Tea Party activist confronts Obama on Biden calling them terrorists.

So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??

Exactly where did I say Biden said it?
It was said at a forum where Biden was in the forefront, and a demcoratic rep said it and biden did not respond....and neither did the "leader of the free world"

And when a dissenter threw a shoe at Bush....all Bush said was "it is great that he had the right to do it"

THAT is the sign of a leader.

Obama...when a dissenter expresses verbal anger (not even physical)....nowhere did he comp-liment the man for speaking his mind...insead he said "but...but....but.....they are calling me names....."
That is NOT the sign of a leader.

Well that's not what the President said...but okay..

If that's what you heard..who am I to disagree.

I do not have the exact quote...

But it went something like this...

"Well, they call me soacialist, marxist, and say I hate my country......"

Sorry for the paraphrase for senationlaism...I thought thats what people do on here...actually IT IS what people do on here...
please...tell me.....of the 33% of the people that are deemed right of center...or 100 million....how many have called him "boy, muslim, terrorist, negro, etc."

Sure...you will show me a sign here and a video there.....100 freaking million and exactly how many examples can you come up with?

Easy to say, quite difficult to back up.

Nice strawman, pokey. Not only do you try to blow a population out of a sample but you are trying to disregard the FACT of right wing rhetoric by, first admitting to it, and then assuming it doesn't apply to anyone else who feels the same way but was never caught on camera saying it.


you people are sad. Like, Robert Smith of The Cure sad.

wow...so lets see....

I point out to you that there are few examples of anyone truly feeling that way.....

And you criticize me for saying that becuase you ASSUME there are so many more....and admit it is assumption.

You are not worthy of my time. You debate like a child.

it's not few examples. this board, one of the likely million plus, is rampant with it. it's the same on both sides, and trying to pretend otherwise for both sallow and anyone else is just a big circle jerk.

Did Vice President Biden liken Tea Party Republicans to terrorists in a meeting with House Democrats? Eyewitnesses say yes, but he denies it, Politico reports:

Biden was agreeing with a line of argument made by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-Pa.) at a two-hour, closed-door Democratic Caucus meeting.

"We have negotiated with terrorists," an angry Doyle said, according to sources in the room. "This small group of terrorists have made it impossible to spend any money."

Biden, driven by his Democratic allies' misgivings about the debt-limit deal, responded: "They have acted like terrorists."

Biden's office initially declined to comment about what the vice president said inside the closed-door session, but after Politico published the remarks, spokeswoman Kendra Barkoff said: "The word was used by several members of Congress. The vice president does not believe it's an appropriate term in political discourse."

Whether Biden said it or not, all parties seem to agree that Doyle and perhaps other House Democrats did. And plenty of prominent elite liberals have sounded the theme. It's become commonplace on the opinion pages of the New York Times, where Joe Nocera rants:

You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. These last few months, much of the country has watched in horror as the Tea Party Republicans have waged jihad on the American people. . . . Their goal, they believed, was worth blowing up the country for, if that's what it took. . . . For now, the Tea Party Republicans can put aside their suicide vests. But rest assured: They'll have them on again soon enough.

Last Wednesday Thomas Friedman described the Tea Party as the GOP's "Hezbollah faction." The same day Maureen Dowd approvingly quoted "some Democrats" as describing the Tea Party as "the Republican 'Taliban wing.' " (In fairness we should note that the Times's Roger Cohen registered a partial dissent: "Hatred of Muslims . . . is a growing political industry. It's odious, dangerous and racist.")

And it's not just the Times. NewsBusters.org quotes liberal Bloomberg columnist Margaret Carlson: "There's a nihilist caucus which is, 'Listen, we want to burn the place down.' I mean, they're not, they've strapped explosives to the Capitol and they think they are immune from it." NewsBusters also notes a cartoon from David Fitzsimmons of the (Tucson) Arizona Daily Star depicting President Obama ordering Navy SEALs to stage a bin Laden-style raid on the House side of the Capitol.

