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Target boycott reaches 1.5 million retailer won't back down on bathrooms

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Target have tried to accommodate those on both sides of the issue.
So are you on the side of men going into women's bathrooms if theyre feeling like a woman today?

Personally I could care less who else is in the bathroom.

I've raise two girls and a boy and have two grand kids. Gays or transgenders do not both me. They are just people.

You have a better chance of catching mono or some other infection that having a transgender in the bathroom with you.

It is down right silly to fear everything that has some 1/4 of one percent chance of ever happening. Transgenders are in more danger in a bathroom than you or your kids are ever likely to be.

Target is making accommodation yet people still seem obsessed over this issue.

Stop being afraid of ever shadow. Just live your life, and let others do the same

Most pedophiles are heterosexuals of either sex, not transgenders or gays. Seriously, you are being scared if the wrong people, just because they are different. The person of the same sex in the bathroom with you is more likely to be a pedophile than any LGBT person.

I know what it is to be raped as a child, it was a friend of the family my parents trusted. I also know what it is to nearly die by violence. Fear of a bathroom is so far down the list of things, it does not give even a moments apprehension.......unless the place looks dirty or smells badly.

All this concern is wasted energy and more harmful to LGBT than anyone else.

I wouldn't care if we had unisex bathroom everywhere here in the US

I was not afraid of traveling the world by myself as a child or living in a war zone and I tried to never instill fear in my children or grandchildren. A taught them self reliance and a healthy awareness, but that they should not be afraid.

Your kids are in more danger in school than in a bathroom in some store, yet you still send them every day.

I'm not sure why you guys defending this always go with the term " fear" of the gays or tranny's when the exact point is not the gays nor the tranny's people often worry about. and I am going to CAPITALIZE FOR EMPHASIS ON THE POINT AND NOT YELLING........


Most ppl already know that gays or tranny's aren't going to get off looking at some kid.
The hell if they won't. All fags are pedos.
If you like their products and service shop at Target. I you don't then don't. Piss before you leave home like an adult and quit being such a fucking baby about their bathroom policy.

What about carrying for your daughter or nieces? If you go into those stores and they have to go?


If you are that afraid of maybes and what ifs, that someone else might be in the bathroom.......... buy depends

....or wait till they leave

again why do us father's or uncles have to tell our little ones that they have to hold it till we get some where safe? And they are crying daddy or uncle they have to go?

This is the society you want?


Men take their daughters into the bathroom with them, women take sons with them.

I was never bothered by unisex bathrooms, why would I be concerned about LGBT in the bathroom?

The vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals.

A male in pantyhose or a female in trousers is not something to be afraid of.

Worry more about the sanity of a bathroom than who else might be in there.

Third bathrooms are being put in target stores so why all this panic?

You might not have realized it but transgenders have been using bathroom for decades without concern of them being there. Now suddenly the world has to stop over this?

Since when the fuck are you going to take a 5 ~ 16 year old daughter or niece to a guys bathroom?


My husband when he was with the girls by himself took them when they needed to go. I took my son into the bathroom till he was old enough to go by himself. My daughters have taken their brother at times when he was young.

What do you thing single parents do with their children?

When kids need to go, they don't have the control to wait long. Why does it matter what color the wall paper is inside the bathroom or if there are urinals? It's a bathroom.
If you like their products and service shop at Target. I you don't then don't. Piss before you leave home like an adult and quit being such a fucking baby about their bathroom policy.

What about carrying for your daughter or nieces? If you go into those stores and they have to go?


If you are that afraid of maybes and what ifs, that someone else might be in the bathroom.......... buy depends

....or wait till they leave

again why do us father's or uncles have to tell our little ones that they have to hold it till we get some where safe? And they are crying daddy or uncle they have to go?

This is the society you want?


Men take their daughters into the bathroom with them, women take sons with them.

I was never bothered by unisex bathrooms, why would I be concerned about LGBT in the bathroom?

The vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals.

A male in pantyhose or a female in trousers is not something to be afraid of.

