Target Stores Announce Many Closures..or "How to Squeeze Middle Class to Your Own Fiscal Death"

I'm sorry, where did you go to school? The Karl Marx Occupy Wall Street school of "Business"?
I like your "nogo", how does it feel being a cyber terrorist?

No, there is a happy medium between communism and malignant capitalism. Canada for example, allows mechanized industry, but it must have a certain percentage of the jobs to human beings. Apparently they learned in kindergarten that if you squeeze the middle class into beggars, then nobody buys your products. Robots don't buy products. Who do you sell your cars to if nobody has a job?

This isn't rocket science.

Sane capitalism recognizes who its customers are and how they get their money to buy the products the business produces.

Socialism, well managed, is the best deterrent to communism.
Good luck finding it or any other man made economic system well managed.........
Office Depot is doing the same thing, as are most other retail chains.

But if they go online only, they will become less and less relevant - and be pushed out by Amazon or Ebay.
Ignorant OP.

Target's problems are that they fucked up their merchandising.
Ignorant OP.

Target's problems are that they fucked up their merchandising.
Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Of course it could be the dwindling consuming power of the unemployed...nah...couldn't be THAT.. :popcorn:
Ignorant OP.

Target's problems are that they fucked up their merchandising.

The 11 store closings in the US were announced back in November.... Target's problems are that they are trying to beat Wal*Mart at being Wal-Mart.
Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) today announces that it will close 11 locations as of February 1, 2015. Target Announces Upcoming Store Closures Target Corporate

First it will start in the poorest locations and spread outward.

When the rich gather industry and monopolize markets that used to be in the hands of many (visit your local mall and see what I'm talking about), the wealth gets superconcentrated in a few individuals. That's the 1% that the 99% have a beef with.

Then it gets so epidemic, so bad that finally the 1% start to feel the pinch. So their "solution" instead of tightening CEO belts is to squeeze the middle class even further by depriving them jobs...

OK...I'm exaggerating a little here. You cannot be considered part of the middle class by working at target. But when even the working poor cannot afford to buy anything, the low-end retail stores have to start closing.

I'll just leave the readers here with a visual image of what this American Malignant Capitalism has done. Henry Ford knew enough about real capitalism to pay his workers a wage where they could afford to buy his cars. It's not rocket science dear 1%ers...Eventually EVEN YOU will have to pay the piper for your bad behavior..

Kindergarten question: Q: "How many of the robots below will be buying clothes at Target?"


What is the HELL are you yammering about here?
For Christ's sake, do you think money losing entities should remain in business so they can continue to lose money?
FYI...The primary function of a business is to turn a profit for the owners/investors. It is NOT to employ workers.
Like it or not, labor is a commodity. And as such, the value of that labor rises and falls based on need and a marketplace.
Now, if your premise is protected jobs subsidized business by government, then France is where you should go.
Tell us who screwed who in the banking debacle and who made money!
What business school did you go to....?

Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

Non sequitur
I'm sorry, where did you go to school? The Karl Marx Occupy Wall Street school of "Business"?
I like your "nogo", how does it feel being a cyber terrorist?

No, there is a happy medium between communism and malignant capitalism. Canada for example, allows mechanized industry, but it must have a certain percentage of the jobs to human beings. Apparently they learned in kindergarten that if you squeeze the middle class into beggars, then nobody buys your products. Robots don't buy products. Who do you sell your cars to if nobody has a job?

This isn't rocket science.

Sane capitalism recognizes who its customers are and how they get their money to buy the products the business produces.
Oh please
Tell us who screwed who in the banking debacle and who made money!
What business school did you go to....?

Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......


the politicians you elected
I thought that closing big box stores helps the mom and pop industry? Why do liberals try to have it both ways?
Wait so every time a company downsizes rather than filing bankruptcy and going out of business they are doing it to screw people? How many people would be screwed if they simply closed up shop?
I just dont get liberals. They dont seem to understand that business decisions are made with the aim of saving a company and their primary responsibility is to the shareholders, not anyone else.
Besides, does anyone really believe that reducing hte CEOs compensation 10% will magically save all those jobs?

Anyone that disagrees with you or doesn't buy your trash are automatically a "Liberal......spit on floor". Get over your teabirch ass and actually discuss something without attacking the person on a personal level. You make all Reps look like complete idiots.

Take out your Insults and I might comment a different way.
What is the HELL are you yammering about here?
For Christ's sake, do you think money losing entities should remain in business so they can continue to lose money?
FYI...The primary function of a business is to turn a profit for the owners/investors. It is NOT to employ workers.
Like it or not, labor is a commodity. And as such, the value of that labor rises and falls based on need and a marketplace.
Now, if your premise is protected jobs subsidized business by government, then France is where you should go.

Ever get the sense like all commodities are in a downward spiral? Know why that is? Because workers need to make enough to be able to buy your products.:popcorn:

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