Tax Cuts Steal Democracy

Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.

Mi has spent 5 billion on For Profit schools and yes we still support the public schools that are left.

Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools , that isn't picking winners and losers? You just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal.
Ross Perot was free to spend as much of his own money in 1992 as he wished. Same as today. Duh.

Again, stop being obtuse. We aren't talking about self-financing, and you know it.

Your "point" seems to be that the rich can buy elections.
Didn't work for Ross Perot in 1992 or 1996, so you were wrong.
So stop being obtuse.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP. Devos, Koch alone buys the GOP, Mercer, Ichan. etc.

Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools , that isn't picking winners and losers? You just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal.

You can't get more stupid that a republican , Trump said he likes the poorly educated, meaning you.
Ross Perot was free to spend as much of his own money in 1992 as he wished. Same as today. Duh.

Again, stop being obtuse. We aren't talking about self-financing, and you know it.

Your "point" seems to be that the rich can buy elections.
Didn't work for Ross Perot in 1992 or 1996, so you were wrong.
So stop being obtuse.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP. Devos, Koch alone buys the GOP, Mercer, Ichan. etc.
yep more liberal talking points and more liberal thinking....


Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools , that isn't picking winners and losers? You just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal.

You can't get more stupid that a republican , Trump said he likes the poorly educated, meaning you.
I noticed in your spineless liberal way, that you never bothered to answer what a FAIR livable wage would be? Because you are fucking stupid.... That is why.

Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools , that isn't picking winners and losers? You just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal.

You can't get more stupid that a republican , Trump said he likes the poorly educated, meaning you.
I noticed in your spineless liberal way, that you never bothered to answer what a FAIR livable wage would be? Because you are fucking stupid.... That is why.

You are probably on welfare.

Really?????? I thought you Conservatives hated the government picking winners and losers? Well this is another about-face Conservatives have done on yet another subject. Oy vey. By taking taxpayer money and giving it to private charter schools, that is quite literally the government picking winners and losers. If charter schools are so great, they shouldn't need public money to operate at all. Yet you are here arguing for that. So this "competition" you are talking about is all a load of horseshit, because if the product offered by charter schools was so wonderful, they wouldn't need taxpayer money to operate. Yet they do.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools , that isn't picking winners and losers? You just cant get more stupid than a fucking liberal.

You can't get more stupid that a republican , Trump said he likes the poorly educated, meaning you.
I noticed in your spineless liberal way, that you never bothered to answer what a FAIR livable wage would be? Because you are fucking stupid.... That is why.

You are probably on welfare.
Still being fucking stupid aren't you, as you still are avoiding what a FAIR livable wage would be? No my dear I don't need the government to take care of me as I have definitely used every TAX LOOPHOLE the government was willing to give me. Why else am I defending the rich who are maligned by shits like you , who are totally clueless when it comes to Corporations who employ thousands of employees, who willingly work for them for a fair wage, while welfare queens like you , wish you could make it, but are a victim of liberalism and how they have enslaved you.
Has the Irish rate improved any since they started cutting their taxes?

No. Because they cut the tax rate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2006. 11 years have passed. For this, they have only 130,000 jobs to show for it, according to a post from one of your Russian comrades. That's less than 12,000 jobs a year, 1,000 jobs a month. Obama created almost twice as many jobs in one month this past January than Ireland created from 11 years of tax cuts.

Because they cut the tax rate waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back in 2006.

2006 was their first tax cut? Are you sure?

to a post from one of your Russian comrades.

Is everyone who points out your idiocy a Russian, or are Russians only a subset of those who make you look like an idiot?
So you don't have any evidence that tax cuts hurt wage growth?

So here's another one for take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.


you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

It looks like wages were falling from 1972-1980. Average real wages have increased since 1980.
Is that because of tax cuts, despite tax cuts or unrelated to tax cuts?

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work, expect major unemployment and decrease in minimum wages.

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work,

They did all those mean things are real wages still increased. Cool!
Ross Perot was free to spend as much of his own money in 1992 as he wished. Same as today. Duh.

Again, stop being obtuse. We aren't talking about self-financing, and you know it.

Your "point" seems to be that the rich can buy elections.
Didn't work for Ross Perot in 1992 or 1996, so you were wrong.
So stop being obtuse.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP. Devos, Koch alone buys the GOP, Mercer, Ichan. etc.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP

The same way Perot got in in 1992 and 1996.
The same way Oberweis got in here in Illinois.
Wait, what? LOL!