Worry more about the sanity of a bathroom than who else might be in there.

Third bathrooms are being put in target stores so why all this panic?

You might not have realized it but transgenders have been using bathroom for decades without concern of them being there. Now suddenly the world has to stop over this?

Since when the fuck are you going to take a 5 ~ 16 year old daughter or niece to a guys bathroom?


Why do they have to suffer and be embarrassed ?

To share a god damn bathroom with a guy wearing a dress?

Didn't they ever teach you freaks in 6th grade about biology?

Despite slumping sales, falling stock prices, and 1.5 million people signing a pledge not to shop at Target, the retail giant still has no plans to change its controversial bathroom policy, the man behind the boycott says. Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association delivered another 500,000 signatures to Target headquarters in Minneapolis recently. That’s on top of the one million signatures he brought last spring. The AFA launched the boycott drive after Target

Target Boycott Reaches 1.5 Million; Retailer Won't Back Down on Bathrooms

They will feel the hit sooner or later when stocks begin to sink since the majority of ppl wont shop there much longer.

Ah, people with principles. Yes, principles are what people don't like. They like a President with no fucking principles whatsoever, and any company that stands up for principles can just go shoot themselves. We don't need your fucking principles around here, we don't do morals, we're upstanding Christians don't you know, we hate people not like us.
Target is adding gender neutral bathrooms so why the fuss still? They began 9 months ago.

Why is old news being recycled?

I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?
Despite slumping sales, falling stock prices, and 1.5 million people signing a pledge not to shop at Target, the retail giant still has no plans to change its controversial bathroom policy, the man behind the boycott says. Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association delivered another 500,000 signatures to Target headquarters in Minneapolis recently. That’s on top of the one million signatures he brought last spring. The AFA launched the boycott drive after Target

Target Boycott Reaches 1.5 Million; Retailer Won't Back Down on Bathrooms

They will feel the hit sooner or later when stocks begin to sink since the majority of ppl wont shop there much longer.

Ah, people with principles. Yes, principles are what people don't like. They like a President with no fucking principles whatsoever, and any company that stands up for principles can just go shoot themselves. We don't need your fucking principles around here, we don't do morals, we're upstanding Christians don't you know, we hate people not like us.
We hate perversion just like God does:
Target have tried to accommodate those on both sides of the issue.
So are you on the side of men going into women's bathrooms if theyre feeling like a woman today?

Personally I could care less who else is in the bathroom.

I've raise two girls and a boy and have two grand kids. Gays or transgenders do not both me. They are just people.

You have a better chance of catching mono or some other infection that having a transgender in the bathroom with you.

It is down right silly to fear everything that has some 1/4 of one percent chance of ever happening. Transgenders are in more danger in a bathroom than you or your kids are ever likely to be.

Target is making accommodation yet people still seem obsessed over this issue.

Stop being afraid of ever shadow. Just live your life, and let others do the same

Most pedophiles are heterosexuals of either sex, not transgenders or gays. Seriously, you are being scared if the wrong people, just because they are different. The person of the same sex in the bathroom with you is more likely to be a pedophile than any LGBT person.

I know what it is to be raped as a child, it was a friend of the family my parents trusted. I also know what it is to nearly die by violence. Fear of a bathroom is so far down the list of things, it does not give even a moments apprehension.......unless the place looks dirty or smells badly.

All this concern is wasted energy and more harmful to LGBT than anyone else.

I wouldn't care if we had unisex bathroom everywhere here in the US

I was not afraid of traveling the world by myself as a child or living in a war zone and I tried to never instill fear in my children or grandchildren. A taught them self reliance and a healthy awareness, but that they should not be afraid.

Your kids are in more danger in school than in a bathroom in some store, yet you still send them every day.

I'm not sure why you guys defending this always go with the term " fear" of the gays or tranny's when the exact point is not the gays nor the tranny's people often worry about. and I am going to CAPITALIZE FOR EMPHASIS ON THE POINT AND NOT YELLING........


