to pride yourself on like bearing such shame and humility means nothing to you because your ignorant bubble is all that matters to you for now. That sis until I get through to everyone. How does it feel knowing that you value lies more than human life?

Oh right, according to you non religious are just suppose to embrace such filthy lies which have lead to the death of millions if not billions of people over thousands of years.

Not only that but it was the Christians that glorified a murderer of children and called him Santa Clause. Now kids have this sick murderers name all over presents and they are all fooled like a bunch of dumb vulnerable tarts to think that Santa Clause the child murderer was / is a good person who goes out of their way to help children instead of killing them to perpetuate his own immortality.

The Christians put a murderer of children on a pedestal and you have a hard time understanding why people are so disgusted with Christianity.

Back in the days after the fall of Rome and the creation of Roman Catholic brought on the title of what they called a Saint and this is about a specific Saint who was referred to as Saint Nicholas. This man became renowned for murdering / sacrificing children.

For hundreds of years people lived in fear of the name until Christians decided to glorify this guy as a good guy to perpetuate their religious lies upon society. Now this sick filthy low life's name is on childrens presents and I suppose this makes you feel good about yourself?!!


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

That's it. Talk to Hollie. You and she can argue over which one's brains is the smaller.
It's a good thing you didn't attempt to actually address the issues. That would have yet again exposed your lack of education.

Unlike you and the other atheists, I feel no need to blather on and on about my education. That's an atheists trait.
Have you considered that you might want to actually learn something about the science you argue against?
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.

and yet what have you contested with so much as a shred of validity that I share to do with the foundation of this primary global issue? Not anything just like every other person on the planet yet you are so quick to try and make your delusions the issue because you are not capable of contesting the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. So very transparent.

Hello people, I have been very busy as of late but will be by before too long to pick up where I left off. Where was I, page seven if I recall ...


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.

and yet what have you contested with so much as a shred of validity that I share to do with the foundation of this primary global issue? Not anything just like every other person on the planet yet you are so quick to try and make your delusions the issue because you are not capable of contesting the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. So very transparent.

Hello people, I have been very busy as of late but will be by before too long to pick up where I left off. Where was I, page seven if I recall ...


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

I created my own religion for Thyself, and the foundation of it is not based upon any lies. In fact, it is based upon truths about Thyself, as I happen to be an expert on Thyself, and because my religion is meant for Thyself and none other.

My religion is meant to help me guide my own personal transformation according to my Will, to invoke the characteristics of Gods and Goddesses whom I resonate with the most, to help me organize my spiritual thoughts/ conflicts into things that I can depict via art, to create culture that is reflected by my own Weltanschauung, and to help me recognize the "good" and the "evil" within myself and direct it into a more beneficial and successful manner...

So again, you are wrong, the foundation of every religion is not based upon lies.
Last edited:
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.

I've been around people on drugs. They make more sense
For now I will leave you my ode to Energy Matter and Time.

For those of you tearing up throughout the brief duration of my momentary laps in a stitch of absence, don't cry because you are not able to, with so much as a shred of validity, contest the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, no other person on the planet is capable because what I share are the facts that have already so very cleanly proven that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video beginning this very thread. Embrace it, for what is the sense in believing in anything if when you are presented with the facts that verify or falsify your belief, you are just going to ignore it and pretend the facts are what doesn't exist. It really is a warped sense of reality that the religious suffer. I'm here for you! One life is worth more than every religion that ever existed.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Last edited:
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.

and yet what have you contested with so much as a shred of validity that I share to do with the foundation of this primary global issue? Not anything just like every other person on the planet yet you are so quick to try and make your delusions the issue because you are not capable of contesting the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies. So very transparent.

Hello people, I have been very busy as of late but will be by before too long to pick up where I left off. Where was I, page seven if I recall ...


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

And yet I'm thinking that it's not logically possible for a finite being to assert that God does not exist, that such a being necessarily contradicts himself, proving the opposite must be true. Amazing how one must necessarily contradict oneself in order to assert that or imagine that there are no absolutes. It's always amazing to hear persons who contradict themselves imagining out loud that they are more enlightened than the rest of us. Excuse me for noticing, but how does one assert, without blushing, to have such knowledge given that its nature would be necessarily be rationally and empirically indemonstrable?
The factual evidence proving that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies is clearly demonstrated within the following video. I gradually get more and more fired up in the video as I reveal information that will blow everyone on this planet away as thousands of years are compounded into a nutshell of 23 minutes. so break out your popcorn, you are going to love this one, with a passion one way or many others.



David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps.Be good, be strong!

I'm thinking this guy is full of shrooms, the whacky weed and duh.

I've been around people on drugs. They make more sense

Come to think it, you're right.
For now I will leave you my ode to Energy Matter and Time.

For those of you tearing up throughout the brief duration of my momentary laps in a stitch of absence, don't cry because you are not able to, with so much as a shred of validity, contest the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, no other person on the planet is capable because what I share are the facts that have already so very cleanly proven that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video beginning this very thread. Embrace it, for what is the sense in believing in anything if when you are presented with the facts that verify or falsify your belief, you are just going to ignore it and pretend the facts are what doesn't exist. It really is a warped sense of reality that the religious suffer. I'm here for you! One life is worth more than every religion that ever existed.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

With Rawlings permission, what do think about this?

The Seven Things
We exist!
2. The cosmological order exists!
3. The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!
4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!
5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!
6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not!
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

The Seven Things™ stand!

They are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle): http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/10122836/.
For now I will leave you my ode to Energy Matter and Time.

For those of you tearing up throughout the brief duration of my momentary laps in a stitch of absence, don't cry because you are not able to, with so much as a shred of validity, contest the facts which reveal that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies, no other person on the planet is capable because what I share are the facts that have already so very cleanly proven that the foundation of every religion is based upon lies as clearly demonstrated within the video beginning this very thread. Embrace it, for what is the sense in believing in anything if when you are presented with the facts that verify or falsify your belief, you are just going to ignore it and pretend the facts are what doesn't exist. It really is a warped sense of reality that the religious suffer. I'm here for you! One life is worth more than every religion that ever existed.


David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!

With Rawlings permission, what do think about this?

The Seven Things
We exist!
2. The cosmological order exists!
3. The idea that God exists as the Creator of everything else that exists, exists in our minds! So the possibility that God exists cannot be logically ruled out!
4. If God does exist, He would necessarily be, logically, a Being of unparalleled greatness!
5. Currently, science cannot verify whether or not God exists!
6. It is not logically possible to say or think that God (the Creator) doesn't exist, whether He actually exists outside the logic of our minds or not!
7. All six of the above things are objectively, universally and logically true for human knowers/thinkers!

The Seven Things™ stand!

They are objectively true for all regarding the problems of existence and origin due to the organic laws of human thought (the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle): http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/10122836/.

It's as pointless now as it was when it was thoroughly refuted in many other threads.

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