Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

you are one paranoid individual.

It must be tough being you.

lol.....Americans speaking out peacefully is hinting violence...

I mean...wow.......you must lie awake at night worried about what tomorrow will bring.

Go tell it to the ghosts of Randy Weaver's family.


Your kind are no more peaceful than the half-veiled threat inherent in your tea party imagery. Just remember, when you don't get your way in '12 than no amount of crying over gun control will validate the product of your trigger finger.

Idiot reborn

What did you say, David Koresh?
Maybe you can get all the D Senators to stand on the Capitol steps and shout "Tea Party Terrorists" in unison...

That would make a good ad...

Come on, get cracking on this - it's a fucking gold mine...

It's a horrible idea, but the sarcasm could of course be reciprocated circa 2006-2007ish and the R Senators could have all stood on the Capital steps and shouted "The Democrats are FOR the terrorists!"


equally as rediculous.
I think that 1 of you is talking by Politicians, and one is talking by the public in General.

But everyone was chastized, and both sides do it, and it's our Country's fucking problem. So, despite him being guilty himself of it, I have no problem when the President expresses his discontent with the rhetoric going on. Politicians are two faced scrubs, but when they say something correct I'm not gunna be on some high horse shit like "yea but he's a leader and shouldn't care if people talk shit about him."

I don't buy into that. If someone talks shit, I'm calling them on it if I see them. That's in any walk in life.

And much like it wasn't Obama who said "terrorist," it wasn't the tea guy specifically who said Socialist, etc. and so they're both just circle jerking. But the funneh part is, I'd put my next paycheck, if I had to bet, that Mr. Tea sir called Obama all kinds of stuff over time.

I openly ON HERE and elsewhere expressed disatisfaction with Boehner as speaker as he is one that uses spoin and heightens the political rhetoric...just as Pelosi did.

I expect our leaders to reprmimand their party for the spin and rhetoric....not add to it.

So we had pelosi do it, now she is gone...now boehner does it...and now the president does it.

And how is that doing for us?

I don't think that the Pres. and Boehner feed the national debate of incited over-blown rhetoric. They merely take part in it.

It is the people who get airtime and great ratings on a daily basis that incite it. It is conspiracy theories based on flimsy bullshit that incited it. It is the spreading of false propoganda, that incites it. It is message boards and blogs where people can spread as much hatred and disinformation as suits them, and other retards can take it and believe it as gospel as it suits them, and tell all their brothers and cousins.

Most "men on the street" have never heard of John Boehner, and most men on the street don't see Obama but RARELY, as opposed to the 24/7 media and internets of spin and propoganda.


But....imagine if our leaders...Boehner and Obama....spoke out together and pretty much told the public something like this.....TOGETHER.....

"We respect the media and their role to keep the public informed...but it seems they are focused on spin and rhetoric. The right and the left sides of the aisle do not see eye to eye on the direction of the country, but netiher side believes the motivation and the intent of the opposition is "destruction of America".....We do not agree with the rhetoric and we will not particiapte in it...and the first thing we will both do as our party leaders is let our respectives parties know that we will publicly speak out against them if they use spin and rehtoric to make their poiint."

Now...THAT is a pipe dream perhpas....but THAT is leadership in action.

Yea, see, the left are already outed for this kind of bullshit. Either prove that guy is an actual TEA Partier or you are dismissed as an idiot.

Don't like it? Blame the HuffPuff for recruiting idiots to attend TEA Party rallies with 'provocative signs', photograph themselves and spread them around the net. Dishonesty breeds suspicion.

I don't think i need to prove anything , the words and actions of the tea party LEADERS are well documented.

Then you won't have any trouble supplying links.
Maybe you can get all the D Senators to stand on the Capitol steps and shout "Tea Party Terrorists" in unison...

That would make a good ad...

Come on, get cracking on this - it's a fucking gold mine...

It's a horrible idea, but the sarcasm could of course be reciprocated circa 2006-2007ish and the R Senators could have all stood on the Capital steps and shouted "The Democrats are FOR the terrorists!"


equally as rediculous.

lol...so true...

And "the democrats want us to lose the war"....that would have made for a great ad too.
Although the democrats already put out the ad...

"the GOP want to toss your grandma over a cliff"......

Now THAT was not helpful.
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


Actually we would.

Which is exactly why the tea partiers' desire, and the tea party legislators' actions - to cripple the US financially by preventing an increase in the debt ceiling -

was terrorism. By your own measure.

Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.
And..it's heresay.

From an "Unnamed source".

So if you are going to put that up as rock solid evidence.

Then never question unnamed sources again.

K? :lol:

Yep all heresay perpetrated by left wing media. Lets go from terrorist to racist. OH MY!!!

cute straw front if nothing else.

Politico is "left wing media"? :lol:

In any case..are you now saying it's reliable?

I generally question second party stories. I don't care where it comes from.

I like fishing, but this is a message board. Thanks anyway.
Actually we would.

Which is exactly why the tea partiers' desire, and the tea party legislators' actions - to cripple the US financially by preventing an increase in the debt ceiling -

was terrorism. By your own measure.

Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?
“Now, in fairness, since I’ve been called a socialist who wasn’t born in this country, who is destroying America and taking away its freedoms because I passed a [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]health [COLOR=blue !important]care [COLOR=blue !important]bill
[/COLOR][/COLOR], I’m all for lowering the rhetoric," Obama said.

