Tax Revenues Jump 13% To Record High In April — When Will Dems Admit They Were Wrong?

Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
More logic from this dumbass.

If tax cuts always increase revenues then lets cut taxes by 5% every year & according to you in 25 years, no one will be paying taxes & the revenues will skyrocket.
Within Reason dumbass................Oh.......they are saying cut all taxes and Revenue will go up.

Brain Damage.
I haven't read the thread yet other than skimming the op article,

however, from the title and the first paragraph or so in the op article it implies these tax cuts that passed reflected the money collected in April 2018 for Income taxes owed and PAID... for last year's, 2017's income tax obligations, of which there were no tax cuts effective at the time that generated these revenues?

So the premise that this year's tax revenues collected were from some sort of tax cut stimulating and affecting the market, by increasing employment which in turn increased revenues...and made up for the tax revenue decrease caused by the tax cut....

No such thing was proven yet....revenues collected this past April are from taxes collected for 2017 tax laws in place, of which the tax cuts had not been in place until 2018.

We'll no more NEXT YEAR in April 2019 if the tax cuts affecting 2018's tax revenues, brought in more or less revenue than 2017's April take....or basically, whether if "Tax cuts, pay for themselves".
You're just another ding dong who doesn't understand how withholding works.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Pub.L. 115–97, an Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018,[1] is a congressional revenue act originally introduced in Congress as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).[2][3]
From your link...

Most of the changes introduced by the bill went into effect on January 1, 2018 and will not affect 2017 taxes

Fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

We started paying 2018 taxes on January 2018, you fucking moron.

Taxes for 2018 are withheld from Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018. Somone who doesn't understand how withholding works is a fucking moron. I've already explained this about 10 times, and it still hasn't penetrated your thick skull.
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Typical leftard response. If Trump does something to help the country and its citizens, it wasn't because of Trump.
Stupid ass.
That was basically what the right wailed about the president during Obama's 8 years.
What did Obama do to help the country? He took a big shit on the country.
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
You fail to say the deficit for the first 6 months of fiscal year 2018 is close to 600 billion dollars. The last year of Obama's Presidency the deficit for the whole year was less than 700 billion.
The CBO is forecasting increasing deficit over the next two years considering the tax cut and it's affect on the economy.

Talk about manipulating the stats
The tax cut reduced the deficit, moron. Revenues went up, not down. The deficit went up because of the budget bill laden with Democrat pork.
Oh? The debt is climbing at a faster rate since the tax cuts went into effect. If the tax cuts reduced the deficit, that would be spending has drastically increased since the beginning of the year.

What spending billings went into effect since then...?

2018 United States federal budget - Wikipedia
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
All the snowflakes in here, including you, claimed the tax cuts would explode the budget. They still are blaiming the tax cuts for causing the deficit.
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Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Ah, so know you are admitting that Trump's tax cut was in effect duing the period. However, your trying to distance yourself from the snowflake claim that the tax cuts would cause the deficite to explode.
Fucking moron, how retarded do yo have to be to think I'm distancing myself from the claim that Trump's tax cuts are exploding the deficit when it's in my signature??


You keep outdoing yourself as the biggest fucking moron on this forum.
Your signature doesn't mention Trump's tax cut, you fucking moron.
Of course it does, tacitly, as it shows Trump's policies, which includes his tax cuts, are exploding the deficit.
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
All the snowflakes in here, including you, claimed the tax cuts would explode the budget. They still are blaiming the tax cuts for causing the deficit.
And they are.
More logic from this dumbass.

If tax cuts always increase revenues then lets cut taxes by 5% every year & according to you in 25 years, no one will be paying taxes & the revenues will skyrocket.
Within Reason dumbass................Oh.......they are saying cut all taxes and Revenue will go up.

Brain Damage.
I haven't read the thread yet other than skimming the op article,

however, from the title and the first paragraph or so in the op article it implies these tax cuts that passed reflected the money collected in April 2018 for Income taxes owed and PAID... for last year's, 2017's income tax obligations, of which there were no tax cuts effective at the time that generated these revenues?