Bush was referred to as:

A war mongerer
A racist (Katrina situation)
A liar (cherry picked intel)
A murderer (4000 Americans killed in Iraq)

Anyone have any link to where he ever said a word about the names he was being called?

Bush had questionable policies....there will always be a debate as to whether he was a good policy maker.

But as a leader? He was a leader.

Obama has questrionable policies.....the will always be a debate as to whether he was a good policy maker.

But as a leader. He is by no means a leader.

Which democratic politician was calling Bush those names?

I got one that defended him.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX1lBOxoJeU]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Remember when President Obama was talking about who was going pay for the clean up after the BP oil spill? Boehner wanted to charge tax payers? Well this guy went a little further..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ILOEyGlutM]Rep. Barton Apologizes For BP "Shakedown" - YouTube[/ame]

That's a Republican who Defended a slimly oil company..and he basically called the President of the United States a criminal.
Let's see, since I am a very active member of the Tea Party, I think that I can weigh in on Barry's culpability to Joe calling us "terrorists."

Joe Biden is an idiot. Barry has known this for some time now and he tries to keep Joe locked up "at an undisclosed location" so that he doesn't have to go around the nation defending his words. Everytime Joe opens his mouth, a crisis team from the Whitehouse has to spend the next week either disavowing or explaining what it was that Joe was "really trying to say."

I can just bet that the use of the word "terrorist" when referring to Tea Party members was something that had been used a number of times and was probably pretty routine for Democrats by the time it was reported. I appreciate California Girls outrage over the use of the term and I agree that calling your fellow citizens terrorists is a little over the top. It's also so very ironic. Democrats won't call militant Jihadists terrorists, but they WILL call their own fellow citizens a terrorist. But their is a positive side to it.

I don't want Barry and the Commissars of the Democratic Party doing anything. As I've said before, if my senators and representatives don't accomplish anything other than blocking and interferring with their mandates, regulations, and rules, then so be it. The most dangerous time in the country is when Congress is in session. Rights, money or property are going to be taken away when it is. I am disappointed that the debt ceiling was raised, but it was. Hopefully, the next time this comes up for discussion, the votes will be there to ensure that our legislators will actually have to come up with a plan to reduce government spending to coincide with revenue. I think the only way to do it is with a constitutional amendment. So when Joe agrees with or utters the word "terrorist" when talking about the Tea Party, that means that we are very much affecting their ability to do what they want. Good. That makes me smile. When they call us "racists", that of course means that we won't go lock step with what Barry wants. Good. Another reason to smile. They've used that word so much when referring to their detractors that it has absolutely zero affect anymore. Don't like Barry = Racist! Don't like Barry's policies = Terrorist!
Exactly where did I say Biden said it?
It was said at a forum where Biden was in the forefront, and a demcoratic rep said it and biden did not respond....and neither did the "leader of the free world"

And when a dissenter threw a shoe at Bush....all Bush said was "it is great that he had the right to do it"

THAT is the sign of a leader.

Obama...when a dissenter expresses verbal anger (not even physical)....nowhere did he comp-liment the man for speaking his mind...insead he said "but...but....but.....they are calling me names....."

That is NOT the sign of a leader.

the guy did jail time

we have different definitions of a leader.

if i'm confronted with some bullshit 3rd party nonsense, I'm going to call some bullshit 3rd party nonsense in return. I'm not going to suck your dick and coddle you.

the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....
Sarah Palin - ****, stupid ****
GWB - hates black people, murderer, liar, traitor, stupid,etc
Tea Party - racists, terrorists
Michele Bachmann - nut-case, religious extremist, stupid
Herman Cain - uncle tom, house-negro, racist
Allen West - criminal
Dick Cheney - EVILE, criminal
Condi Rice - oreo, house-negro
Clarence Thomas - sex-offender, uncle tom, house-negro
Glenn Beck - cry-baby, nut-case, drunk
Rush Limbaugh - racist, heroin-addict
Mitt Romney - Mormon
Gerald Ford - clutz, stupid
Ronald Reagan - racist, stupid, war-monger
Fox News - faux news

The list goes on and on.

