Taylor Swift awarded Person of the Year, and MAGAs are frantic.

I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
She is totes racist.
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
The Man Person of the Year has traditionally been the person who had the most influence on world events.

In 1938, Time created some controversy by choosing Adolf Hitler, but he was irrefutably the most influential world figure at the time.

Choosing Taylor Swift is about the stupidest, boneheaded choice the tards at Time could have made.
When we start allowing 12 year-olds to vote, I'll worry

Au contraire. It's not just 12 year olds that love her. WOMEN love her. Smart people love her.

Taylor Swift has revolutionized the music industry and given the power back to the artists, singlehandedly. When the rights to her back catalogue was sold without her knowledge or consent, she re-recorded and re-engineered all of her old catalogue and re-released then owning the right to all of her own music again, and rendering the older versions worthless.

She produced her own concert film while her tour was ongoing, and then distributed it herself to movie theatres - bypassing studios and their cut.

She has singlehandedly boosted jersey sales and turn out at Chiefs games.
The Man Person of the Year has traditionally been the person who had the most influence on world events.

In 1938, Time created some controversy by choosing Adolf Hitler, but he was irrefutably the most influential world figure at the time.

Choosing Taylor Swift is about the stupidest, boneheaded choice the tards at Time could have made.
Awwwww, poor baby.
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
As a convert away from the Green Party and the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, my response to Taylor Swift being awarded the "Person of the Year Award," is the same as my response to everyone being awarded that award......Yawn.
It doesn't mean crap to me and I'm sure that there are a vast number of others who don't give a damn.
Because when she tells her fans to register to vote, they register. The Republicans are afraid of young women.
/——/ At least we can correctly identify women, know which bathroom they should use, and understand they are the ones who can get pregnant. democRATs, not so much.
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?

The whole push is to cancel a Trump voters vote ....they're worried the machines, , cheaters ,burst pipes ,and mailmen won't be able to keep up ...
NYC city want invaders to vote cause demockwacy ! 200,000 ballots for ileegals...
I bet with all the dem voting blacks n jews grumbling

Carry on

Taylor Swift is a Pop-Star. Not a Soprano, not a Tenor, not even a Blues Master. A Pop Star.

Her following averages about 12 years-old. No shit.

I consider myself a fan of music and I couldn't tell you one song she's ever done. You could play her biggest hit and I wouldn't have a clue who she is.

Adele? Know who she is. Taylor Swift? Who? Seriously, I don't know a thing about her.

So forgive me while I listen to this again.

THIS is talent. Maybe Taylor has talent, too. But I doubt it.

If you've never heard this, you need to listen

Yeah that’s one of the greatest performances ever
I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
Despite my strong Republican leanings, I agree with this award
As a convert away from the Green Party and the Democrat Party to the Republican Party, my response to Taylor Swift being awarded the "Person of the Year Award," is the same as my response to everyone being awarded that award......Yawn.
It doesn't mean crap to me and I'm sure that there are a vast number of others who don't give a damn.
That’s a lot of words to not care.

Seems that you do and want to convince other fuckups to join the butthurt.
She has no talent? She writes her own music & plays an instrument. I don't listen to her but I'll give her credit for what she's accomplished.

Oh btw, she's got more money then the MAL chimp.
The point being her being picked as person if the year is nothing since Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Putin have the same award
Taylor Swift is a Pop-Star. Not a Soprano, not a Tenor, not even a Blues Master. A Pop Star.

Her following averages about 12 years-old. No shit.

I consider myself a fan of music and I couldn't tell you one song she's ever done. You could play her biggest hit and I wouldn't have a clue who she is.

Adele? Know who she is. Taylor Swift? Who? Seriously, I don't know a thing about her.

So forgive me while I listen to this again.

THIS is talent. Maybe Taylor has talent, too. But I doubt it.

If you've never heard this, you need to listen

Here's a breakdown of the age distribution among Taylor Swift fans:

  • Millennials: 45%
  • Gen X: 21%
  • Baby Boomers: 23%
  • Gen Z: 11%
Here's a breakdown of the age distribution among Taylor Swift fans:

  • Millennials: 45%
  • Gen X: 21%
  • Baby Boomers: 23%
  • Gen Z: 11%

My wife (58) and daughter (22) are both Taylor Swift fans. Both vote.

My wife is even wanting to watch Chiefs games. LOL.

I think they have seen her 3 times. (not this go round)
She’s a pop star with a mostly braindead 20-something audience that worships sex and drugs not politics

I dont hate her for that

In fact my reaction to her is mostly blah

She’s too plastic for my tastes
the nuts won’t make up their mind. Some say their fans are 12. Now this one upgraded to 20-something.

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