Tea Party darling Rand Paul says he is for amnesty for illegals

Illegal immigrants live in overpopulated housing because they work cheap and houses cost money. You said they are invading our country and infringing on our sovereignty. I asked you how.

Get rid of NAFTA and the jobs will return here. All the companies that left after NAFTA and the subsequent trading agreements will return after their incentives are taken away to go overseas. Militaristic threats lead to war. You appear to just want war. When you're one of the boots on the ground then you can threaten militaristic force. Until then stay away from using the troops as your shield from the 'invaders' that you can't prove are invaders or invading anything. This isn't a military issue, it's an economic one.
Illegal immigrants live in overpopulated housing because they work cheap and houses cost money.

Illegals over populate housing in violation of housing laws because by doing so, they hope to reduce their housing costs to negligible levels. For example, a single family house that costs $800 a month for a single family will likely cost 30-50 percent of said family's monthly income. On the other hand, 10 illegal immigrants can pack into the house and reduce their housing costs to 5%-10% of their monthly income.

You said they are invading our country and infringing on our sovereignty. I asked you how.

I have told you twice already.

Get rid of NAFTA and the jobs will return here. All the companies that left after NAFTA and the subsequent trading agreements will return after their incentives are taken away to go overseas.

That is a completely separate issue.

Militaristic threats lead to war.

Ding ding, we have a winner!! If the Mexican government is going to continue to encourage its citizens to invade our country, then we have every right, and a duty, to go to war.

You appear to just want war.

No, I don't want war. But if the nation of Mexico is going to continue to invade our country and drain our economic resources into their own economy, then we absolutely should go to war. It's a far better use of our military power than anything we pretended to accomplish in Iraq.

When you're one of the boots on the ground then you can threaten militaristic force.

Only someone in the military can suggest that we use our military to defend our country from foreign invaders? That's a stupid thing to say.

Until then stay away from using the troops as your shield from the 'invaders' that you can't prove are invaders or invading anything.

Can't prove they're invading anything? I see, you're completely ignorant. Allow me to educate you. There are approximately 9 million Mexican nationals currently in the United States illegally. You show me any other country in the world, or any other time in history, when 9 million foreign nationals can march across your borders and it being called anything other than an invasion.

This isn't a military issue, it's an economic one.


Since when are the two mutually exclusive? The nation of Mexico is actively and intentionally draining our economy to sustain its own economy, and they are using illegal immigration to do it. Such economic destruction by a foreign nation is more than ample justification to engage in war against said nation.

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