Tea Party darling Rand Paul says he is for amnesty for illegals

The Right want immigrants to work so they can break the unions, but Randy and the Right do not want then to vote. The are for immigrants taking American jobs as long as they can't vote.

Definitely far left propaganda!
The truth is always Left wing propaganda to the Right.

Here is the part of the Paul quote Lonestar left out:
"The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally,”

Here's the quote in context.

"There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship.

So, really, the question to Democrats is will you go halfway?

Are you willing to try to bring the 11 million people who are here, bring them out of the shadows, give them an existence, try to have — be more humane and try to get them a better situation for them?

That could happen tomorrow. The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally?"

He's saying the "sticking point" is that the Democrats are going to want to give them voting rights and the Republicans are not in favor of it. That is the problem he's talking about.

I understand your reading comprehension skills are limited but please do try.
Paul only supports amnesty if there is strict border security requirements. He did vote against amnesty in the Senate this year.
Definitely far left propaganda!
The truth is always Left wing propaganda to the Right.

Here is the part of the Paul quote Lonestar left out:
"The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally,”

Here's the quote in context.

"There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship.

So, really, the question to Democrats is will you go halfway?

Are you willing to try to bring the 11 million people who are here, bring them out of the shadows, give them an existence, try to have — be more humane and try to get them a better situation for them?

That could happen tomorrow. The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally?"

He's saying the "sticking point" is that the Democrats are going to want to give them voting rights and the Republicans are not in favor of it. That is the problem he's talking about.

I understand your reading comprehension skills are limited but please do try.
How exactly does that contradict my saying the GOP want immigrants to take American jobs as long as they can't vote????

The GOP think they will vote Democratic and they care more about winning elections than they care about American jobs.

Man up and admit it!!!
Definitely far left propaganda!
The truth is always Left wing propaganda to the Right.

Here is the part of the Paul quote Lonestar left out:
"The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally,”

Here's the quote in context.

"There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship.

So, really, the question to Democrats is will you go halfway?

Are you willing to try to bring the 11 million people who are here, bring them out of the shadows, give them an existence, try to have — be more humane and try to get them a better situation for them?

That could happen tomorrow. The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally?"

He's saying the "sticking point" is that the Democrats are going to want to give them voting rights and the Republicans are not in favor of it. That is the problem he's talking about.

I understand your reading comprehension skills are limited but please do try.

I think the Dems will agree to it. Hope so. One step at a time.

Well, what are you going to do with 12 million illegals in this country that have been here for decades? Send out Gestapo squads? You mentioned HITLER and that's exactly what he did.

Right Wingers--continually go way to far on this issue. A child that was brought here through no fault of their own, should not be punished for their parents illegal entrance. Therefore, in my opinion--they should be able to achieve the same education in this country has any other legal youngster, including college education. Otherwise we're going to have a nation of under educated Hispanics in this nation--that will be on welfare--food stamps and other government programs for the rest of their lives. THAT'S COMMON SENSE

Mitt Romney LOST the election due to his too far right stance on immigration--stating well they can pack up and move back to where they came from--completely forgetting--that the illegal GRANDMA & GRANDPA now has LEGAL Hispanic U.S. descendants that were born in this country-- that can vote in this country--that will not vote for a candidate that wants to separate Grandma and Grandpa from them. So get a CLUE once and for all.

YES, we need to secure our borders--but it would be impossible and cost us billions to send out the Gestapo Squads to remove them.
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The truth is always Left wing propaganda to the Right.

Here is the part of the Paul quote Lonestar left out:
"The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally,”

Here's the quote in context.

"There is a debate, though, over citizenship and how quickly. I don’t think the House is ready for citizenship.

So, really, the question to Democrats is will you go halfway?

Are you willing to try to bring the 11 million people who are here, bring them out of the shadows, give them an existence, try to have — be more humane and try to get them a better situation for them?

That could happen tomorrow. The problem is, is the sticking point going to be we have to have immediate voting privileges for those who came here illegally?"

He's saying the "sticking point" is that the Democrats are going to want to give them voting rights and the Republicans are not in favor of it. That is the problem he's talking about.

I understand your reading comprehension skills are limited but please do try.
How exactly does that contradict my saying the GOP want immigrants to take American jobs as long as they can't vote????

The GOP think they will vote Democratic and they care more about winning elections than they care about American jobs.

Man up and admit it!!!

Did I say you contradicted anything?


I implied, and rightly so, that you took his quote out of context.

And now I'm accusing you of making shit up by saying the Republicans care more about elections than American jobs. That may be your opinion, but it's not a fact.
Both parties care more about elections that job recovery: fact.

Today there is much less illegal immigration into this country than when the economy was booming. That is a FACT. Why come here if there are no jobs to get?

