Teacher Demands Her Students Deny the Existence of God

The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.
You really expect us to believe this story is true? :cuckoo:

No, I dont expect a Marxist ideologue shit-for-brains like you to believe anything that contradicts your ideology.
You moron. It has nothing to do with my perspective on religion. And I am not a Marxist. You are such an idiot.

My objection to the facts of your OP is that it is completely unrealistic for such an event to have happened. Completely unrealistic. If something did occur, it is being misinterruped by whoever reported it: some nimno who either is cognitively unable to recognize reality or intentially misinterrupts it to suit his or her own needs.

It seemed a little over the top to me too, especially when I listened to her entire story. Its on youtube and she talks for about 4 minutes. The more I researched, the more inconsistencies I found. Her description of the assignment was provably false, her account was contradicted by every student from her class that the school interviewed (8 in all), her teacher was a devout Christian, and the district investigation contradicted the girl.
Its not my job to disprove anything. The burden of proof is on you. Do you have proof of his existence or not?

It has been proven over and over moron. You just rhetorically nullify what has been proven.

That is why atheism is a fringe group and we have more people who believe in Big Foot and that the Moon Landings were faked than believe that there is no God, dumbass.
Oh, GREAT! Present this proof then.

Citizen is a rational, hopefully educated (hence tolerant) person who can live with and deal with others, which makes you not one.

No, that is the bullshit lie you use to cover your indoctrination of our youth.

You are incapable of telling the truth; does that bother you, like EVER?

And whatever your childish fear of Marxism is, get over it.

You mean the shit-for-brains ideologues who slaughtered nearly 200 million people over the last century?

No, I wont get over that at all, idiot.

So do you have any argument other than 'You're all liars and Marxists'? If not for that and cursing.....your posts would be little more than punctuation.
Things are very different than when we went to school. The internet is vast. Everything that can and should be learned without the fear of yer kid being shot or dragged out of her/his chair by a hall monitor, urged to try drugs, mind warped by wacky teachers is right at our fingertips. We are the parents. It is up to us to teach morals, ethics, science, math, history, etc...including religious beliefs or guidance on whatever tickles the kid's ear on what THEY feel in their gut is truth.

Schools are like phone booths. Not needed any more.

Is 'get rid of public education' one of those new conservative values that the fringe right keeps trying to slip in?
Things are very different than when we went to school. The internet is vast. Everything that can and should be learned without the fear of yer kid being shot or dragged out of her/his chair by a hall monitor, urged to try drugs, mind warped by wacky teachers is right at our fingertips. We are the parents. It is up to us to teach morals, ethics, science, math, history, etc...including religious beliefs or guidance on whatever tickles the kid's ear on what THEY feel in their gut is truth.

Schools are like phone booths. Not needed any more.

Is 'get rid of public education' one of those new conservative values that the fringe right keeps trying to slip in?
I dunno. I'm just sayin' that if I had kids nowadays? Nope on public school. Or even private school. Nope nope nope. I MIGHT let them go for a year just to learn social face to face stuff, but no more than that.
Things are very different than when we went to school. The internet is vast. Everything that can and should be learned without the fear of yer kid being shot or dragged out of her/his chair by a hall monitor, urged to try drugs, mind warped by wacky teachers is right at our fingertips. We are the parents. It is up to us to teach morals, ethics, science, math, history, etc...including religious beliefs or guidance on whatever tickles the kid's ear on what THEY feel in their gut is truth.

Schools are like phone booths. Not needed any more.

Is 'get rid of public education' one of those new conservative values that the fringe right keeps trying to slip in?
I dunno. I'm just sayin' that if I had kids nowadays? Nope on public school. Or even private school. Nope nope nope. I MIGHT let them go for a year just to learn social face to face stuff, but no more than that.

If you have the time and money to home-school, then you're in a situation that most parents aren't.
It was unwise to use that as an example because special snowflakes are looking for offense towards their religion around every corner....like in this case. The Christian teacher learned a very valuable lesson about her fellow Christians.
Maybe she did, but libtards like yo have not learned a damned thing as you still practice a double standard between Christians and everyone else.

Did some Christians beat you up every day as you walked to school or something?
I was raised a christian....but you sure sound like one of those special snowflakes.....everyone persecuting you?
QUOTE="BlindBoo, post: 12688073, member: 25197"]
"There is no God" is also an assertion. Neither one is fact. Someone can have either as an opinion. That's a fact.

And the religion of some kids teach that 'There is a God' is fact, and no teacher should be putting kids in a position to debate this in class.

Was it up for debate? It was a simple assignment in critical thinking.

You are being deliberately thick headed. I dont have time for that. Good bye.[/QUOTE]
So...not only are you uber-PC about the special snowflakes....you don't know what is and what is not a "debate".
Things are very different than when we went to school. The internet is vast. Everything that can and should be learned without the fear of yer kid being shot or dragged out of her/his chair by a hall monitor, urged to try drugs, mind warped by wacky teachers is right at our fingertips. We are the parents. It is up to us to teach morals, ethics, science, math, history, etc...including religious beliefs or guidance on whatever tickles the kid's ear on what THEY feel in their gut is truth.