I'm trying to figure out what planet you're on.

And still no links.

Impressive. :lol:

Sallow you were owned on the statement. MOVE ON. The org that bought and paid for democrats.

Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.
Bush was referred to as:

A war mongerer
A racist (Katrina situation)
A liar (cherry picked intel)
A murderer (4000 Americans killed in Iraq)

Anyone have any link to where he ever said a word about the names he was being called?

Bush had questionable policies....there will always be a debate as to whether he was a good policy maker.

But as a leader? He was a leader.

Obama has questrionable policies.....the will always be a debate as to whether he was a good policy maker.

But as a leader. He is by no means a leader.

Which democratic politician was calling Bush those names?

I got one that defended him.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eX1lBOxoJeU]Rangel Responds to Chavez - YouTube[/ame]

Remember when President Obama was talking about who was going pay for the clean up after the BP oil spill? Boehner wanted to charge tax payers? Well this guy went a little further..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ILOEyGlutM]Rep. Barton Apologizes For BP "Shakedown" - YouTube[/ame]

That's a Republican who Defended a slimly oil company..and he basically called the President of the United States a criminal.

lol...surely you joke.

I mean...are you really going to keep this post up shoiwng how you were completely removed from the debates during the Bush administrration?

How sad.
So if a Muslim group launched a cyber attack on the US designed to cripple us financially,

none of rightwingers would call it terrorism??


hmmm....so you are comparing Americans speaking out peacefully to deliberate and calculated attacks.

Wow.......talk about wanting an environment where it is wrong for Americans to speak out.

You are pathetic NYCarbineer....and desperate.

You must feel insecure about your position.
Tell you what.

Link something that she publicly came out and made an issue of that.

There's no "hole" here.

Democrats seldom go after an opponent personally.

Republicans do it all the time.

Sarah Palin - ****, stupid ****
GWB - hates black people, murderer, liar, traitor, stupid,etc
Tea Party - racists, terrorists
Michele Bachmann - nut-case, religious extremist, stupid
Herman Cain - uncle tom, house-negro, racist
Allen West - criminal
Dick Cheney - EVILE, criminal
Condi Rice - oreo, house-negro
Clarence Thomas - sex-offender, uncle tom, house-negro
Glenn Beck - cry-baby, nut-case, drunk
Rush Limbaugh - racist, heroin-addict
Mitt Romney - Mormon
Gerald Ford - clutz, stupid
Ronald Reagan - racist, stupid, war-monger
Fox News - faux news

The list goes on and on.

I'm trying to figure out what planet you're on.

And still no links.

Impressive. :lol:

I would accuse you of playing dumb but I don't think it's an act.
And when a dissenter threw a shoe at Bush....all Bush said was "it is great that he had the right to do it"

THAT is the sign of a leader.

Obama...when a dissenter expresses verbal anger (not even physical)....nowhere did he comp-liment the man for speaking his mind...insead he said "but...but....but.....they are calling me names....."

That is NOT the sign of a leader.

the guy did jail time

we have different definitions of a leader.

if i'm confronted with some bullshit 3rd party nonsense, I'm going to call some bullshit 3rd party nonsense in return. I'm not going to suck your dick and coddle you.

the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....

You guys make this so easy..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9bta6_h4b0]Michele Bachmann Speaks at Tea Party Rally in Washington DC 3-31-11 - YouTube[/ame]
And still no links.

Impressive. :lol:

Sallow you were owned on the statement. MOVE ON. The org that bought and paid for democrats.

Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

you need to post links....so few and far between.

The Palin, Bachmann, Rush, Hannity, Bush, Cheney crap is all over the freaking place.

