Target Stores Announce Many Closures..or "How to Squeeze Middle Class to Your Own Fiscal Death"

Progressives: either stupid or lying or both

Stop projecting dummy
Projecting? I use your argument and now I'm projecting........ Oh the irony!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You really are locked into your political tribe ain'tcha...... Now I know I'm dealing with a ignorant zealot. Have a nice life. :thup:

You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

Their stockholders bitched. There is your rich connection.
Sooooo, if I, a middle class person have stock in Target I'm part of the rich connection........ Riiiiight...........

MORE right wing MYTHOLOGY to appear huh? lol


The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes
Progressives: either stupid or lying or both

Stop projecting dummy
Projecting? I use your argument and now I'm projecting........ Oh the irony!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You really are locked into your political tribe ain'tcha...... Now I know I'm dealing with a ignorant zealot. Have a nice life. :thup:

You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
Progressives: either stupid or lying or both

Stop projecting dummy
Projecting? I use your argument and now I'm projecting........ Oh the irony!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You really are locked into your political tribe ain'tcha...... Now I know I'm dealing with a ignorant zealot. Have a nice life. :thup:

You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

Their stockholders bitched. There is your rich connection.
Sooooo, if I, a middle class person have stock in Target I'm part of the rich connection........ Riiiiight...........

MORE right wing MYTHOLOGY to appear huh? lol


The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes
And what does that have to do with the rest of those who have stock, guess they don't count eh? Dayamn, you really are dense.
Besides moron, I agreed that the economic situation is currently geared towards the rich and that, if history is any indicator (it is) the pendulum will eventually swing back. Obviously you missed that post or chose to ignore it in favor of promoting your moonbat propaganda. How predictable. :thup:
Stop projecting dummy
Projecting? I use your argument and now I'm projecting........ Oh the irony!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You really are locked into your political tribe ain'tcha...... Now I know I'm dealing with a ignorant zealot. Have a nice life. :thup:

You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

Their stockholders bitched. There is your rich connection.
Sooooo, if I, a middle class person have stock in Target I'm part of the rich connection........ Riiiiight...........

MORE right wing MYTHOLOGY to appear huh? lol


The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes
And what does that have to do with the rest of those who have stock, guess they don't count eh? Dayamn, you really are dense.
Besides moron, I agreed that the economic situation is currently geared towards the rich and that, if history is any indicator (it is) the pendulum will eventually swing back. Obviously you missed that post or chose to ignore it in favor of promoting your moonbat propaganda. How predictable. :thup:

lol, SURE over half of dividends go to the top 1/10th of 1% meaning that they control over half of stocks, AND bottom 80% of US own 5% of the wealth in the nation, I'M SURE YOUR POSIT THAT 1%ERS DON'T HAVE A 'CONNECTION' WITH THE MIDDLE CLASS IS HONEST AND ON POINT OF THE ORIGINAL POSIT:

"And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... "

Fukking right wing douche bags
Projecting? I use your argument and now I'm projecting........ Oh the irony!!!!!
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

You really are locked into your political tribe ain'tcha...... Now I know I'm dealing with a ignorant zealot. Have a nice life. :thup:

You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

Their stockholders bitched. There is your rich connection.
Sooooo, if I, a middle class person have stock in Target I'm part of the rich connection........ Riiiiight...........

MORE right wing MYTHOLOGY to appear huh? lol


The Top 0.1 Of The Nation Earn Half Of All Capital Gains - Forbes
And what does that have to do with the rest of those who have stock, guess they don't count eh? Dayamn, you really are dense.
Besides moron, I agreed that the economic situation is currently geared towards the rich and that, if history is any indicator (it is) the pendulum will eventually swing back. Obviously you missed that post or chose to ignore it in favor of promoting your moonbat propaganda. How predictable. :thup:

lol, SURE over half of dividends go to the top 1/10th of 1% meaning that they control over half of stocks, AND bottom 80% of US own 5% of the wealth in the nation, I'M SURE YOUR POSIT THAT 1%ERS DON'T HAVE A 'CONNECTION' WITH THE MIDDLE CLASS IS HONEST AND ON POINT OF THE ORIGINAL POSIT:

"And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... "

Fukking right wing douche bags
:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Dosvadonya Tovarich!
You mean the post I posted to CrusaderFrankie, the OTHER right wing nut job??? lol

Tribe? You right wingers are funny at least Bubba
How can someone actually be as clueless as have enough synapses to even breath?
You honestly have no idea that American politics has basically devolved into "tribalism" ? Well since you're an idiot I'll tell you who Robert Reich is, he was Bill Clintons Secretary of Labor which to you probably means he's a right wing fanatic but he wrote this article that sums up what is happening in the world and in US politics now;

Robert Reich The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation...

