Tax cuts do not create jobs.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
And improve the economy. It does just the opposite. We have been consistantly losing jobs since Bush's tax cuts.

Bush’s tax cuts for the rich has resulted in 14 million jobs lost and counting and loss revenue. So we have a revenue and a spending problem and it’s going to take letting those tax cut expire and cut spending of money we do not have. Tax off shore accounts and end loop holes. Giving foreign aid, two wars and illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens that contribute the our failing federal and state economy. Illegal immigration and Auomatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is foreign aid. Bring jobs back for foreign countries and put Americans back to work, spending and creating revenue supporting our economy and pay down the deficit.

Cutting entitlement programs will not balance the budget but will create more poverty and send more people to the government for assistance creating more spending.

Letting tax cuts expire like they were intended. Letting tax cuts expire is not raising taxes on Americans like the GOP would like for you to believe. Americans pay less taxes now then ever.

Revenue has to be part of balancing the budget and paying down the deficit with unnecessary spending. Make it happen, Democrats.

Thank you Chuck Schumer for standing up for seniors, children, poor and disable and unemployed America. (State of the Union/Crowley)
And improve the economy. It does just the opposite. We have been consistantly losing jobs since Bush's tax cuts.

Bush’s tax cuts for the rich has resulted in 14 million jobs lost and counting and loss revenue. So we have a revenue and a spending problem and it’s going to take letting those tax cut expire and cut spending of money we do not have. Tax off shore accounts and end loop holes. Giving foreign aid, two wars and illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens that contribute the our failing federal and state economy. Illegal immigration and Auomatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is foreign aid. Bring jobs back for foreign countries and put Americans back to work, spending and creating revenue supporting our economy and pay down the deficit.

Cutting entitlement programs will not balance the budget but will create more poverty and send more people to the government for assistance creating more spending.

Letting tax cuts expire like they were intended. Letting tax cuts expire is not raising taxes on Americans like the GOP would like for you to believe. Americans pay less taxes now then ever.

Revenue has to be part of balancing the budget and paying down the deficit with unnecessary spending. Make it happen, Democrats.

Thank you Chuck Schumer for standing up for seniors, children, poor and disable and unemployed America. (State of the Union/Crowley)

Do you understand cause and effect?

I dont think so. I bet your one of those that believes if we raise taxes the economy will take off.

I hate to break it to you. But it is a bit more complicated then your bumper sticker slogan.
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And improve the economy. It does just the opposite. We have been consistantly losing jobs since Bush's tax cuts.

Bush’s tax cuts for the rich has resulted in 14 million jobs lost and counting and loss revenue. So we have a revenue and a spending problem and it’s going to take letting those tax cut expire and cut spending of money we do not have. Tax off shore accounts and end loop holes. Giving foreign aid, two wars and illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens that contribute the our failing federal and state economy. Illegal immigration and Auomatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is foreign aid. Bring jobs back for foreign countries and put Americans back to work, spending and creating revenue supporting our economy and pay down the deficit.

Cutting entitlement programs will not balance the budget but will create more poverty and send more people to the government for assistance creating more spending.

Letting tax cuts expire like they were intended. Letting tax cuts expire is not raising taxes on Americans like the GOP would like for you to believe. Americans pay less taxes now then ever.

Revenue has to be part of balancing the budget and paying down the deficit with unnecessary spending. Make it happen, Democrats.

Thank you Chuck Schumer for standing up for seniors, children, poor and disable and unemployed America. (State of the Union/Crowley)


And improve the economy. It does just the opposite. We have been consistantly losing jobs since Bush's tax cuts.

Bush’s tax cuts for the rich has resulted in 14 million jobs lost and counting and loss revenue. So we have a revenue and a spending problem and it’s going to take letting those tax cut expire and cut spending of money we do not have. Tax off shore accounts and end loop holes. Giving foreign aid, two wars and illegal immigration and Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens that contribute the our failing federal and state economy. Illegal immigration and Auomatic Birthright Citizenship for children of illegal aliens is foreign aid. Bring jobs back for foreign countries and put Americans back to work, spending and creating revenue supporting our economy and pay down the deficit.

Cutting entitlement programs will not balance the budget but will create more poverty and send more people to the government for assistance creating more spending.

Letting tax cuts expire like they were intended. Letting tax cuts expire is not raising taxes on Americans like the GOP would like for you to believe. Americans pay less taxes now then ever.

Revenue has to be part of balancing the budget and paying down the deficit with unnecessary spending. Make it happen, Democrats.

Thank you Chuck Schumer for standing up for seniors, children, poor and disable and unemployed America. (State of the Union/Crowley)



Another brilliant rebuttal by a proud and loud member of the Right Wing. Clear, concise and conventional. An excellant example of idiotgram by emoticon.

Do you have a link showing the entire field of economics is wrong?
You Teabaggers make this....

toooooooooooooooooooooo easy!!!


Do you have a link showing the entire field of economics is wrong?

Actually..can you show where tax cuts have created jobs in America? (Because American Tax Cuts do create jobs in other countries)

Tax cuts are one variable. Our government is doing everything else to destroy jobs. Regulation, corporate taxes endless waste. Cutting taxes unfortunately doesn't overcome doing everything else stupid. That's what you're observing.

I damn as hell can show that GOVERNMENT SPENDING does.

