Target Stores Announce Many Closures..or "How to Squeeze Middle Class to Your Own Fiscal Death"

How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:


"Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Talk about a dishonest POS

And NO, It's not from this one article I'm calling you out as a RIGHT WING NUTTER, BUT FROM YOUR HISTORY OF POSTS BUBBA!!!!
My history of posts....... Sure thing Sputz. Obviously you lie a lot. You've been exposed for the leftist moonbat you truely are, the shoe fits, you really need to wear it.
Oh and don't palm your meds again next time nurse Ratched comes around, they're supposed to help you alleviate these delusional fantasies you're experiencing.
your constant utilization of large and CAPITAL print in your responses shows desperation with a hint of megalomania, given the right circumstances you'd probably believe you're Jesus Christ. :dunno:
Last edited:
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.

False premises, distortions and LIES, if it wasn't for these things, right wingers would have NOTHING

Care to point out ONE successful libertarian society EVER? lol
Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) today announces that it will close 11 locations as of February 1, 2015. Target Announces Upcoming Store Closures Target Corporate

First it will start in the poorest locations and spread outward.

When the rich gather industry and monopolize markets that used to be in the hands of many (visit your local mall and see what I'm talking about), the wealth gets superconcentrated in a few individuals. That's the 1% that the 99% have a beef with.

Then it gets so epidemic, so bad that finally the 1% start to feel the pinch. So their "solution" instead of tightening CEO belts is to squeeze the middle class even further by depriving them jobs...

OK...I'm exaggerating a little here. You cannot be considered part of the middle class by working at target. But when even the working poor cannot afford to buy anything, the low-end retail stores have to start closing.

I'll just leave the readers here with a visual image of what this American Malignant Capitalism has done. Henry Ford knew enough about real capitalism to pay his workers a wage where they could afford to buy his cars. It's not rocket science dear 1%ers...Eventually EVEN YOU will have to pay the piper for your bad behavior..

Kindergarten question: Q: "How many of the robots below will be buying clothes at Target?"



I have a Target Red Card. I went to Target looking for a few things before Christmas. I didn't find anything I was looking for. Their selection on many things was minimal. If you don't sell things people want, they will go elsewhere. I've always liked Target, but I haven't spent any money there in quite some time. Maybe they need to re-evaluate the goods they are selling. I can't stand Walmart, but I ended up buying some things at Walmart because they had what I was looking for.

Jul 25, 2014 - Empty shelves, grumpy customers, long lines at the register: These are just some of the challenges facing Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s new U.S. chief.

Wal-Mart s New U.S. Chief Faces Empty Shelves Grumpy Shoppers - Bloomberg

Mar 28, 2014 - I made a trip to Walmart yesterday. I had 42 items on my shopping list. 12 of those items had an empty shelf.
Wal-Mart Sees 3 Billion Opportunity Refilling Empty Shelves - Bloomberg
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:


"Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Talk about a dishonest POS

And NO, It's not from this one article I'm calling you out as a RIGHT WING NUTTER, BUT FROM YOUR HISTORY OF POSTS BUBBA!!!!
My history of posts....... Sure thing Sputz. Obviously you lie a lot. You've been exposed for the leftist moonbat you truely are, the shoe fits, you really need to wear it.
Oh and don't palm your meds again next time nurse Ratched comes around, they're supposed to help you alleviate these delusional fantasies you're experiencing.
your constant utilization of large and CAPITAL print in your responses shows desperation with a hint of megalomania, given the right circumstances you'd probably believe you're Jesus Christ. :dunno:

Got it Bubba, and you've been shown to be the right wing nutter you are, who can't back up his posits or explain what the difference of a libertarian nutter is versus 'classical liberal' nutter is, lol

And to top it off, your a dime store doc too? Wingnutter
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.

False premises, distortions and LIES, if it wasn't for these things, right wingers would have NOTHING

Care to point out ONE successful libertarian society EVER? lol
Please point out ONE successful big centralized unlimited government society.
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.

False premises, distortions and LIES, if it wasn't for these things, right wingers would have NOTHING

Care to point out ONE successful libertarian society EVER? lol
Please point out ONE successful big centralized unlimited government society.

US, Germany, Sweden, Norway, etc...


"The only orthodox object of the institution of government is to secure the greatest degree of happiness possible to the general mass of those associated under it." Thomas Jefferson

If it weren't for false premises, distortions and lies, conservatives would be stuck just holding their dicks all day!

YOU? lol
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.

False premises, distortions and LIES, if it wasn't for these things, right wingers would have NOTHING

Care to point out ONE successful libertarian society EVER? lol
Please point out ONE successful big centralized unlimited government society.