Most ppl already know that gays or tranny's aren't going to get off looking at some kid.
The hell if they won't. All fags are pedos.

I won't say all of them, but that one is where it gets turned upside down so where I agree that it stems from that i'm just avoiding that part of the topic/conversation. Because i've commented on it a dozen times. Right along the very same track as you. At the same time I feel hetero men wnating to dress like women would pull it a little bit more.
What about carrying for your daughter or nieces? If you go into those stores and they have to go?


If you are that afraid of maybes and what ifs, that someone else might be in the bathroom.......... buy depends

....or wait till they leave

again why do us father's or uncles have to tell our little ones that they have to hold it till we get some where safe? And they are crying daddy or uncle they have to go?

This is the society you want?


Men take their daughters into the bathroom with them, women take sons with them.

I was never bothered by unisex bathrooms, why would I be concerned about LGBT in the bathroom?

The vast majority of pedophiles are heterosexuals.

A male in pantyhose or a female in trousers is not something to be afraid of.

Worry more about the sanity of a bathroom than who else might be in there.

Third bathrooms are being put in target stores so why all this panic?

You might not have realized it but transgenders have been using bathroom for decades without concern of them being there. Now suddenly the world has to stop over this?

Since when the fuck are you going to take a 5 ~ 16 year old daughter or niece to a guys bathroom?


My husband when he was with the girls by himself took them when they needed to go. I took my son into the bathroom till he was old enough to go by himself. My daughters have taken their brother at times when he was young.

What do you thing single parents do with their children?

When kids need to go, they don't have the control to wait long. Why does it matter what color the wall paper is inside the bathroom or if there are urinals? It's a bathroom.

So I can put on a dress , walk in a woman's bathroom and you would be comfortable when I blow a huge fart and stink up the joint and ask you if I can borrow your lip stick?

You're insane ..

Despite slumping sales, falling stock prices, and 1.5 million people signing a pledge not to shop at Target, the retail giant still has no plans to change its controversial bathroom policy, the man behind the boycott says. Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association delivered another 500,000 signatures to Target headquarters in Minneapolis recently. That’s on top of the one million signatures he brought last spring. The AFA launched the boycott drive after Target

Target Boycott Reaches 1.5 Million; Retailer Won't Back Down on Bathrooms

They will feel the hit sooner or later when stocks begin to sink since the majority of ppl wont shop there much longer.

Ah, people with principles. Yes, principles are what people don't like. They like a President with no fucking principles whatsoever, and any company that stands up for principles can just go shoot themselves. We don't need your fucking principles around here, we don't do morals, we're upstanding Christians don't you know, we hate people not like us.

MSM indoctrinated , all of what you think of him is pure fkn bs given to you by your msm GODS who are mother fking liars.
What ? I am a guy what the fuck do I care if a woman is using my bathroom idiot ?

We are talking young girls here..

And we have to care for them and protect them from the liberal scum of the earth..


When my daughter was little I would of beat the fuck of any dude wearing a dress entering a woman's bathroom when my daughter was in there.

Yet I get charged with assault?

How often did that happen?

Never because Bill Clinton and Bush Jr was in charge and didn't have this assinne idea that chix with dicks belonged in the women's bathroom when my daughter or nieces was little..


You might not have realized it but transgenders have been using bathrooms without incidence for a long time.
Some might have gotten a stare but most went unnoticed.


We kind of notice the Adams Apple and deep voice...


I wouldn't care if it was the bearded lady.

Such a fuss over people who are a bit different. Guess what, everyone is different in some way.

You going to separate everyone by hair or skin color as well? By language? Buy their clothes? Skirts to the right, trousers to the left?

I'd just a soon we had unisex bathroom like other countries instead of all this fuss.
Target is adding gender neutral bathrooms so why the fuss still? They began 9 months ago.

Why is old news being recycled?

I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

Let it SINK IN ZOMBIE ASS.............and Trump had nothing to do with this your ASSHOLE GOD Obama did.

