Talk about a Hildebeast crowd....Oh.My....lololololol!!!

You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
If Joe Biden were running for President, and his crowds averaged 100, I think he would give everyone a "Peeping Tom" telescope at the door.
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????

You lost this race as soon as Donald Trump was declared the nominee of this party. This was no contest. That's why you don't see the bumper stickers, yard signs, etc. Everyone knew who they were going to vote for, long before the first debate. They'll be voting for Hillary Clinton, they don't need to attend her rallies, they already know who she is.

You wanted Trump, now you own it and everything that comes with it.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And you were warned, and you chose to ignore those warnings.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????

You lost this race as soon as Donald Trump was declared the nominee of this party. This was no contest. That's why you don't see the bumper stickers, yard signs, etc. Everyone knew who they were going to vote for, long before the first debate. They'll be voting for Hillary Clinton, they don't need to attend her rallies, they already know who she is.

You wanted Trump, now you own it and everything that comes with it.


You Wanted Trump, You’ve Got Him | The American Spectator

And you were warned, and you chose to ignore those warnings.
#NeverTrump: We Told You He Would Kill Us, but You Didn’t Listen

Damn, cookie whatever you've been taking is mighty hallucinogenic!
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
But, did he kill 4 men in Benghazi. or lie 8 times to the FBI director, or have his email intercepted by Iran which gave up a Iranian scientist as our agent, who was killed, or took over $125 million from Russia and their financial interests for 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves, you need more?
No, but I have an answer. People want to see Trump say something completely stupid in real time. He's a circus act. That's it. Hillary is just too bland. There's nothing exciting about her speaking. Regardless if millions support her, many don't care to see her in person.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
But, did he kill 4 men in Benghazi. or lie 8 times to the FBI director, or have his email intercepted by Iran which gave up a Iranian scientist as our agent, who was killed, or took over $125 million from Russia and their financial interests for 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves, you need more?
Do you really want me to list all of Trump's scandals? My god who has the energy for that? Look, Hillary lied about her emails and was careless about them, but it was ruled she did nothing illegal. What she did was also not unprecedented because her predecessors did the same thing.

Oh, and Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 republican-led investigations prove that.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
But, did he kill 4 men in Benghazi. or lie 8 times to the FBI director, or have his email intercepted by Iran which gave up a Iranian scientist as our agent, who was killed, or took over $125 million from Russia and their financial interests for 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves, you need more?
Do you really want me to list all of Trump's scandals? My god who has the energy for that? Look, Hillary lied about her emails and was careless about them, but it was ruled she did nothing illegal. What she did was also not unprecedented because her predecessors did the same thing.

Oh, and Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 republican-led investigations prove that.
The Trump scandals are made up in the democrat spin machine.
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
But, did he kill 4 men in Benghazi. or lie 8 times to the FBI director, or have his email intercepted by Iran which gave up a Iranian scientist as our agent, who was killed, or took over $125 million from Russia and their financial interests for 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves, you need more?
Do you really want me to list all of Trump's scandals? My god who has the energy for that? Look, Hillary lied about her emails and was careless about them, but it was ruled she did nothing illegal. What she did was also not unprecedented because her predecessors did the same thing.

Oh, and Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 republican-led investigations prove that.
Just one would be fine....we will wait...:lol:
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
My understanding is that she has purposely kept her groups small so she can have a more intimate experience. It is strategy: she does better with smaller crowds.

Trump rallies are like Hitler rallies...lots of BS and propaganda, little reality or discussion.

When you look at something like his rallies, it doesn't mean that the majority of people are voting for T-Rump. It only means they like big rallies.

I, for example, would never go to such a rally. That doesn't mean I am not voting. The people who support Mrs. Clinton are largely more highly educated and circumspect. They don't feel the need to be part of a big group rally. They are not interested in screaming and shouting and slogans.

You most likely don't understand this. You assume large Hitlerish rallies mean more people support Trump, but it is not the case at all. It simply means these are the type of people who like this kind of mob show. That's all it means. Low level thinkers for the most part.

You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
My understanding is that she has purposely kept her groups small so she can have a more intimate experience. It is strategy: she does better with smaller crowds.

Trump rallies are like Hitler rallies...lots of BS and propaganda, little reality or discussion.

When you look at something like his rallies, it doesn't mean that the majority of people are voting for T-Rump. It only means they like big rallies.

I, for example, would never go to such a rally. That doesn't mean I am not voting. The people who support Mrs. Clinton are largely more highly educated and circumspect. They don't feel the need to be part of a big group rally. They are not interested in screaming and shouting and slogans.

You most likely don't understand this. You assume large Hitlerish rallies mean more people support Trump, but it is not the case at all. It simply means these are the type of people who like this kind of mob show. That's all it means. Low level thinkers for the most part.

What are you talking about? That pic you posted of the hitlery rally looks packed with you fascists..:lol:
You disbelieve THIS is her Tampa, FL crowd:


But that IS her Tampa, FL crowd..!

While this is a Tampa Trump crowd...

Trump Rally.


Any questions???????
My understanding is that she has purposely kept her groups small so she can have a more intimate experience. It is strategy: she does better with smaller crowds.

Trump rallies are like Hitler rallies...lots of BS and propaganda, little reality or discussion.

When you look at something like his rallies, it doesn't mean that the majority of people are voting for T-Rump. It only means they like big rallies.

I, for example, would never go to such a rally. That doesn't mean I am not voting. The people who support Mrs. Clinton are largely more highly educated and circumspect. They don't feel the need to be part of a big group rally. They are not interested in screaming and shouting and slogans.

You most likely don't understand this. You assume large Hitlerish rallies mean more people support Trump, but it is not the case at all. It simply means these are the type of people who like this kind of mob show. That's all it means. Low level thinkers for the most part.


So she makes her rallies look pathetic on purpose?:lol:
Good subversive, now can you beg for a dog biscuit?
All of that coming from a Trump supporter who defends anything that orange sack of shit says? You do know he used to be a Hillary supporter right? He's given to her charity and has given her praise in past interviews. Do you just pretend he never did? Are you that much of a mindless pawn?

And she used to be a Goldwater girl...what difference does it make?...Hell, Mike Bloomberg has been associated with 3 parties over the last 2 decades...and he's a liberal as the Beasty is.
lol so it doesn't matter to you whatsoever that he is a blatant flip flopper because Hillary is? You're something else man.
But, did he kill 4 men in Benghazi. or lie 8 times to the FBI director, or have his email intercepted by Iran which gave up a Iranian scientist as our agent, who was killed, or took over $125 million from Russia and their financial interests for 25% of our strategic Uranium reserves, you need more?
Do you really want me to list all of Trump's scandals? My god who has the energy for that? Look, Hillary lied about her emails and was careless about them, but it was ruled she did nothing illegal. What she did was also not unprecedented because her predecessors did the same thing.

Oh, and Benghazi will never be a thing. 7 republican-led investigations prove that.
You Hillary panty-sniffing fools crack me up.

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