The other FACT is--when you put National Guard on our borders--illegal immigration drops off immediately--because no one from the other side--that hears about it--won't even attempt a cross over. This fact was realized under under G.W. Bush. But as the Federal Government always does is talk about spending as many billions as they can to build some type of a FENCE--that is certain to be violated--versus sending down the National Guard during their two weeks a year down range in their home state--to head down to the border to do their two week stent. They could alternate from every state. The terrain is perfect--dessert heat in the summer--cold in the winter--mountainous--just like Afganistan. But--common effective sense always evades the Federal Government.

So don't be blaming unemployment for legal citizens in this country on illegal immigration--it's not there at this time.

Unemployment in this country is due to an economic moron sitting in the Oval office.
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I have a better plan. Post all of our service members along the border at four foot intervals. Send Kerry to Mexico City to deliver the following demands:

1. Cease and desist all government endorsement, encouragement, and empowerment for people to illegally cross the US/Mexican border. Shoot to kill any foreign person or group trying to invade.

2. Pay reparations in full for the deportation of every Mexican found illegally in the United States.

3. Immediately undertake significant and successful actions to substantially reduce and effectively eliminate widespread illegal immigration into the US from Mexico.

4. Comply within 7 days.

If they do not comply, we show them a real American invasion into Mexico.

This is almost like rednecks with shotguns at the border with free hunting season.

Then you need to learn how to read. I am suggesting a professional military defending our borders.
I have a better plan. Post all of our service members along the border at four foot intervals. Send Kerry to Mexico City to deliver the following demands:

1. Cease and desist all government endorsement, encouragement, and empowerment for people to illegally cross the US/Mexican border. Shoot to kill any foreign person or group trying to invade.

2. Pay reparations in full for the deportation of every Mexican found illegally in the United States.

3. Immediately undertake significant and successful actions to substantially reduce and effectively eliminate widespread illegal immigration into the US from Mexico.

4. Comply within 7 days.

If they do not comply, we show them a real American invasion into Mexico.

This is almost like rednecks with shotguns at the border with free hunting season.

Then you need to learn how to read. I am suggesting a professional military defending our borders.

Yeah. While were at it why don't we threaten Columbia, Argentina, Chile, and anybody else from South America who has citizens in our country? Just because Mexico has our border doesn't mean Mexicans are the only ones jumping the fence.

I'm all for the military protecting our border, but beyond that we should act in a professional manner. No need to shoot to kill when shooting Mexican citizens on Mexican soil or illegals on our border would only create conflict with our neighbors. Those attempting to cross the border can simply be detained for a period of twenty four hours and released to Mexican authorities.
Yeah. While were at it why don't we threaten Columbia, Argentina, Chile, and anybody else from South America who has citizens in our country? Just because Mexico has our border doesn't mean Mexicans are the only ones jumping the fence.

The Mexican government actively promotes, encourages, and aides illegal immigration into the United States. Yes, there are other illegal immigrants from other countries. But far and away the biggest problem the US faces on this matter is from Mexico.

I'm all for the military protecting our border, but beyond that we should act in a professional manner. No need to shoot to kill when shooting Mexican citizens on Mexican soil or illegals on our border would only create conflict with our neighbors. Those attempting to cross the border can simply be detained for a period of twenty four hours and released to Mexican authorities.

Foreign nationals crossing our border against our laws and wishes are invaders. Plain and simple. If they choose to invade our borders, they should be eliminated just like any other hostile invasion force.
Invaders are people with weapons and military hardware. Or at least on horses with bows and arrows. These are people looking for work. If we act in a professional manner and return them home we can successfully mitigate this immigration issue without any major incidents.

As far as Mexico is concerned, we can destroy NAFTA and any other free trade agreements and get jobs back in America.
Invaders are people with weapons and military hardware. Or at least on horses with bows and arrows. These are people looking for work. If we act in a professional manner and return them home we can successfully mitigate this immigration issue without any major incidents.

As far as Mexico is concerned, we can destroy NAFTA and any other free trade agreements and get jobs back in America.

Invaders are any person or group who violate a nation's sovereignty with the intent to deprive said nation and/or it's people of their rightful territory and resources. That's illegal immigrants.

That being said, not all immigration problems need to be met with military force. The Mexican problem is of such dire circumstances, severe deterrence must be utilized.
Invaders are people with weapons and military hardware. Or at least on horses with bows and arrows. These are people looking for work. If we act in a professional manner and return them home we can successfully mitigate this immigration issue without any major incidents.

As far as Mexico is concerned, we can destroy NAFTA and any other free trade agreements and get jobs back in America.

Invaders are any person or group who violate a nation's sovereignty with the intent to deprive said nation and/or it's people of their rightful territory and resources. That's illegal immigrants.

That being said, not all immigration problems need to be met with military force. The Mexican problem is of such dire circumstances, severe deterrence must be utilized.

First you wanted to threaten Mexico with consequences from the most powerful military in the world. Now you want to use military as a last resort, even though they're stationed at intervals along the border? The military can protect our border without killing thousands of people.