Read more: Obama Conversation With Tea Partier Gets Heated - FoxNews.com[/COLOR]​

Rhodes "confronts" the President of the United States, gets blown off by Obama, and that makes this POTUS bad, why?

Who the hell is Rhodes to confront this or any POTUS demanding an explanation for what somebody else might or might not have said?

The commie son of a bitch works for us! He damned sure owes us explainations. In stead of getting all arrogant at citizens and apologizing to foreign dictators, he shouls try the oposite for once.

Yeah--this woman sure looked like a "terrorist" to me---:lol: I am glad they confronted Obama on this. You know it was just a few months ago that the media in this country was trying to blame the tea party movement for some nutcase shooting Gabby Giffords. Come to find out later this guy was a crazy left winger--not from the right.

Then we had Obama come out and give a speech--on the hateful rhetoric--not to do it anymore--and the VP of the United States refers to average--law abiding--tax paying citizens as terrorists--simply because they want this government borrowing and spending under control.

And then Obama starts "whining"--yesterday--"well look at the names people call me." What a thumb sucker President--no wonder people refer to him as the "man-child."--:cuckoo:
There is nothing to indicate anywhere that Biden called anyone a terrorist.

Biden agreed:

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies’ misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: “They have acted like terrorists,” according to several sources in the room.

Biden’s office refused to comment to Politico about what was said, citing that the meeting took place in a closed-door session.

Joe Biden Calls Republicans Terrorists in Debt Meeting | TheBlaze.com

And then as his Spokespeople TRY to Deny it, they say that several other Congresspeople WERE calling them Terrorists...

Biden says he didn't call Tea Party terrorists




I'll believe Biden over you and unnamed sources any day of the week.

There's your problem, right there.
Which is exactly why the tea partiers' desire, and the tea party legislators' actions - to cripple the US financially by preventing an increase in the debt ceiling -

was terrorism. By your own measure.

Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.
Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.

Compromise to Obama is 'give me more money and STFU while I'm spending it'.
'We need tax increases'

What is different from what the Dems always do? Tax and spend. That's it.

Speaking of pouting.

I remember when Obama threw down his papers and stormed out of the meeting with Cantor and Boehner. "YOU WOULDN'T TREAT REAGAN LIKE THIS!!!!!!"
Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.


SO the final deal was 4 trillion cut in spending, no increase in taxes, no increase in the debt ceiling and a balanced budget?

Afterall, that was what the tea partty wanted.

So I guess that must have been the deal as the tea party refused to compromise...

But....but...but....that WASNT the deal.

So the tea party MUST have comrpmised.

Asshole...you dont even see how silly the shit the left makes you regurgitate makes you look.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.

Compromise to Obama is 'give me more money and STFU while I'm spending it'.
'We need tax increases'

What is different from what the Dems always do? Tax and spend. That's it.

Speaking of pouting.

I remember when Obama threw down his papers and stormed out of the meeting with Cantor and Boehner. "YOU WOULDN'T TREAT REAGAN LIKE THIS!!!!!!"

some people on the left are selfish...
They got used to partisan NON comprmised legislation when the left controlled both houses.

Now...if somebody can force a genuine debate...THEY ARE TERRORISTS!!!!!!!
No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.

Compromise to Obama is 'give me more money and STFU while I'm spending it'.
'We need tax increases'

What is different from what the Dems always do? Tax and spend. That's it.

Speaking of pouting.

I remember when Obama threw down his papers and stormed out of the meeting with Cantor and Boehner. "YOU WOULDN'T TREAT REAGAN LIKE THIS!!!!!!"

You were there? :lol:
Preventing the government from overspending is terrorism?

Stopping them from increasing the debt-ceiling is the same thing as taking the credit card away from your daughter.

No....read what he wrote....

Insisting on a compromise...which is what the tea party did....THAT is terrorism.

Pretty pathetic in a republic democracy ....no?


the terrorist party didn't insist on a compromise at all. They wanted to take their ball and go home if they didn't get their way. You may want to spin it otherwise, but the rest of us remember how bent out of shape those freshman congressmen were at the idea of a compromise away from terrorist party lines.

tea party and compromise.. :rofl:

that is just too funny.

EXACTLY what I've been saying. I'm a very active member of the Tea Party and I wanted NO PART of the compromise. What I wanted was absolutely NO raise to the debt ceiling, no increase in taxes, and the federal government to start living within its 2 TRILLION dollar a year budget. Wow, if we had to do away with about 100,000 Washington beaurocrats, I would NOT have weeped one tear!

I've made sure that my two senators and congressmen were completely aware of my preferences. Luckily, I have representatives that do get it. Washington will not start living within their means until you absolutely, positively make them.

Now I realize that Barry and you leftists would love to raise taxes. Course, raising taxes has nothing to do with paying off the national debt. It has to do with spending. You take in more, you spend more. That's the whole bottom line as to why you want to raise taxes. If you raised taxes and paid off the national debt, I'd be right there with you. But that's not what you want, is it?

Any person with any common sense could go into Washington and start shutting down these federal beaurocracies and we could save billions of dollars. But the reason you want to raise taxes is to increase the dependency. It's the same reason you want the "Dream Act" and "immigration reform." It's not to help the country or even the immigrants. It's a way of protecting jobs for beaurocrats.

This tea party terrorist will do everything I can. Take a clue from Nancy Reagan: Just say "NO"

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