Tacos Today !

nothing to see here folks, just The Hair Club President pandering for votes, and trying to mend fences. He needs to raise his rating with Latinos from 13% to high 30's - low 40's if he has any chance at all. To get there he will need to high jump his wall and land in an amnesty pit so get ready.
Agree...nothing to see.

except ..

Trump plans to deliver a speech titled "Succeeding Together" on Friday in Miami-Dade County, home to the largest Cuban-American population in the U.S. It was the only one of Florida's 67 counties that Trump lost in the state's March 15 primary, an outcome that underscores the billionaire businessman's deep unpopularity among Hispanic voters.

In his speech, Trump plans to touch on President Barack Obama's historic decision to normalize relations with Cuba, emphasizing the country's poor record on human rights. Last year, Trump said he agreed with the concept of opening ties, breaking step with many of his primary rivals. But, he told the Daily Caller, "I think we should have made a stronger deal."




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