So the premise that this year's tax revenues collected were from some sort of tax cut stimulating and affecting the market, by increasing employment which in turn increased revenues...and made up for the tax revenue decrease caused by the tax cut....

No such thing was proven yet....revenues collected this past April are from taxes collected for 2017 tax laws in place, of which the tax cuts had not been in place until 2018.

We'll no more NEXT YEAR in April 2019 if the tax cuts affecting 2018's tax revenues, brought in more or less revenue than 2017's April take....or basically, whether if "Tax cuts, pay for themselves".
You're just another ding dong who doesn't understand how withholding works.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Pub.L. 115–97, an Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018,[1] is a congressional revenue act originally introduced in Congress as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).[2][3]
From your link...

Most of the changes introduced by the bill went into effect on January 1, 2018 and will not affect 2017 taxes

Fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

We started paying 2018 taxes on January 2018, you fucking moron.

Taxes for 2018 are withheld from Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018. Somone who doesn't understand how withholding works is a fucking moron. I've already explained this about 10 times, and it still hasn't penetrated your thick skull.
And LESS taxes are being taken out. You're completely brain-dead to assert taking LESS taxes produces GREATER revenues.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Typical leftard response. If Trump does something to help the country and its citizens, it wasn't because of Trump.
Stupid ass.
That was basically what the right wailed about the president during Obama's 8 years.
What did Obama do to help the country? He took a big shit on the country.
Typical brain-dead response from the conservative fucking moron... :eusa_doh:

.... a growing economy under a Democrat president happens despite the president...

.... a growing economy under a Republican president happens because of the president...

Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
You fail to say the deficit for the first 6 months of fiscal year 2018 is close to 600 billion dollars. The last year of Obama's Presidency the deficit for the whole year was less than 700 billion.
The CBO is forecasting increasing deficit over the next two years considering the tax cut and it's affect on the economy.

Talk about manipulating the stats
The tax cut reduced the deficit, moron. Revenues went up, not down. The deficit went up because of the budget bill laden with Democrat pork.
Oh? The debt is climbing at a faster rate since the tax cuts went into effect. If the tax cuts reduced the deficit, that would be spending has drastically increased since the beginning of the year.

What spending billings went into effect since then...?

2018 United States federal budget - Wikipedia
Fucking moron.... do you ever bother to read your own links...?

The government was initially funded through a series of five temporary continuing resolutions. The final funding package was passed as an omnibus spending bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, enacted on March 23, 2018.

Your link says the spending bill wasn't even enacted until March 23rd. So how do you explain the massive increase to the debt between Trump's tax cuts and March 23rd?
You fail to say the deficit for the first 6 months of fiscal year 2018 is close to 600 billion dollars. The last year of Obama's Presidency the deficit for the whole year was less than 700 billion.
The CBO is forecasting increasing deficit over the next two years considering the tax cut and it's affect on the economy.

Talk about manipulating the stats
The tax cut reduced the deficit, moron. Revenues went up, not down. The deficit went up because of the budget bill laden with Democrat pork.
Why do these morons struggle with math?

The deficit has increased since the ill advised Trump tax cuts
What "math" says the increasing revenues causes a larger deficit?

You are a special kind of stupid.
Poor, poor fIngerboy

Cutting revenue while maintaining existing spending INCREASES your deficit

Just like we are seeing with Crooked Donnie
Revenue increased, you fucking moron. How many times do you have to be told that? It's the subject of the OP. Does reality impinge on your brain at any point?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%.
No shit Fingerboy

Revenue increases every April when people pay their taxes. So the question becomes what was the difference between this year and last year?

We are six months (Trumps tax cut is only three) into this fiscal year and you are bragging about a 4.3 percent increase. Which would mean an 8.6 percent annual increase.

The reason we got a 13 percent increase was because of huge stock market gains in 2017
The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Ah, so know you are admitting that Trump's tax cut was in effect duing the period. However, your trying to distance yourself from the snowflake claim that the tax cuts would cause the deficite to explode.
Fucking moron, how retarded do yo have to be to think I'm distancing myself from the claim that Trump's tax cuts are exploding the deficit when it's in my signature??