The New Tribalism and the Decline of the Nation State

Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct? lol

But I'll note you STILL can not provide examples of classical liberals versus libertarians, lol
I did, just because you don't have the acumen to think through what I posted doesn't mean I didn't aptly describe the differences. I'm not responsible for your lack of cognitive ability.
Well as long as someone gives an OPINION (like you) he can't be wrong correct?

If you were just smart enough to see the irony....... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sure YOU did

"Unfettered capitalism only helps those who are Machiavellian enough to succeed that's why our founding fathers believed in finding a balance as advocated by Classical Liberalism, not neo-classical Liberalism or Libertarianism, (the modern equivalent of neo-classical). Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Yeah, THAT'S nothing like what libertarians believe, they ALL want US to be like Somalia right? lol

Weird, opinion as proof of 'tribes'? lol

There has ALWAYS been 'tribes' Bubba, just because you are dishonest and can't admit you are a right wing nutter but play a 'moderate' doesn't mean jack shit!!!
Actually libertarians don't even believe in that moron and obviously I wasn't clear, I also hold some social liberalism ideals but it would matter any way, you've made up your mind because I don't agree with you wholeheartedly, a true sign of a zealot. :thup:


"Basically government only regulates the free market as is needed to prevent cheating, theft and monopolies"

Talk about a dishonest POS

And NO, It's not from this one article I'm calling you out as a RIGHT WING NUTTER, BUT FROM YOUR HISTORY OF POSTS BUBBA!!!!
Last edited:
Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) today announces that it will close 11 locations as of February 1, 2015. Target Announces Upcoming Store Closures Target Corporate

First it will start in the poorest locations and spread outward.

When the rich gather industry and monopolize markets that used to be in the hands of many (visit your local mall and see what I'm talking about), the wealth gets superconcentrated in a few individuals. That's the 1% that the 99% have a beef with.

Then it gets so epidemic, so bad that finally the 1% start to feel the pinch. So their "solution" instead of tightening CEO belts is to squeeze the middle class even further by depriving them jobs...

OK...I'm exaggerating a little here. You cannot be considered part of the middle class by working at target. But when even the working poor cannot afford to buy anything, the low-end retail stores have to start closing.

I'll just leave the readers here with a visual image of what this American Malignant Capitalism has done. Henry Ford knew enough about real capitalism to pay his workers a wage where they could afford to buy his cars. It's not rocket science dear 1%ers...Eventually EVEN YOU will have to pay the piper for your bad behavior..

Kindergarten question: Q: "How many of the robots below will be buying clothes at Target?"



I have a Target Red Card. I went to Target looking for a few things before Christmas. I didn't find anything I was looking for. Their selection on many things was minimal. If you don't sell things people want, they will go elsewhere. I've always liked Target, but I haven't spent any money there in quite some time. Maybe they need to re-evaluate the goods they are selling. I can't stand Walmart, but I ended up buying some things at Walmart because they had what I was looking for.
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

The school of not fact checking. Target has closed 12 stores not 11. The same number they opened last year. They opened the same number of stores in more profitable locations like any oh business would. And they have 10 new locations opening in Ohio, California, New Jersey, and Massachusetts this year.
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.
80% of the population owns 5% of the wealth.

Who Rules America Wealth Income and Power

The middle class has been eviscerated.

In 1980 the top 1% earned 8.5% of total income. In 2007 they earned 23%.

In 1980 the bottom 90% earned 68% of total income. In 2007 they earned 53%.

Summary of Latest Federal Income Tax Data Tax Foundation

Government is primarily the cause...and yet you want more government.

Sure. ONE nation EVER to use libertarian philosophy? lol

"We can have democracy in this country, or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." - Louis D. Brandeis
There is centuries of evidence proving nations with centralized unlimited governments fail every time....but that means nothing to you.

This time it'll work!!!

They promise

Progressives are liars and morons
See you have to be a liar to deride the free market and talk up Socialism and a moron to believe any of it
Soooooo, Target is losing money in this current market, had a major hacking breach and lost thousands of customers because of it, expanded too rapidly into the Canadian market and is losing money big time there and they need to close stores....... And it's only because the rich want to screw over the poor....... Tell me again which business school you went to.......

The school of not fact checking. Target has closed 12 stores not 11. The same number they opened last year. They opened the same number of stores in more profitable locations like any oh business would. And they have 10 new locations opening in Ohio, California, New Jersey, and . Massachusetts this year.
The school of not fact checking is the one you obviously went to sooooooo, opening new stores in profitable locations offsets all monetary losses even the cost of conducting market analysis, purchasing land, building new stores, hiring and firing employees.........? Merchandise contracts, supply contracts, legal fees oh and one more minor hic-up they had.......,

Analyst sees Target data breach costs topping $1 billion

Analyst sees Target data breach costs topping 1 billion -

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