Taliban say they won’t work with US to contain Islamic State

hhhaahaha this humanitarian crisis on the border, with children packed in cargo boxes, and illegals living under a bridge is how the border is suppose to be running?

He got us out of Afghan, by surrendering to terrorist and creating the biggest foreign policy blunder in modern American history.

Biden and Trump were going to get out of Afghanistan. You're ridiculous.
..The biggest foreign policy blunder in modern American history.

You must have a very short memory to have forgotten Bush and Iraq already.
what about it? Bush left Iraq free and stable.....now the exit was quite bad, but not nearly as bad as Xiden's cluster
Biden and Trump were going to get out of Afghanistan. You're ridiculous.
Ok....nothing wrong with wanting to get out, it's how Xiden executed and when that was the biggest cluster in modern american foreign policy.

That's like saying Pablo Escabar and I both want a million dollars, so the way in which we both do it is perfectly fine.

You are just silly
what about it? Bush left Iraq free and stable.....now the exit was quite bad, but not nearly as bad as Xiden's cluster
After allowing 9/11 through shear and confidence, Iraq And Afghanistan were the stupidest wars ever. Thanks GOP. Isis basically took over Iraq after bush. What a stupid idiot president he was only Trump is worse in our history. We got out of Afghanistan amazingly easy. Only isis screwed it up really. Thanks president Trump for the surrender pact, you're a genius.
Ok....nothing wrong with wanting to get out, it's how Xiden executed and when that was the biggest cluster in modern american foreign policy.

That's like saying Pablo Escabar and I both want a million dollars, so the way in which we both do it is perfectly fine.

You are just silly
Lost lost 13 dead from swine isis. Amazingly easy and the Taliban has been amazingly good considering your crap beliefs.... The important thing is we are out of there. Thanks George Bush and the GOP a catastrophe everywhere you look. Stupidest wars ever, 9/11 allowed through sheer incompetence and a Corrupt world depression. Trump's great achievement was not ruining the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response anywhere a goddamn disaster that continues. And will until the GOP gets vaccinated the dumbass dupes.Your propaganda is the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States. Thanks Ronald Reagan
Lost lost 13 dead from swine isis. Amazingly easy and the Taliban has been amazingly good considering your crap beliefs.... The important thing is we are out of there. Thanks George Bush and the GOP a catastrophe everywhere you look. Stupidest wars ever, 9/11 allowed through sheer incompetence and a Corrupt world depression. Trump's great achievement was not ruining the Obama recovery until he did with the worst pandemic response anywhere a goddamn disaster that continues. And will until the GOP gets vaccinated the dumbass dupes.Your propaganda is the worst thing that has ever happened to the United States. Thanks Ronald Reagan
are you drunk?
what about it? Bush left Iraq free and stable.....now the exit was quite bad, but not nearly as bad as Xiden's cluster
Ya, sure.

Iraq was not a fuck up at all. like I said, short memory.
Of course no one has any idea what the hell you are talking about as your major argument, brainwashed functional moron. Every problem he has is due to you idiots not getting vaccinated. At least the United States is not scaring the hell out of everybody especially our allies around the world. Trump and Rupert Murdock are scum.
Every problem he has is due to you idiots not getting vaccinated.

Quite possibly the dumbest post of the week. Is the border crisis caused by people who aren't vaccinated? Is the clusterfuck in Afghanistan due to people who are not vaccinated? Are our allies pissed at us because of the unvaccinated? Is the Supreme Court bitchslapping him on his unconstitutional acts due to the unvaccinated?

Should I go in, Dipshit?
actually the Taliban acted amazingly well. Screw ISIS and everybody else who is full of crap. Like the GOP propaganda machine and all the GOP politicians who are just afraid of Trump and hater dupes.... Of of course the Taliban made President Biden follow Trump's surrender treaty. Little known facts on your stupid GOP planet
actually the Taliban acted amazingly well.

Is that what you call invading a country and taking over a govt the Americans trained and armed? Did they act "amazingly well" when they killed 13 of our soldiers? Were they acting "amazingly well" when they prevented Americans from getting to the Kabul airport? How about all the Aghanis they slaughtered who worked with the US? Is that "acting amazingly well"?

You are a blithering idiot of epic proportions.

Of of course the Taliban made President Biden follow Trump's surrender treaty

Post the text of Trump's deal and highlight the parts Surrender Joe followed. Why can't a single one of you lying assholes do that? Oh yeah, you are lying assholes.
He has brought back the border to the way it is supposed to be run and got us out of Afghanistan. Next they will pass about a four trillion dollar infrastructure package and small tax hike on the rich with actual social reform that every other modern country already has. Your party is a giveaway to the rich line scumbag operation, brainwashed functional moron. Every problem Biden has economically is due to you idiots not getting vaccinated. So stupid oops brainwashed functionally stupid politically....
He has brought back the border to the way it is supposed to be run

I take back my earlier post............THIS may be the dumbest post of the week. You certainly have the Top 5 wrapped up. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Sorry about reality and change the goddamn channel.www.businessinsider.com
Biden's First 50 Days As President Have Been a Historic Success
Mar 11, 2021 — The steps Biden has taken so far appear to be putting the US on the ... accomplishments of any recent president in their first 100 days.

Biden's First 50 Days As President Have Been a Historic Success
Mar 11, 2021 — The steps Biden has taken so far appear to be putting the US on the ... accomplishments of any recent president in their first 100 days.
Learn how to post a link, you fucking moron.

Here is what your link goes to:

The Great Resignation has spurred a new class of entrepreneurs: full-time side hustlers, solopreneurs, and freelancers

  • Americans have created a record number of new businesses between 2020 and 2021.
  • Experts say many people began businesses after facing pandemic layoffs or quitting lackluster jobs.
  • Most of these startups may remain sole proprietorships, with a 35% likelihood to employ people.
  1. William Shatner cries telling Jeff Bezos about his space flight
  2. Hollywood union president: 60,000 workers to strike Monday
  3. Democrats already floating another social spending bill
  4. Warren: Billionaires can go to space because they don't pay taxes
  5. How to land a free NFT that could become worth millions
He has brought back the border to the way it is supposed to be run

I take back my earlier post............THIS may be the dumbest post of the week. You certainly have the Top 5 wrapped up. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Of course the situation and the numbers are nowhere near as bad as you are led to believe. After months of people listening to right-wing propaganda that the border is open, everyone understands now that is not the truth. Except for brainwashed functional morons like you of course.
Learn how to post a link, you fucking moron.

Here is what your link goes to:

The Great Resignation has spurred a new class of entrepreneurs: full-time side hustlers, solopreneurs, and freelancers

  • Americans have created a record number of new businesses between 2020 and 2021.
  • Experts say many people began businesses after facing pandemic layoffs or quitting lackluster jobs.
  • Most of these startups may remain sole proprietorships, with a 35% likelihood to employ people.
  1. William Shatner cries telling Jeff Bezos about his space flight
  2. Hollywood union president: 60,000 workers to strike Monday
  3. Democrats already floating another social spending bill
  4. Warren: Billionaires can go to space because they don't pay taxes
  5. How to land a free NFT that could become worth millions
My facts are correct as you can see. Sorry about the link my phone sucks. Try Google and or listening to real news sometime lol, brain washed functional moron....

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