Tea Party darling Rand Paul says he is for amnesty for illegals

Work Visas aren't amnesty. If 11 million people were given a set amount of time to work and apply for citizenship it would become easier to track those 11 million and their movements around the country. Anything regulated is easier to control. The same can be said for guns, drugs, etc. if every gun had paperwork for where it was purchased then the person who bought it would be held accountable for selling it or giving it away if that weapon were found in a crime. (Just an example, not trying to bring up gun control)

Once these work visas expire ICE would have their locations to follow up with them once their visas expire. This would enable them to enforce current immigration laws more efficiently and those who attempt to stay here after their visa expires wold be deported. In the long run granting visas would be beneficial in that we could remove those who are unable to complete the immigration process and try to stay here past their legally allowed time. They would then have to reapply for a visa or leave or become a citizen.

Once the people here illegally are taxes and must pay the same fees we pay to government, they will have less money to send home to their families across the border. (Which is purportedly the reason they are here)

There will of course be cracks in the system but a system with cracks is better than wanton border crossing and an unenforceable illegal immigrant situation. The government should at least have some form of control over who enters and leaves illegally. Besides actually securing the border (which would be a big help) this work visa idea could be a first step to giving us the statistics required to debate a stronger position in preventing full amnesty and placing a strong check against illegal immigration.
Getting closer to elections, time to whip up the boogeyman for the left, the teaaaaaa parrrtttyyy
I have a better plan. Post all of our service members along the border at four foot intervals. Send Kerry to Mexico City to deliver the following demands:

1. Cease and desist all government endorsement, encouragement, and empowerment for people to illegally cross the US/Mexican border. Shoot to kill any foreign person or group trying to invade.

2. Pay reparations in full for the deportation of every Mexican found illegally in the United States.

3. Immediately undertake significant and successful actions to substantially reduce and effectively eliminate widespread illegal immigration into the US from Mexico.

4. Comply within 7 days.

If they do not comply, we show them a real American invasion into Mexico.

I don't think you have it in you to be honest.

Here is what Rand said.

"I’m for very expansive work visas. If you want to come to our country or if you’re one of the 11 million who are here, I’m for giving you a work visa.

There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship."
The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.
I have a better plan. Post all of our service members along the border at four foot intervals. Send Kerry to Mexico City to deliver the following demands:

1. Cease and desist all government endorsement, encouragement, and empowerment for people to illegally cross the US/Mexican border. Shoot to kill any foreign person or group trying to invade.

2. Pay reparations in full for the deportation of every Mexican found illegally in the United States.

3. Immediately undertake significant and successful actions to substantially reduce and effectively eliminate widespread illegal immigration into the US from Mexico.

4. Comply within 7 days.

If they do not comply, we show them a real American invasion into Mexico.

This is almost like rednecks with shotguns at the border with free hunting season.
Tea Party darling Rand Paul says he is for amnesty for illegals

Smart political move since the TPM becomes more irrelevant daily

I don't think you have it in you to be honest.

Here is what Rand said.

"I’m for very expansive work visas. If you want to come to our country or if you’re one of the 11 million who are here, I’m for giving you a work visa.

There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship."
The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.

Definitely far left propaganda!
Rand Paul is not tea party, like his father, he is a libertarian.

He's not even close to being a libertarian. Sorry.

That's your opinion. In my opinion, obama is a marxist muslim who was born in Kenya.

And in my opinion he's a koala bear from Australia, but some things are facts and some things are opinions. Facts can influence opinions, but not the other way around. Rand tries to appeal to both traditional Republicans and his father's libertarian base, but is increasingly transparent in his pandering. For example, on the one hand he wants to benefit politically from Edward Snowden's disclosures by by suing the NSA, pandering to libertarians, but on the other he thinks Snowden ought to serve jail time for disclosing the activities of the NSA, pandering to the establishment. So no, Rand is not a libertarian. If he's anything he's a political opportunist who will speak out of both sides of his mouth to increase his support. The problem is he's too obvious about it. Ironically, he was never more popular, even among traditional Republicans, than when he was at his most libertarian, filibustering Obama's drone program.
I don't think you have it in you to be honest.

Here is what Rand said.

"I’m for very expansive work visas. If you want to come to our country or if you’re one of the 11 million who are here, I’m for giving you a work visa.

There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship."
The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.

Definitely far left propaganda!
Definitely far right reactionary hoopla.
Rand expresses one step for a problem that won't go away and rather than sticking his head in the ground like everyone else he offers an idea. For that he is labeled a neocon?

What other solutions are there? Deporting 11 million isn't feasible. Ignoring them only drives the illegal labor market causing wage suppression in areas with high illegal population.

At least this way they will be taxed and assume some responsibility for the social costs they drive up in many communities.
I don't think you have it in you to be honest.

Here is what Rand said.

"I’m for very expansive work visas. If you want to come to our country or if you’re one of the 11 million who are here, I’m for giving you a work visa.

There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship."
The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.

Definitely far left propaganda!
The truth is always Left wing propaganda to the Right.

Here is the part of the Paul quote Lonestar left out:
"The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally,”

I don't think you have it in you to be honest.

Here is what Rand said.

"I’m for very expansive work visas. If you want to come to our country or if you’re one of the 11 million who are here, I’m for giving you a work visa.

There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship."
The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.

I think the right wants to give them work visas because they are willing to do work that a lot of Americans refuse to do but needs to be done. And no one here on a visa is granted voting rights.

Ask any illegal immigrant if he/she came here to vote or to work?
Rand expresses one step for a problem that won't go away and rather than sticking his head in the ground like everyone else he offers an idea. For that he is labeled a neocon?

What other solutions are there? Deporting 11 million isn't feasible. Ignoring them only drives the illegal labor market causing wage suppression in areas with high illegal population.

At least this way they will be taxed and assume some responsibility for the social costs they drive up in many communities.

Just so. And Rand, no, is not a neo-con.

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