SXSW Drunk driver could face capital murder charges

Glad to see this monster is being charged with murder. We need to make DUI an automatic felony then ALL drunk drivers who kill could be charged w murder.
Why do you think liberals will support this guy? This is the problem with so many of you. You are irrational. This guy deserves to be charged and convicted of murder.

Liberals support the 40 million illegal invaders in america. That proves they have no respect for law and order. next question
Glad to see this monster is being charged with murder. We need to make DUI an automatic felony then ALL drunk drivers who kill could be charged w murder.

Dork, you can keep wanting that but it will never happen. And drunk drivers who kill while high do get charged with murder from what I've noticed but don't let the facts get in the way of your 1 track mind. As a matter fact, I'm certain every state draws blood if some person dies in an accident. I don't believe in that from a 4th amendment standpoint but I digress.
Glad to see this monster is being charged with murder. We need to make DUI an automatic felony then ALL drunk drivers who kill could be charged w murder.

Just my own little fantasy, but I'd like to see a Judge Dredd sorta thing where in cases where guilt isn't in question as with video evidence or confessions, cops can simply execute people on the side of the road.

...Why I never became a cop. :)

I found this website to give directly to the family
of the third fatality announced this morning.

I think something tells me liberals are going to jump on a bandwagon for this guy. Add in stolen car.

Car Involved In Fatal SXSW Crash Stolen - Austin News, Weather, Traffic KEYE-TV Austin - Top Stories

Driver charged with capital murder in SXSW rampage - Houston Chronicle

If liberals want to prevent the death penalty, why not require ALL citizens to SIGN AN AGREEMENT to FOLLOW THE LAWS, or pay full cost of the prosecution and incarceration (and hospital/medical costs) for any premeditated crime with a weapon, OR FORFEIT CITIZENSHIP. Train ALL citizens in a district or city what the police procedures are, with an agreement to FOLLOW THEM or else agree to deportation.

If people are not legally competent enough to stay out of criminal mischief or prevent abuse, misconduct or crime, they should either be diagnosed as "criminally ill" or mentally impaired and be REQUIRED to undergo treatment or detention as deemed medically necessary (and/or have a guardian sign for legal and financial responsibility) or NOT be allowed to live here as a citizen.

If parents wouldn't let their children in a shop with expensive things they could break "they can't afford to pay for," we should not let people with criminal addictions or abuse issues run free to commit crimes we cannot afford and they aren't willing to pay for either. We did not agree to pay for these costs, and yet the lawabiding taxpayers foot the bill while the convicts aren't required to pay those costs.

Why not make that part of civics education required when people turn legal at 18? And if you flunk the screening, and are not mentally or legally competent enough to respect and obey the law, you would be required to receive counseling treatment while another legal adult signs for you to be financially responsible for any costs.

The same screening required of immigrant applicants should be applied to all people in order to diagnose criminal illness and abuse for earlier intervention and treatment.
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Hey, ****** was trying to keep it real that's all. It's not his fault he was born with no father, and his mother was a drunken whore. The white man bears the burden of this awful crime!
Glad to see this monster is being charged with murder. We need to make DUI an automatic felony then ALL drunk drivers who kill could be charged w murder.

We need to abolish DUI laws.

No laws prevented this tragedy and making laws stiffer certainly wouldn't have helped.

I'm guessing you have never had a few drinks while out at dinner or you have never went to a bar for a few drinks. Both of which would most certainly cause you to have a BAC of .08, which is the legal limit in Texas and above that would be a felon if you had your way.
Glad to see this monster is being charged with murder. We need to make DUI an automatic felony then ALL drunk drivers who kill could be charged w murder.

Just my own little fantasy, but I'd like to see a Judge Dredd sorta thing where in cases where guilt isn't in question as with video evidence or confessions, cops can simply execute people on the side of the road.

...Why I never became a cop. :)

You don't have what it takes to be a cop.

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