Target Stores Announce Many Closures..or "How to Squeeze Middle Class to Your Own Fiscal Death"

50% confiscatory tax rates on EVERYONE.

Just think of the social justice programs and collective paradise that could be had ....

For the people Americanistas !!!!!
50% confiscatory tax rates on EVERYONE.

Just think of the social justice programs and collective paradise that could be had ....

For the people Americanistas !!!!!
The solution isn't to tax the rich. The solution is to force industry to bring jobs back to America. The incentive to do this primarily, in my humble opinion, should be to extend universal healthcare to the masses here using soda, tobacco and booze sales taxes (Article I, Section 8) to pay for it, with copays for routine care. This takes the burden off the rich and the poor, allowing the rich to hire more people, to stimulate the middle class who also will suddenly find more disposable income to buy more goods and create more demand. This in turn would bring even more jobs.

We need our rich. But we need our rich to be patriotic and moral; a thing they are not now...and are killing themselves from the lack of..while they drag the country down with them from their shortsided ignorance.

In these troubled times there has to be a fall guy. And that fall guy is the health insurance industry. Sorry gang. You've had your hay day. It's either them or us. If the rich want limousine care, smart industry will retool quickly to accomodate that type of insurance. You can still choose your doctor if you want to pay for that privelege..
I'll give Target some props, it's slightly less of a shitehole than Walmart is. Definitely a better shopping experience. If i have to choose, i choose to shop at Target over Walmart. I mean the dirty stinky mongoloid mess at Walmart can be an unbearable shopping experience. I avoid it at all cost.

But that being said, Target has made some very bad business decisions in recent years. And it is still being crushed by Walmart. Store closures and cutbacks happen when a company makes bad business decisions. It is what it is.
True story... a friend I know recently reported to me that she almost had a panic attack in Wallmart when she stopped there to buy a product she was having trouble finding elsewhere..and it was conveniently nearby. She said the atmosphere in Wallmart was that of just depression. Depressed workers trying to seem cheerful making wages they cannot pay their bills with, scanning over cheap goods universally not made in America. There were negleted babies screaming in carts, ignored by burned out overworked poor mothers, couples bickering over which goods they could and could not afford that month.

She said she almost passed out.

My experience at Target was better than hers. Though, when it comes to feng shui, Target needs a little help. You want to relax when shopping, right? Brings in the customers. But when you walk in Target everthing is FIRE ENGINE RED!! and there are huge BULLSEYES everywhere on posters and their logo with a BIG BULL TERRIER staring you down every aisle. With the terrorism alerts nowadays...the word "Target" even is unfortunate. The "decor" is completed by low hanging ceilings with dismal flourescent lighting.. Your whole subconscious is telling you "RUN!" :scared1:

Oh yeah, a visit to Walmart is a visit to Third World Misery. The Employees absolutely despise the customers. But can you really blame em? You ever see the mongoloid weirdos that frequent Walmart? The employees are underpaid, overworked, and have to deal with miserable loons all day. I know this because i had a relative who worked in management there for years. It is a very depressing environment to work in.

Target is definitely a better shopping experience. But the company has made some real bad business decisions in recent years. And their credit card hacking incidents didn't help either. But i still choose to shop there over Walmart. Walmart is truly a miserable shopping experience.
Target is definitely a better shopping experience. But the company has made some real bad business decisions in recent years. And their credit card hacking incidents didn't help either. But i still choose to shop there over Walmart. Walmart is truly a miserable shopping experience.

True, but Wallmart was smart enough to make their store blue, instead of RED!! The products at both stores are woefully full though of "made in China"..
Target is definitely a better shopping experience. But the company has made some real bad business decisions in recent years. And their credit card hacking incidents didn't help either. But i still choose to shop there over Walmart. Walmart is truly a miserable shopping experience.

True, but Wallmart was smart enough to make their store blue, instead of RED!! The products at both stores are woefully full though of "made in China"..

Walmart is straight up mongoloid hell. A very unpleasant depressing shopping experience for sure. And yeah, i always get a kick out of the kooks who wait in those miserable long lines to pay for their American Flags made in China. Classic dumb fat ignorant Americans. Funny stuff. :)

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