You keep outdoing yourself as the biggest fucking moron on this forum.
Your signature doesn't mention Trump's tax cut, you fucking moron.
Of course it does, tacitly, as it shows Trump's policies, which includes his tax cuts, are exploding the deficit.
Right, you fucking douchebag. Who do you think you're fooling?
The tax cut reduced the deficit, moron. Revenues went up, not down. The deficit went up because of the budget bill laden with Democrat pork.
Why do these morons struggle with math?

The deficit has increased since the ill advised Trump tax cuts
What "math" says the increasing revenues causes a larger deficit?

You are a special kind of stupid.
Poor, poor fIngerboy

Cutting revenue while maintaining existing spending INCREASES your deficit

Just like we are seeing with Crooked Donnie
Revenue increased, you fucking moron. How many times do you have to be told that? It's the subject of the OP. Does reality impinge on your brain at any point?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%.
No shit Fingerboy

Revenue increases every April when people pay their taxes. So the question becomes what was the difference between this year and last year?

We are six months (Trumps tax cut is only three) into this fiscal year and you are bragging about a 4.3 percent increase. Which would mean an 8.6 percent annual increase.

The reason we got a 13 percent increase was because of huge stock market gains in 2017

An 8.6% annual increase is quite large. Whether it has anything to do with capital gains remains to be established. We also had stock market gains in 2016. Of course, the snowflake theory was that Trump's tax cut would cause a loss in revenue. That theory is obviously wrong.
Once again, snowflake claims about tax cuts are proven wrong. Everything they know is wrong.

Trump Tax Cuts: Revenues Hit Record High In April

The federal government collected far more taxes this April than it did a year ago, despite the "budget busting" Trump tax cuts. So, we'll ask again: Are the tax cuts paying for themselves?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%. That's a faster rate of growth than occurred during President Obama's last years in office. (See nearby chart.)

Individual taxes, the CBO report says, are up 11.5% so far this fiscal year, and payroll taxes are up 2.8%. Both are signs of a healthy labor market, which is creating more jobs, higher wages and, as a result, more tax revenues. Those gains, the CBO says, more than offset the 22% decline in corporate income taxes.

In other words, in a fiscal year that's seven months old (four of which were after the tax cuts went into effect), federal revenues are higher than ever.

Or, to put it another way, it looks like those of us who predicted the pro-growth tax cuts would at least partially pay for themselves through increased economic growth were correct.

The CBO admitted as much earlier this year, when it sharply increased its forecast for economic growth this year and next, largely because of Trump's tax cuts. That, in turn, will generate $1 trillion more in revenues than expected.
You fail to say the deficit for the first 6 months of fiscal year 2018 is close to 600 billion dollars. The last year of Obama's Presidency the deficit for the whole year was less than 700 billion.
The CBO is forecasting increasing deficit over the next two years considering the tax cut and it's affect on the economy.

Talk about manipulating the stats
The tax cut reduced the deficit, moron. Revenues went up, not down. The deficit went up because of the budget bill laden with Democrat pork.
Oh? The debt is climbing at a faster rate since the tax cuts went into effect. If the tax cuts reduced the deficit, that would be spending has drastically increased since the beginning of the year.

What spending billings went into effect since then...?

2018 United States federal budget - Wikipedia
Fucking moron.... do you ever bother to read your own links...?

The government was initially funded through a series of five temporary continuing resolutions. The final funding package was passed as an omnibus spending bill, the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2018, enacted on March 23, 2018.

Your link says the spending bill wasn't even enacted until March 23rd. So how do you explain the massive increase to the debt between Trump's tax cuts and March 23rd?
From looking at revenues from 2015 and 2016, it appears that revenue is always low in February and March. It's purely a cyclical phenomenon, dipstick.
The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Typical leftard response. If Trump does something to help the country and its citizens, it wasn't because of Trump.
Stupid ass.
That was basically what the right wailed about the president during Obama's 8 years.
What did Obama do to help the country? He took a big shit on the country.
Typical brain-dead response from the conservative fucking moron... :eusa_doh:

.... a growing economy under a Democrat president happens despite the president...