Koch alone buys the GOP

Koch didn't support Trump.
Hillary did a good job buying the Presidency, eh?
Did she spend twice as much as Trump? More?
So you don't have any evidence that tax cuts hurt wage growth?

So here's another one for take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.


you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

It looks like wages were falling from 1972-1980. Average real wages have increased since 1980.
Is that because of tax cuts, despite tax cuts or unrelated to tax cuts?

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work, expect major unemployment and decrease in minimum wages.

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work,

They did all those mean things are real wages still increased. Cool!
Dream on. There are not going to be more jobs or better paying jobs. The Corp tax was not deterring jobs, the wages were, and they are not coming back without lower wages. If you have not noticed we are a developed country with bad infrastructure and since prevailing wage is null and void in most states, contrition workers will expect to get paid 10 bucks an hour. They might get some HI.

You and I both know this is the most significant redistribution of wealth to the wealthy there has even been. It thief. If this goes thought it will double the class divide. Lucky for me I'm retired and I feel bad for the young people who in their 20's are getting out of college and can't get a job, and can't afford a house.
Ross Perot was free to spend as much of his own money in 1992 as he wished. Same as today. Duh.

Again, stop being obtuse. We aren't talking about self-financing, and you know it.

Your "point" seems to be that the rich can buy elections.
Didn't work for Ross Perot in 1992 or 1996, so you were wrong.
So stop being obtuse.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP. Devos, Koch alone buys the GOP, Mercer, Ichan. etc.

How do you think Trump got in , and the GOP

The same way Perot got in in 1992 and 1996.
The same way Oberweis got in here in Illinois.
Wait, what? LOL!

Koch alone buys the GOP

Koch didn't support Trump.
Hillary did a good job buying the Presidency, eh?
Did she spend twice as much as Trump? More?

Their Daddy was Fred Koch, anti government. they thought Eisenhower was a communist. He belonged to the John Birch Society. They, Trump does not want to pay taxes, none of his circle does. They want no gov. regulation so they can use pesticides and pollute at will. They want to get rid of the new deal. Trump said he hates to see people die at the side of the road, what is the main reason that would happen, no insurance. Class divide was bad enough but this is class divide on steroids. Trump is letting many who voted for him down. Not to mention he gave the Fed land to the states to the capitalist to drill for oil. He has ruined the USA.
Not only that good bye to Essential Health Benefits, states do not have to cover preexisting conditions if they chose not. Goodbye expanded Medicaid, the ACA, and hello Medicare Advantage.
So as long as the government only gives tax money to the public schools

Public schools = operated by the public and funded by the public
Charter Schools = operated by private for-profit interests and funded by the public.

So those who run charter schools are profiting from taxpayers without providing a service that produces better outcomes.

In other words, a rip-off.
So you don't have any evidence that tax cuts hurt wage growth?

So here's another one for take a look at the red line that represents real median weekly earnings for full-time workers and you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.


you can plainly see that starting around 1980, it declined and stagnated when prior to that, it was steadily growing.

It looks like wages were falling from 1972-1980. Average real wages have increased since 1980.
Is that because of tax cuts, despite tax cuts or unrelated to tax cuts?

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work, expect major unemployment and decrease in minimum wages.

Well now that they have broken the unions and made states right to work,

They did all those mean things are real wages still increased. Cool!
Dream on. There are not going to be more jobs or better paying jobs. The Corp tax was not deterring jobs, the wages were, and they are not coming back without lower wages. If you have not noticed we are a developed country with bad infrastructure and since prevailing wage is null and void in most states, contrition workers will expect to get paid 10 bucks an hour. They might get some HI.

You and I both know this is the most significant redistribution of wealth to the wealthy there has even been. It thief. If this goes thought it will double the class divide. Lucky for me I'm retired and I feel bad for the young people who in their 20's are getting out of college and can't get a job, and can't afford a house.

There are not going to be more jobs or better paying jobs

But there will be.

You and I both know this is the most significant redistribution of wealth to the wealthy there has even been.

What? The proposed tax cuts?

I feel bad for the young people who in their 20's are getting out of college and can't get a job, and can't afford a house.

Yeah, the last 8 years kinda sucked for the young. Thanks Obama!!

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