Taylor Swift awarded Person of the Year, and MAGAs are frantic.

Because when she tells her fans to register to vote, they register. The Republicans are afraid of young women.

damn right. roe v wade has been around for so long, that right has always been there for every young female. they never knew anything else.

now it's not there for so many. that issue is not going to go away & females will remember. it's already being won at the polls.
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I have no idea why Taylor Swift being awarded the Person of the Year Award should be a political issue, but it's plain to see MAGAs are determined to make it a political issue. I suspect the fact that Ms swift has more social media followers than trump, and regularly draws crowds that dwarf trump's rallies makes her an enemy of MAGAs. For what ever reason, the right wing is all aflutter over the award, and are making their displeasure well known on social media. Oddly, it doesn't seem to be an issue for non MAGA posters. Exactly why is the right dragging her into the political relm?
Taylor Swift should be nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
No, I started a crazy MAGA thread because I like to laugh at you cult members.
The fake that we don't care you like that she's been added to the list of members who have made person of the year. Hitler Stalin Putin Mussolini. Great job nub
Like Obama was for doing nothing

obama had nothing to do with receiving it. most assuredly, it was an overt slap to W.'s face by the ones who decide their recipients.... howverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ........... that prize comes with a cash award as well; & obama accepted it, then promptly donated it all to charity. & if he hadn't accepted the NPP, that cash would have gone somewhere else & his choice would have lost out.
obama had nothing to do with receiving it. most assuredly, it was an overt slap to W.'s face by the ones who decide their recipients.... howverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ........... that prize comes with a cash award as well; & obama accepted it, then promptly donated it all to charity. & if he hadn't accepted the NPP, that cash would have gone somewhere else & his choice would have lost out.
What exactly did Obama do?
What exactly did Obama do?

he wasn't W. that's all that was needed. like i said - the powers that be at the council for the NPP decisions gave it to obama as a psuedo F U to baby bush for invading a sovereign nation just so he avenge daddy bush.

& after obama 'won' - this is who he gave the cash portion to:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
March 11, 2010

The President Donates Nobel Prize Money to Charity​

The President Donates Nobel Prize Money to Charity
he wasn't W. that's all that was needed. like i said - the powers that be at the council for the NPP decisions gave it to obama as a psuedo F U to baby bush for invading a sovereign nation just so he avenge daddy bush.

& after obama 'won' - this is who he gave the cash portion to:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
March 11, 2010

The President Donates Nobel Prize Money to Charity​

The President Donates Nobel Prize Money to Charity
That's no reason to get a nobel peace prize
Your blather drool over oshma I mean Obama did with the money is irrelevant because he did nothing to get it. Lock children up in cages assassinating American citizens. Giving children to human traffickers. That's what your boy did.
That's no reason to get a nobel peace prize

i agree numbskull. apparently you played hooky the day they taught reading comp.
Your blather drool over oshma


I mean Obama did with the money is irrelevant

actually it is. you see he gave it to charity. somethin' we both know yer chosen one woulda kept. in fact he ripped his OWN 'charity' off & used donation cash to buy a portrait of himself among other things.

because he did nothing to get it.

who's fault was it in giving it to him, 'eh?

Lock children up in cages assassinating American citizens. Giving children to human traffickers. That's what your boy did.


images (1).jpg
i agree numbskull. apparently you played hooky the day they taught reading comp.


actually it is. you see he gave it to charity. somethin' we both know yer chosen one woulda kept. in fact he ripped his OWN 'charity' off & used donation cash to buy a portrait of himself among other things.

who's fault was it in giving it to him, 'eh?


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FYI everything Biden did was during Obama administration quid pro Jo
The big guy and his 10% cut
Looks like the shit that was damned up is about to cover Obama

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