Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag

The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.

Would you have a problem with a teacher walking into the classroom with a Bible, as an example of Freedom of Religion?

No, why would I give a shit? Walking in with a Bible or a Qur'an or the Torah doesn't violate anybody's rights.
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.

Would you have a problem with a teacher walking into the classroom with a Bible, as an example of Freedom of Religion?

Why would anyone care? :dunno:

Why would anyone care?

Separation of Church and State comes to mind.
Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.

Bullshit! Disrespecting the flag disrespects the country and all those who have fought and died for it. He certainly deserved to be fired and should be overjoyed that that is the worst that happened. Hopefully his teaching days are over.
I think it was a she, but, who am I to judge, these days?
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.
That is not the point.

YES, it is! It's the only point.

Is Big Brother government firing someone over protected speech your idea of small government conservatism?

LOL a local school board is hardly "big brother " dude.
LOL a local school board is hardly "big brother " dude.

My point is they are a government entity and don't kid yourself. School districts can become very Big Brother if you let them.

The point is though, that this teacher should have known before she did what she did that she could be fired for it.

She will NEVER win a court case, Precedent is on the school board's side here. and LOTS of it.
Shameful that a teacher would be fired for this.

That school could have used that as an educational tool. Instead, they acted like they're in Iran.

Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Who would want to defend an employer firing somebody over a speech issue?
Fuck that.

I'd defend punching the teacher in the nose.

That might be considered speech.
But before that, it would be assault.

But it's instructive to see which one you find more useful.

I also support making punching someone in the nose for burning a US flag a crime.
Punishable by a $10 fine.

Not surprising at all.

RWs are completely ignorant about the First Amendment and you less than most.
Bullshit! Disrespecting the flag disrespects the country and all those who have fought and died for it.

It's a fucking piece of cloth that was probably made in China.

It's an emblem that hundreds of thousands have spilled blood, some lost even more, to defend.

MANY don't consider it 'just a piece of cloth'.

I don't think much of those who do.
Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.

Bullshit! Disrespecting the flag disrespects the country and all those who have fought and died for it.

Bullshit. A flag is a piece of cloth. A fetish. Don't know about you but I don't live in a flag; I live in a country.

He certainly deserved to be fired and should be overjoyed that that is the worst that happened. Hopefully his teaching days are over.

It can't be more obvious that your goal here is complete lobotomized robot-think that won't dare ever question the government, but rather just smile blithely and do whatever "the flag" tells you. Here's a guy who tried to teach his kids that it's absolutely valid to raise such questions, and you want him banned out of teaching forever.

That says a lot.
To me, if the flag belonged to the teacher, then they should be free to do with it whatever they want.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if I had witnessed their walking all over it, I most definitely would not have hesitated to tell them that they can always leave this country whenever they want to if they hate it that much. :) :) :)
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.
That is not the point.

YES, it is! It's the only point.

Is Big Brother government firing someone over protected speech your idea of small government conservatism?

LOL a local school board is hardly "big brother " dude.

They are part of our govt.

Read the first five words of the First Amendment.
"I think it was a she, but, who am I to judge, these days?"

The link said "he".
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.
That is not the point.

YES, it is! It's the only point.

Is Big Brother government firing someone over protected speech your idea of small government conservatism?

LOL a local school board is hardly "big brother " dude.

They are part of our govt.

Read the first five words of the First Amendment.

You're being intentionally obtuse here. IF teachers had full first amendment rights at school, a science teacher could teach creationism and there isn't a damned thing a school board could do about it. DUH
The teacher sold that right, during school hours, for pay.

Not surprising you would defend the stupid teacher though.

Who would want a teacher so stupid as to not realize this was provocative, offensive behaviour in a classroom situation?

Did you read the article? He was giving a lesson on free speech. Provocative, offensive behavior is exactly why the First Amendment exists. Popular speech doesn't need protection.
That is not the point.

YES, it is! It's the only point.

Is Big Brother government firing someone over protected speech your idea of small government conservatism?

LOL a local school board is hardly "big brother " dude.

They are part of our govt.

Read the first five words of the First Amendment.

"Congress shall make no law respecting"

To me, if the flag belonged to the teacher, then they should be free to do with it whatever they want.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if I had witnessed their walking all over it, I most definitely would not have hesitated to tell them that they can always leave this country whenever they want to if they hate it that much. :) :) :)

--- and that would have been a good followup lesson in free speech.

But noooooo, the school board's message is "you have free speech technically ----- but woe betide you if you actually exercise it".
Wrong as usual.

Americans don't give up their First Amendment rights when they get to work every day.

Pillowbite, you're damned near Pogo level retard.

Employees don’t have a Constitutional right to free speech or freedom of expression at work. The Constitution’s right to free speech only applies when the government is trying to restrict it. Even then, it’s not absolute. There is no free speech in your house; ask your mom. And there is no legal right to free speech or expression at work. (If you work for the government, there is a special set of rules that apply.)

So employers are generally free to restrict employee speech, at least while they are at work.}

Is There Free Speech at Work HR Examiner

And yes, I will always defend the First Amendment.

BUT, open your mind for just a moment and think about this:

We need to push the edge of the First Amendment envelope. Think of all the things that tick you off. Westboro, kkk, asshole white supremacists wanting a terrorist flag on a govt building. Or how about a shock jock or the publisher of Hustler, back when he pulled his stunts. Or, the lies from fox, the empty bluster from lusbo ............

The list is endless BECAUSE we have the First Amendment.

If we did not have the right to set fire to or step on a piece of fabric, we also would not have the right to sit here and yell at at each other.

I would not set fire to or walk on the flag. I despise the nazi-type assholes who want children, women, blacks, hispanics to shut up and home but I will always defend their right to be assholes and I always will.

So retard, you claim a teacher should have the right to tell a middle school student "nice tits?"

See Puddly you have the brains of a dog turd. The right to express thoughts is limited in the workplace, as well it should be. Sexual harassment is an extreme example, but then you're really fucking stupid, so extreme is needed to make a point with you. And yes stupid, McDonalds DID have the right to fire you for telling customers that McDonalds food sucks while you were on the clock.

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