Illegals are looking for a job. They aren't attempting to steal your sovereignty by overthrowing the government. They are not invaders. Unless you want to dramatically exaggerate their intent.

The author of the piece in your link completely blew herself out of the water in her opening paragraph:

Why can’t anyone wearing a suit understand the connection between permissive immigration (legal and illegal) and American unemployment?

Immigrants have nothing to do with our high unemployment. We had the same, if not more, illegal immigrants in America in 2006 that we have today. And we had full employment in 2006.

Perhaps some of you may have heard about a big economic crash a few years ago that threw millions of Americans out of work.

Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?

I'm sick and tired of airheaded piss drinkers blaming darkies for all of our ills.

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First you wanted to threaten Mexico with consequences from the most powerful military in the world. Now you want to use military as a last resort, even though they're stationed at intervals along the border?

We have already gone through a great many diplomatic efforts to try to stop Mexico promoting illegal immigration into our country. The result has been outright refusal and continual illegal immigration into our country with government assistance. Putting the military on the border IS the last resort. If that doesn't work, then we go to war.

The military can protect our border without killing thousands of people.

I'm hoping so. I would hope that would be illegal immigrants will realize that they don't have a chance of getting through with their lives, and turn back to go home. But if they still decide to try, then shoot them.

Illegals are looking for a job. They aren't attempting to steal your sovereignty by overthrowing the government.

Let them look for a job in their own country. And if insisting that an area approximately 1/3 of the continuous 48 states isn't trying to steal the US's sovereignty, then you're just delusional. In any event, the simple act of crossing into our borders without our permission is an assault against our sovereignty.

They are not invaders. Unless you want to dramatically exaggerate their intent.

I've laid out their intentions very clear. For some reason people like you insist on painting illegal immigrants through rose colored lenses. Woe is them, the poor things, they just want a fair chance to feed their families. But the truth is that they DON'T want those things. They want to rape the American economy, and they don't care if Americans suffer for it.
You're putting all kinds of words in a lot of different places. Had you read with comprehension and without assumption you would see that I advocate almost the same thing you do without any militaristic threats to other countries. I have not painted them with rose colored anything. They are looking for jobs. That's a proven fact. You are painting another picture with your 'invaders' accusation. Give one provable example of how they have taken away your or anyone else's sovereignty by looking for work here.
Both parties care more about elections that job recovery: fact.

Today there is much less illegal immigration into this country than when the economy was booming. That is a FACT. Why come here if there are no jobs to get?

The other FACT is--when you put National Guard on our borders--illegal immigration drops off immediately--because no one from the other side--that hears about it--won't even attempt a cross over. This fact was realized under under G.W. Bush. But as the Federal Government always does is talk about spending as many billions as they can to build some type of a FENCE--that is certain to be violated--versus sending down the National Guard during their two weeks a year down range in their home state--to head down to the border to do their two week stent. They could alternate from every state. The terrain is perfect--dessert heat in the summer--cold in the winter--mountainous--just like Afganistan. But--common effective sense always evades the Federal Government.

So don't be blaming unemployment for legal citizens in this country on illegal immigration--it's not there at this time.

Unemployment in this country is due to an economic moron sitting in the Oval office.

This fact was realized under G.W. Bush. The FACT remains the BHO's admin has set the record on how to do border enforcement and deport those who do not belong here.
You're putting all kinds of words in a lot of different places. Had you read with comprehension and without assumption you would see that I advocate almost the same thing you do without any militaristic threats to other countries.

You say you advocate for almost the same thing I do, without the militaristic threats. You are the one who lacks reading comprehension. Because "without the militaristic threats" you are advocating for an entirely different thing. I am advocating for our problem of illegal immigration, and the nation of Mexico's active encouragement and assistance for its citizens to illegally immigrate, as a matter of national security.

I have not painted them with rose colored anything. They are looking for jobs. That's a proven fact.

Actually, that is a contradiction. The goal of illegal immigrants is to take advantage of and leach off of the American economy. That is why they often commit identity theft in order to gain "papers" but then turn around and continue to work under the table and avoid paying income taxes. That is why illegals often times over populate houses in violation of housing laws (to reduce rent shares) and willingly suppress wages agreeing to sub par wages. That is why the most common reason for committing identity theft is to engage in welfare fraud, instead of being used for employment purposes.

The justification that they use for doing this is often that substantial portions of the United States, according to Mexicans, belong to Mexico, with the United States being an occupying foreign entity. If that is not an infringement upon American sovereignty, then you are seriously delusional.

You are painting another picture with your 'invaders' accusation.

No I'm not. I'm stating the reality which few people are willing to acknowledge.

Give one provable example of how they have taken away your or anyone else's sovereignty by looking for work here.

Individuals do not possess sovereignty, unless they are monarchs. In the United States, the Union possesses sovereignty, as do the states. I have already explained above how illegal immigrants undermine and assault our sovereignty. Continue to ignore it if you wish.

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