You guys are arguing like babies. Of course a centralized government never works. Of course malignant capitalism never works. This thread's aim is at some sort of compromise. Or, rather, for the powers in this country who regulate industry to hire an actual mathematician..

You know... "If the middle class only has "x" amount of liquid cash each month then what figure "y" represents the number of sales any industry can expect to make?...

I think that's taught at like the Jr. High level? And what do you know, y'all are acting like a bunch of Jr. High schoolers..
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..

the RW would tell you to get another job ...
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..

the RW would tell you to get another job ...

I know. They would tell me "eat cake if you cannot find bread". I've read the history books. Pity those in charge of governing the country haven't..
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:


"Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Talk about a dishonest POS

And NO, It's not from this one article I'm calling you out as a RIGHT WING NUTTER, BUT FROM YOUR HISTORY OF POSTS BUBBA!!!!
My history of posts....... Sure thing Sputz. Obviously you lie a lot. You've been exposed for the leftist moonbat you truely are, the shoe fits, you really need to wear it.
Oh and don't palm your meds again next time nurse Ratched comes around, they're supposed to help you alleviate these delusional fantasies you're experiencing.
your constant utilization of large and CAPITAL print in your responses shows desperation with a hint of megalomania, given the right circumstances you'd probably believe you're Jesus Christ. :dunno:

Got it Bubba, and you've been shown to be the right wing nutter you are, who can't back up his posits or explain what the difference of a libertarian nutter is versus 'classical liberal' nutter is, lol

And to top it off, your a dime store doc too? Wingnutter
Honestly, have you considered psychiatric treatment, you should, ASAP!!!
And lefty liberals would tell you to quit the job you do have and then everything wil be paid for you and given to you without you having to work another day in your life.

Not at all. Most people want the fulfillment of earning a living. It's just that most people don't want to dedicate the entirety of their days and energy for most of the week to a job that cannot pay the bills no matter how hard they work...and where they see the longtime employees getting sacked two months before their retirement comes due (an epidemic) from some manufactured offense....and where they see zero chance at meaningful advancement.

Industry has bred the apathetic worker by refusing to value and honor labor. It isn't that people don't want a feeling of self-esteem of providing for themselves and their families with perhaps one day off a week to watch some football or go for a walk. It's that this is impossible for the majority of the working poor; which used to be called "the middle class" once upon a time.

This is about rich industrialists mounting an assault on the middle class, who are their workers, and then throwing their hands in the air when their sales drop...unable or unwilling to explore their role in the problem..
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..

"Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class."

But that's NOT what's happened in America, NOT what the current issues are in AmeriKa

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:


"Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Talk about a dishonest POS

And NO, It's not from this one article I'm calling you out as a RIGHT WING NUTTER, BUT FROM YOUR HISTORY OF POSTS BUBBA!!!!
My history of posts....... Sure thing Sputz. Obviously you lie a lot. You've been exposed for the leftist moonbat you truely are, the shoe fits, you really need to wear it.
Oh and don't palm your meds again next time nurse Ratched comes around, they're supposed to help you alleviate these delusional fantasies you're experiencing.
your constant utilization of large and CAPITAL print in your responses shows desperation with a hint of megalomania, given the right circumstances you'd probably believe you're Jesus Christ. :dunno:

Got it Bubba, and you've been shown to be the right wing nutter you are, who can't back up his posits or explain what the difference of a libertarian nutter is versus 'classical liberal' nutter is, lol

And to top it off, your a dime store doc too? Wingnutter
Honestly, have you considered psychiatric treatment, you should, ASAP!!!

Got it, YOU can't explain the difference, as if there was one, between 'classic liberals' versus libertarians, lol
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..

"Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class."

But that's NOT what's happened in America, NOT what the current issues are in AmeriKa

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


And it is primarily the fault of the central government that is owned by the top 1%....yet you want this same government to have more power and control....CRAZY!
Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class.

On the one hand, I sure do enjoy having a military, roads to drive on, fire protection, public education and clean water to drink and bathe in. On the other hand, I'd like some money left over after paying my bills each month to buy a few sundries, maybe a new pair of underwear and a random drive in the country or a new appliance once in a blue moon..

"Well over-regulation and over-taxing can also squeeze the middle class."

But that's NOT what's happened in America, NOT what the current issues are in AmeriKa

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation


And it is primarily the fault of the central government that is owned by the top 1%....yet you want this same government to have more power and control....CRAZY!

YOUR libertarian myths and fairy tales huh? lol

Which mindset want campaign finance reform? Which mindset wants to weaken regulations? Which mindset wants to go back to HIGH marginal tax rates on the 'job creators, and which fights tooth and nail for them?

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