Take Pride in Their Slurs


VIP Member
Feb 28, 2017
We often marvel at the suicidal insanity of pukeleft scuzzies throughout the USA.

They whinge at the very thought of being called an Islamophobe or a racist.

The odious Islamists continue to perpetrate cowardly mass murders of innocent human beings all over the world. Those subhuman vermin behead infidels, chop off little girls' clitorises, throw twinky fairies off tall buildings, maul and cripple helpless women, and blow up hospitals and school buses. Yet the pukes shriek "Bigot!" at anybody who expresses disapproval of Islam, which we all know is not a so-called "religion" but a fanatical cult of hate and murder..

The sociopathic coloreds continue to rampage through America, assaulting, raping, murdering and rioting. These shiftless, bastard-born, violent, no-IQ devils have destroyed our public education system, overburdened our criminal justice system, and devoured every public assistance dollar in sight. They are a pestilence, but any decent, clean, moral, patriotic, hard-working citizen who objects to their savagery is frantically denounced as a "RAAAAAAAAY-SIST!"

The more dysfunctional, the more barbaric, the more unAmerican these loathsome netherworld lifeforms become, the more their pukeleft apologists and enablers shriek epithets at their victims.

We take great pride in being targets of their hysterical slurs. It means we are sane.

Know what we mean?

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