.... a growing economy under a Republican president happens because of the president...


Both are true because Democrats never do anything that helps the economy. They shit on the economy. Higher taxes and regulation are not good economic policy. That's why we had the slowest economic growth ever duruing a recovery under Obama.
Within Reason dumbass................Oh.......they are saying cut all taxes and Revenue will go up.

Brain Damage.
I haven't read the thread yet other than skimming the op article,

however, from the title and the first paragraph or so in the op article it implies these tax cuts that passed reflected the money collected in April 2018 for Income taxes owed and PAID... for last year's, 2017's income tax obligations, of which there were no tax cuts effective at the time that generated these revenues?

So the premise that this year's tax revenues collected were from some sort of tax cut stimulating and affecting the market, by increasing employment which in turn increased revenues...and made up for the tax revenue decrease caused by the tax cut....

No such thing was proven yet....revenues collected this past April are from taxes collected for 2017 tax laws in place, of which the tax cuts had not been in place until 2018.

We'll no more NEXT YEAR in April 2019 if the tax cuts affecting 2018's tax revenues, brought in more or less revenue than 2017's April take....or basically, whether if "Tax cuts, pay for themselves".
You're just another ding dong who doesn't understand how withholding works.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Pub.L. 115–97, an Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018,[1] is a congressional revenue act originally introduced in Congress as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).[2][3]
From your link...

Most of the changes introduced by the bill went into effect on January 1, 2018 and will not affect 2017 taxes

Fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

We started paying 2018 taxes on January 2018, you fucking moron.

Taxes for 2018 are withheld from Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018. Somone who doesn't understand how withholding works is a fucking moron. I've already explained this about 10 times, and it still hasn't penetrated your thick skull.
And LESS taxes are being taken out. You're completely brain-dead to assert taking LESS taxes produces GREATER revenues.


Then how is revenue this year higher than revenue last year?

It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that what actually happened can't happen.
People pay their taxes all year long, dumbass. what they do in April is file their taxes, which means they calculate how much they were actually obligated to pay than then either pay the balance if they didn't pay enough or get a refund if they paid too much.

Which is why you miss the point.
Tax revenues are lowest in February- that's when people get their refund checks.

Tax revunues are high in April, that's when those of us who have to pay money do so.

Again, I just have to conclude you aren't very smart.

The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
All the snowflakes in here, including you, claimed the tax cuts would explode the budget. They still are blaiming the tax cuts for causing the deficit.
And they are.
Revenue increased, moron, so they aren't.
Why do these morons struggle with math?

The deficit has increased since the ill advised Trump tax cuts
What "math" says the increasing revenues causes a larger deficit?

You are a special kind of stupid.
Poor, poor fIngerboy

Cutting revenue while maintaining existing spending INCREASES your deficit

Just like we are seeing with Crooked Donnie
Revenue increased, you fucking moron. How many times do you have to be told that? It's the subject of the OP. Does reality impinge on your brain at any point?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%.
No shit Fingerboy

Revenue increases every April when people pay their taxes. So the question becomes what was the difference between this year and last year?

We are six months (Trumps tax cut is only three) into this fiscal year and you are bragging about a 4.3 percent increase. Which would mean an 8.6 percent annual increase.

The reason we got a 13 percent increase was because of huge stock market gains in 2017

An 8.6% annual increase is quite large. Whether it has anything to do with capital gains remains to be established. We also had stock market gains in 2016. Of course, the snowflake theory was that Trump's tax cut would cause a loss in revenue. That theory is obviously wrong.
Then explain the spike in the deficit once Trumps tax deduction took effect

So we had a 13 percent increase in revenue before the tax cuts took effect, 8.6 percent after they took effect
The point you are trying so desperately to ignore is that revenues this April were higher than revenues last April. According to the leftwing alternate theory of realty, tax revenues should have been lower.
No one is ignoring it -- what's being explained to you, but you're too big of a fucking moron to understand, is that it's due to reasons not related to Trump's tax cuts, which just went into effect 3 months earlier.
Ah, so know you are admitting that Trump's tax cut was in effect duing the period. However, your trying to distance yourself from the snowflake claim that the tax cuts would cause the deficite to explode.
Fucking moron, how retarded do yo have to be to think I'm distancing myself from the claim that Trump's tax cuts are exploding the deficit when it's in my signature??