Suurrreeee they do. You take money away from companies who create value and give it to someone to not produce anything and it creates jobs. I'm not a believer in the liberal religion, I wouldn't understand. It's like arguing Jesus with a Christian.

Do you have a link showing the entire field of economics is wrong?

Actually..can you show where tax cuts have created jobs in America? (Because American Tax Cuts do create jobs in other countries)

"Not only was the entire national deficit eliminated after raising taxes on the wealthy in 1993, but the economy grew so fast for the remainder of the decade that many conservative economists thought that the Fed should raise the prime interest rate in order to slow it down."


NO PROB!!!!!!
Do you have a link showing the entire field of economics is wrong?

Actually..can you show where tax cuts have created jobs in America? (Because American Tax Cuts do create jobs in other countries)

Tax cuts are one variable. Our government is doing everything else to destroy jobs. Regulation, corporate taxes endless waste. Cutting taxes unfortunately doesn't overcome doing everything else stupid. That's what you're observing.

I damn as hell can show that GOVERNMENT SPENDING does.

Suurrreeee they do. You take money away from companies who create value and give it to someone to not produce anything and it creates jobs. I'm not a believer in the liberal religion, I wouldn't understand. It's like arguing Jesus with a Christian.

1. Answer you can't.

2. Answer you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. One clear example is military expenditure. The United States purchases arms and equipment from private companies. In other words, "government spending".
Do you have a link showing the entire field of economics is wrong?

Actually..can you show where tax cuts have created jobs in America? (Because American Tax Cuts do create jobs in other countries)

Tax cuts are one variable. Our government is doing everything else to destroy jobs. Regulation, corporate taxes endless waste. Cutting taxes unfortunately doesn't overcome doing everything else stupid. That's what you're observing.

I damn as hell can show that GOVERNMENT SPENDING does.

Suurrreeee they do. You take money away from companies who create value and give it to someone to not produce anything and it creates jobs. I'm not a believer in the liberal religion, I wouldn't understand. It's like arguing Jesus with a Christian.

Maybe you don't remember or never learned how rivers in the NE caught fire. Or when water and air were at times unsafe because of industrial pollution. Or when pre-teens worked in factories 10 to 12 hours a day, six days a week. Or ... So many wrongs have been corrected by regulations, and now the New Right wants to repeal them.

Regulations create jobs. Both government jobs and private sector jobs hire professionals with advanced degrees in environmental engineering; even industries which don't give a shit about the harm they do to the ecosystem (like coal and mining) now comply when watched. .
I support more regulation, and in particular getting rid of banks too big to fail. Let's go back a few years and restrict banks to operate in one state and in only one state.
Actually..can you show where tax cuts have created jobs in America? (Because American Tax Cuts do create jobs in other countries)

Tax cuts are one variable. Our government is doing everything else to destroy jobs. Regulation, corporate taxes endless waste. Cutting taxes unfortunately doesn't overcome doing everything else stupid. That's what you're observing.

I damn as hell can show that GOVERNMENT SPENDING does.

Suurrreeee they do. You take money away from companies who create value and give it to someone to not produce anything and it creates jobs. I'm not a believer in the liberal religion, I wouldn't understand. It's like arguing Jesus with a Christian.

1. Answer you can't.

Yep. It's my job to prove the field economics is right, it's not your job to prove it's wrong. I failed. Gotcha. Actually I can answer, I'm not bothering.

2. Answer you just don't know what the fuck you are talking about. One clear example is military expenditure. The United States purchases arms and equipment from private companies. In other words, "government spending".

Yep, military spending is absolutely government spending even when it goes to private companies. Per the first part, you not only can't disprove economics, you don't even understand it. Economics is value creation. It's free markets. When government confiscates money and spends it, there is no value created and no free markets. A market of one company is no different then government.

Military spending is like insurance, it protects what you have. But create jobs? No, it doesn't. Like all government spending it actually shrinks the economy. It's like your insurance premiums, you spend it to protect what you have. But the premiums reduce your wealth to do it.
And improve the economy. It does just the opposite. We have been consistantly losing jobs since Bush's tax cuts.

Here it is. Note the unemployment rate declined steadily after the bush tax cuts in 2003 and remained low until Feb 08.
United States Unemployment Rate

Or do you think those years never happened?
Only in "conservatives'" IMAGINATIONS!!!!

January 13, 2008

"The recession-deniers were muzzled by a horrendous last two weeks of December, and the gloom-and-doomers are now out in force. Their key arguments:

* Plummeting housing will now drag down the rest of the economy.

*The "bad debt" problem is not just "sub-prime" folks who should never have have taken out mortgages in the first place. It includes credit card debt, "high quality" mortgages, car loans, and other leverage that have recently become a consumer way of life.

*Pressure on consumers is leading to a reduction in consumer spending (70% of economy), which, in turn, will lead to a reduction in spending by companies that sell stuff to consumers.

*The question now is not "will there be a recession?" but "how bad will it get?"

*The most optimistic forecasts in a NYT gloom-and-doom round-up are for three crappy quarters, regardless of what the Fed does. Less optimistic forecasts suggest that we are, well, screwed.

After blowing the last downturn, we've been worried this one since last summer (see below). We also suspect that, given the importance of housing to the economy and debt to consumer spending, the recession will be deeper and more prolonged than people think."



Tax increases do not create jobs.

And we've seen first hand that government spending doesn't create jobs either

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