Target is adding gender neutral bathrooms so why the fuss still? They began 9 months ago.

Why is old news being recycled?

I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

It's biology idiot, a little boy can take a poop on some pedo sticking his Weiner where it don't belong ...women are defendless when it comes to her private parts.

Despite slumping sales, falling stock prices, and 1.5 million people signing a pledge not to shop at Target, the retail giant still has no plans to change its controversial bathroom policy, the man behind the boycott says. Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association delivered another 500,000 signatures to Target headquarters in Minneapolis recently. That’s on top of the one million signatures he brought last spring. The AFA launched the boycott drive after Target

Target Boycott Reaches 1.5 Million; Retailer Won't Back Down on Bathrooms

They will feel the hit sooner or later when stocks begin to sink since the majority of ppl wont shop there much longer.

Ah, people with principles. Yes, principles are what people don't like. They like a President with no fucking principles whatsoever, and any company that stands up for principles can just go shoot themselves. We don't need your fucking principles around here, we don't do morals, we're upstanding Christians don't you know, we hate people not like us.

MSM indoctrinated , all of what you think of him is pure fkn bs given to you by your msm GODS who are mother fking liars.


No, I don't happen to read MSM news, so..... but hey, nice high school level deflection. You'll get a C+ from the bullies.
Target is adding gender neutral bathrooms so why the fuss still? They began 9 months ago.

Why is old news being recycled?

I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

Let it SINK IN ZOMBIE ASS.............and Trump had nothing to do with this your ASSHOLE GOD Obama did.

View attachment 128922

Ah, another attack and another being told what I think, even though it's not true. But hey...
I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

Let it SINK IN ZOMBIE ASS.............and Trump had nothing to do with this your ASSHOLE GOD Obama did.

View attachment 128922

Ah, another attack and another being told what I think, even though it's not true. But hey...

I was demonstrating the hate you have for Trump and how quick you dam zombies are to blame that guy for every fkn thing wrong.

Drag Queen Brainwashed Young Children About Gender Fluidity
Target is adding gender neutral bathrooms so why the fuss still? They began 9 months ago.

Why is old news being recycled?

I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

Letting your kids get raped takes a real education level to , a grade level of fkn idiot too. Wow you passed.
I thought I heard that one too. , Maybe some of them aren't doing it.

I expect they began in conservative states. Oversea, most people don't make such a fuss about LGBT
I am sure people everywhere worry about mentally ill men molesting and raping girls and women in the WOMEN'S bathroom. Oh and to answer the OP's question. I haven't shopped at Target since 2015 and have no plans to start. There isn't one here anyways and even if there was I would avoid it as a parent with 3 daughters and also a wife....no thanks.

But the problem is, these people are perfectly fine with pedophile men going into the men's bathroom where there are little boys.

What they have a problem with is a man who identifies as a woman, who doesn't want to touch up kids, doesn't want to touch up women, going into the women's bathroom.

Now how's that for priorities?

Let it SINK IN ZOMBIE ASS.............and Trump had nothing to do with this your ASSHOLE GOD Obama did.

View attachment 128922

Ah, another attack and another being told what I think, even though it's not true. But hey...

Why don't you think yourself right into fkn reality

My last two purchases from them was in February and it was from their website and only because the items were only available at that store. The closest Target store to me is an hour away, but even if one was just down the street, it would not be where I go.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Before the last two purchases, my previous one from them was in December of 2015, so I am almost never with them. Sadly every now and then, they have good deals on my favorite music.
My last purchase at Target was a $ 2.64 coconut milk lip balm. Before that it was a couple $ 5.00 baseball hats last July.

Not my first choice either. And I rarely go there anymore.

Drag Queen Brainwashed Young Children About Gender Fluidity

Exactly, why do we even have woman's and men's bathrooms?

From what I seen most stores have a family bathroom....

But the queers don't want to use them they want to go in the lady's room to flaunt it and be drama queens in your face girls " I am a dude with a weirner wearing a dress and here to stay "

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