You keep outdoing yourself as the biggest fucking moron on this forum.
Your signature doesn't mention Trump's tax cut, you fucking moron.
Of course it does, tacitly, as it shows Trump's policies, which includes his tax cuts, are exploding the deficit.
It shows precisely the opposite. Revenue increased. For your claim to be true, revenue would have to be lower this year than last year.

How many times does this simple fact have to be hammered into your thick skull?
I haven't read the thread yet other than skimming the op article,

however, from the title and the first paragraph or so in the op article it implies these tax cuts that passed reflected the money collected in April 2018 for Income taxes owed and PAID... for last year's, 2017's income tax obligations, of which there were no tax cuts effective at the time that generated these revenues?

So the premise that this year's tax revenues collected were from some sort of tax cut stimulating and affecting the market, by increasing employment which in turn increased revenues...and made up for the tax revenue decrease caused by the tax cut....

No such thing was proven yet....revenues collected this past April are from taxes collected for 2017 tax laws in place, of which the tax cuts had not been in place until 2018.

We'll no more NEXT YEAR in April 2019 if the tax cuts affecting 2018's tax revenues, brought in more or less revenue than 2017's April take....or basically, whether if "Tax cuts, pay for themselves".
You're just another ding dong who doesn't understand how withholding works.

Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 - Wikipedia

Pub.L. 115–97, an Act to provide for reconciliation pursuant to titles II and V of the concurrent resolution on the budget for fiscal year 2018,[1] is a congressional revenue act originally introduced in Congress as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA).[2][3]
From your link...

Most of the changes introduced by the bill went into effect on January 1, 2018 and will not affect 2017 taxes

Fucking moron. :eusa_doh:

We started paying 2018 taxes on January 2018, you fucking moron.

Taxes for 2018 are withheld from Jan 1, 2018 to Dec 31, 2018. Somone who doesn't understand how withholding works is a fucking moron. I've already explained this about 10 times, and it still hasn't penetrated your thick skull.
And LESS taxes are being taken out. You're completely brain-dead to assert taking LESS taxes produces GREATER revenues.


Then how is revenue this year higher than revenue last year?

It takes a special kind of stupid to claim that what actually happened can't happen.

Most of the revenue that was taken in in April was paid on income from 2017, not 1018. You do know that April is the month that taxes are due, right? I realize working at Wendy's you have never had to actually pay any taxes, but trust me on this one.
What "math" says the increasing revenues causes a larger deficit?

You are a special kind of stupid.
Poor, poor fIngerboy

Cutting revenue while maintaining existing spending INCREASES your deficit

Just like we are seeing with Crooked Donnie
Revenue increased, you fucking moron. How many times do you have to be told that? It's the subject of the OP. Does reality impinge on your brain at any point?

According to the latest monthly report from the Congressional Budget Office, revenues in April totaled $515 billion — a 13% increase over last April and an all-time high for the month.

For the current 2018 fiscal year, which started last October, revenues are $83 billion higher than they were the year before — an increase of 4.3%.
No shit Fingerboy

Revenue increases every April when people pay their taxes. So the question becomes what was the difference between this year and last year?

We are six months (Trumps tax cut is only three) into this fiscal year and you are bragging about a 4.3 percent increase. Which would mean an 8.6 percent annual increase.

The reason we got a 13 percent increase was because of huge stock market gains in 2017

An 8.6% annual increase is quite large. Whether it has anything to do with capital gains remains to be established. We also had stock market gains in 2016. Of course, the snowflake theory was that Trump's tax cut would cause a loss in revenue. That theory is obviously wrong.
Then explain the spike in the deficit once Trumps tax deduction took effect
It appears that revenue is always low in February and March. Revenue isn't flat for the entire year. It remains to be seen just how big the deficit will be this year. It will probably be higher because of all the pork spending the Dims loaded into the budget, but some of that may be offset by increased tax revenue.

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