You are an embarrassment.
Sarah Palin - ****, stupid ****
GWB - hates black people, murderer, liar, traitor, stupid,etc
Tea Party - racists, terrorists
Michele Bachmann - nut-case, religious extremist, stupid
Herman Cain - uncle tom, house-negro, racist
Allen West - criminal
Dick Cheney - EVILE, criminal
Condi Rice - oreo, house-negro
Clarence Thomas - sex-offender, uncle tom, house-negro
Glenn Beck - cry-baby, nut-case, drunk
Rush Limbaugh - racist, heroin-addict
Mitt Romney - Mormon
Gerald Ford - clutz, stupid
Ronald Reagan - racist, stupid, war-monger
Fox News - faux news

The list goes on and on.

I'm trying to figure out what planet you're on.

And still no links.

Impressive. :lol:

I would accuse you of playing dumb but I don't think it's an act.

No links.

But an insult.

Your interwebz skillz are amazing. :lol:
And still no links.

Impressive. :lol:

Sallow you were owned on the statement. MOVE ON. The org that bought and paid for democrats.

Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

And? We can start with Bidens recent comments. Did you really need a link?
And when a dissenter threw a shoe at Bush....all Bush said was "it is great that he had the right to do it"

THAT is the sign of a leader.

Obama...when a dissenter expresses verbal anger (not even physical)....nowhere did he comp-liment the man for speaking his mind...insead he said "but...but....but.....they are calling me names....."

That is NOT the sign of a leader.

the guy did jail time

we have different definitions of a leader.

if i'm confronted with some bullshit 3rd party nonsense, I'm going to call some bullshit 3rd party nonsense in return. I'm not going to suck your dick and coddle you.

the guy diud Jail time...but it was not our country...he broke his own country laws...

But Bush did not get iun front of the camera and say a word about it other than it was a step in the right direction....

You want to call out a third party....but do you ever....EVER .....call out when democrats err?

For example....

Pelosi walking through the tea party ralley with an oversized gavel after the healthcare law was signed.....that was appropriate?

Exactly when do reps "parade" when legislation is passed strictly along partry lines and with as much controversy as the healthcare law?

Did you say "that was inappropairtae...our reps should always be sure not to "get in the face" of those that oppose ANY partisan legislation....."

I mean....show me when and where a speaker...or any leader...paraded through the protestors "gloating".....

You lost me here, dude. Seriously. You're arguing with shit I didn't even say, and it's annoying.

By 3rd party, I meant 3rd party away from Obama, meaning the guy who said "terrorist"......................I didn't mean "tea party"....or "3rd political party"
Sallow you were owned on the statement. MOVE ON. The org that bought and paid for democrats.

Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

you need to post links....so few and far between.

The Palin, Bachmann, Rush, Hannity, Bush, Cheney crap is all over the freaking place.

You are an embarrassment.

Shouldn't be a problem then.

Find a link. Where a Democratic Politician attacks a Republican Politician on a personal level.

I actually know of a couple of times..but there were apologies. Something a Republican would never do for shit they say about Democrats.

But I am not going to do your work.

Find something.
Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

you need to post links....so few and far between.

The Palin, Bachmann, Rush, Hannity, Bush, Cheney crap is all over the freaking place.

You are an embarrassment.

Shouldn't be a problem then.

Find a link. Where a Democratic Politician attacks a Republican Politician on a personal level.

I actually know of a couple of times..but there were apologies. Something a Republican would never do for shit they say about Democrats.

But I am not going to do your work.

Find something.

I really thought you were smarter then this. MY BAD.

House Democrat Leaders: Tea Partiers Are Racist, Nazi, Gun Nuts | The Weekly Standard
Sallow you were owned on the statement. MOVE ON. The org that bought and paid for democrats.

Not "owned" on anything.

I have posted links to where Republican Politicians have said some pretty awful things while attacking Democratic Politicians personally. In public.

Haven't seen anything from you guys.

Except heresay and other nonsense.

So go on.

Be the hero.

Find something.

And? We can start with Bidens recent comments. Did you really need a link?

And..it's heresay.

From an "Unnamed source".

So if you are going to put that up as rock solid evidence.

Then never question unnamed sources again.

K? :lol:

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