Schools are like phone booths. Not needed any more.

Is 'get rid of public education' one of those new conservative values that the fringe right keeps trying to slip in?
no. it's just 'get rid of education'
The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.

She was even contradicted by the assignment paper. But the pitchfork and torch crowd still wants an excuse to go after a fellow christian because she's a teacher.
Was it up for debate? It was a simple assignment in critical thinking.

You are being deliberately thick headed. I dont have time for that. Good bye.
So...not only are you uber-PC about the special snowflakes....you don't know what is and what is not a "debate".

Jim is in a particularly pissy mood. One where if you disagree with him he spews verbal abuse until he tantrums himself out. And then puts you on ignore.

You really can't do much with that save pat them on the head.
The memory of other students isn't predicated on whatever story she makes up.

You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.

She was even contradicted by the assignment paper. But the pitchfork and torch crowd still wants an excuse to go after a fellow christian because she's a teacher.

Oh, once the manufactured outrage woodchipper gets going, there is really no stopping it. And the job and reputation of any given Christian means little compared to the opportunity to repeat the 'War on Christians' nonsense.

So they toss Christians into the 'outrage' woodchipper without a second thought.
Things are very different than when we went to school. The internet is vast. Everything that can and should be learned without the fear of yer kid being shot or dragged out of her/his chair by a hall monitor, urged to try drugs, mind warped by wacky teachers is right at our fingertips. We are the parents. It is up to us to teach morals, ethics, science, math, history, etc...including religious beliefs or guidance on whatever tickles the kid's ear on what THEY feel in their gut is truth.

Schools are like phone booths. Not needed any more.

Is 'get rid of public education' one of those new conservative values that the fringe right keeps trying to slip in?
You have to wonder....I see more and more multi-million dollar companies involved in tutoring/magnet schools/ charter schools/providing materials for home schooling.....just follow the money.
Was it up for debate? It was a simple assignment in critical thinking.

You are being deliberately thick headed. I dont have time for that. Good bye.
So...not only are you uber-PC about the special snowflakes....you don't know what is and what is not a "debate".

Jim is in a particularly pissy mood. One where if you disagree with him he spews verbal abuse until he tantrums himself out. And then puts you on ignore.

You really can't do much with that save pat them on the head.
Yep...that's all you can really do with special snowflakes.
You are really going to keep pretending that only 8 kids of all that class could remember what happened?

They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Then you are a fucking fool.

End of conversation ass hole.'

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.

She was even contradicted by the assignment paper. But the pitchfork and torch crowd still wants an excuse to go after a fellow christian because she's a teacher.

Oh, once the manufactured outrage woodchipper gets going, there is really no stopping it. And the job and reputation of any given Christian means little compared to the opportunity to repeat the 'War on Christians' nonsense.

So they toss Christians into the 'outrage' woodchipper without a second thought.
I remember the first two threads on this, when I pointed out the District's statement on this, that the teacher was a christian, I had several posters state emphatically that she was no christian. They were quite sure....tho they couldn't seem to nail down where their source was for that "obvious" information.
But, considering the special snowflakes looking for offense and persecution at every corner, maybe not so wise.
Bullshit, the teacher gave a lesson that told kids to categorize whether 'God exists' to be fact or not fact, and that is over the line.

One day maybe you will figure it out hun.,
why? why should that not be allowed?
Because you assholes won't allow us to put teachers in place that teach children that there is a God.
They interviewed 8 of the 22 students. EVERY student they interviewed contradicted Jordan's account. Without exception. The assignment didn't say what Jordan claimed it did. The teacher contradicts her. The district investigation contradicts her.

Its not a grand and spontaneous conspiracy among the district, the teacher, the paper of the assignment, and her classmates, all to facilitate a devout Christian telling a 12 year old that god is a myth.

The kid just made it up.

Sigh.....and now you're going from stubborn to pointlessly belligerent.

Its kind of your tell. When your argument doesn't work you start spewing personal insults. Just man up and admit you backed the wrong horse.
Some of us called it very early.
Me? Post #7.

I had to do some research on the topic first. And Jordan's story didn't hold up. She misrepresented the assignment, was contradicted by every student in her class that the school interviewed on the topic, she was contradicted by the teacher, she was contradicted by the district investigation.

What I find so fascinating is how doggedly her proponents are in clinging to her account despite the overwhelming contradictory evidence.

She was even contradicted by the assignment paper. But the pitchfork and torch crowd still wants an excuse to go after a fellow christian because she's a teacher.

Oh, once the manufactured outrage woodchipper gets going, there is really no stopping it. And the job and reputation of any given Christian means little compared to the opportunity to repeat the 'War on Christians' nonsense.

So they toss Christians into the 'outrage' woodchipper without a second thought.
I remember the first two threads on this, when I pointed out the District's statement on this, that the teacher was a christian, I had several posters state emphatically that she was no christian. They were quite sure....tho they couldn't seem to nail down where their source was for that "obvious" information.

You're not dealing with people that use evidence or can be persuaded by it. They feel. And if an accusation 'feels' correct, they'll swallow it without a thought or question.

As this thread so elegantly demonstrates.

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