Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag

Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
Is a guy here at the apartments with swim trunks that look like the American flag. If that's ok, so is destroying one to make a point.
The school is within grounds to fire teachers that are needlessly disruptive to the learning of students. Obviously students in the class found it offensive, and the parents found it totally inappropriate.

Whether you find it unfair or not, that is how education works. The same rules allow schools to keep holocaust deniers, racists,etc from teaching kids. Take away those rules, and Neo Nazis, IS/Al Qaeda supporters, and David Irving will be teaching US history. Because that too is 'free speech'.

Nobody disputes they have the right to do so. It's their school.
The larger question is, what is served by taking the action they did?

Answer: not a damn thing.

Answer: Actions have consequences

And the consequences of this action were that the students were taught two things:
One, the teacher believed in the concept of free speech,
And Two, the school board does not.
Consequences are the teacher learned that the school board does not put up with stupidity.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
Not at school.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
Not at school.

Especially at school. If the concept of free speech doesn't apply at school, then it has no point.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
Not at school.

Especially at school. Gonna get fired for doing it, but if you feel strongly enough about something to do it, no better place.
The school is within grounds to fire teachers that are needlessly disruptive to the learning of students. Obviously students in the class found it offensive, and the parents found it totally inappropriate.

Whether you find it unfair or not, that is how education works. The same rules allow schools to keep holocaust deniers, racists,etc from teaching kids. Take away those rules, and Neo Nazis, IS/Al Qaeda supporters, and David Irving will be teaching US history. Because that too is 'free speech'.

Nobody disputes they have the right to do so. It's their school.
The larger question is, what is served by taking the action they did?

Answer: not a damn thing.
Teachers should take into consideration the students they are teaching, the opinions of parents and students, as well as the school board.

It isn't a question of fairness or what was served by it.

There are exceptions (and this school board might even be wrong in it's decision), but do you deny that it might upset some students and parents, for those teaching their kids to step on the US flag?

It's supposed to upset them. Appeal to Emotion has no place in this debate; schools are for learning. They're not to churn out robots who murmur the right phrases. They're supposed to be educating people. You don't educate anybody by sugar-coating and hiding and pretending the unsavory stuff doesn't exist.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
And? No one was stopping her in political dissent.

She could have done it in the corridors, in her break, any pretty much anywhere in school grounds.

But the school board didn't want stepping on the flag to be a part of their school curriculum, and obviously they weren't consulted about this addition.

That might be harsh in your opinion, but that's how bureaucracy works.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
And? No one was stopping her in political dissent.

She could have done it in the corridors, in her break, any pretty much anywhere in school grounds.

But the school board didn't want stepping on the flag to be a part of their school curriculum, and obviously they weren't consulted about this addition.

That might be harsh in your opinion, but that's how bureaucracy works.

-- and that's tantamount to not wanting, say, Indian genocide to be part of the school curriculum. Or deciding, "let's teach World War II without the Holocaust, 'cause it's nasty and somebody might be offended".
The school is within grounds to fire teachers that are needlessly disruptive to the learning of students. Obviously students in the class found it offensive, and the parents found it totally inappropriate.

Whether you find it unfair or not, that is how education works. The same rules allow schools to keep holocaust deniers, racists,etc from teaching kids. Take away those rules, and Neo Nazis, IS/Al Qaeda supporters, and David Irving will be teaching US history. Because that too is 'free speech'.

Nobody disputes they have the right to do so. It's their school.
The larger question is, what is served by taking the action they did?

Answer: not a damn thing.
Teachers should take into consideration the students they are teaching, the opinions of parents and students, as well as the school board.

It isn't a question of fairness or what was served by it.

There are exceptions (and this school board might even be wrong in it's decision), but do you deny that it might upset some students and parents, for those teaching their kids to step on the US flag?

It's supposed to upset them. Appeal to Emotion has no place in this debate; schools are for learning. They're not to churn out robots who murmur the right phrases. They're supposed to be educating people. You don't educate anybody by sugar-coating and hiding and pretending the unsavory stuff doesn't exist.
You should have no problem with a teacher being sacked for not advising the school on her new addition to the curriculum then.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

You'd think, being a teacher and all, she'd at least be aware of the basic code of the U.S. flag. Barring that, you'd at least think she'd have some respect.

"The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."

Flag Code

Good they fired her. She's a retard and should be kept far away from children.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
And? No one was stopping her in political dissent.

She could have done it in the corridors, in her break, any pretty much anywhere in school grounds.

But the school board didn't want stepping on the flag to be a part of their school curriculum, and obviously they weren't consulted about this addition.

That might be harsh in your opinion, but that's how bureaucracy works.

-- and that's tantamount to not wanting, say, Indian genocide to be part of the school curriculum. Or deciding, "let's teach World War II without the Holocaust, 'cause it's nasty and somebody might be offended".
No it isn't. Its tantamount to saying that stamping/treading/dancing on all the flags of the United Nations, might be incredibly offensive - or just inappropriate for the school curriculum.

Are you advocating treading over the German flag, the Indian flag, and the flag of Israel?

Because that won't teach us anything about WW2 or the holocaust.
The school is within grounds to fire teachers that are needlessly disruptive to the learning of students. Obviously students in the class found it offensive, and the parents found it totally inappropriate.

Whether you find it unfair or not, that is how education works. The same rules allow schools to keep holocaust deniers, racists,etc from teaching kids. Take away those rules, and Neo Nazis, IS/Al Qaeda supporters, and David Irving will be teaching US history. Because that too is 'free speech'.

Nobody disputes they have the right to do so. It's their school.
The larger question is, what is served by taking the action they did?

Answer: not a damn thing.
Teachers should take into consideration the students they are teaching, the opinions of parents and students, as well as the school board.

It isn't a question of fairness or what was served by it.

There are exceptions (and this school board might even be wrong in it's decision), but do you deny that it might upset some students and parents, for those teaching their kids to step on the US flag?

It's supposed to upset them. Appeal to Emotion has no place in this debate; schools are for learning. They're not to churn out robots who murmur the right phrases. They're supposed to be educating people. You don't educate anybody by sugar-coating and hiding and pretending the unsavory stuff doesn't exist.
You should have no problem with a teacher being sacked for not advising the school on her new addition to the curriculum then.

Who is this "her" of which you speak? :dunno:

I don't know of any school where any teacher has to go running to Mommy School Board advising them of every move he's gonna make. A lesson plan is standard but how you go about it is a matter of personal style.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

You'd think, being a teacher and all, she'd at least be aware of the basic code of the U.S. flag. Barring that, you'd at least think she'd have some respect.

"The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."

Flag Code

Good they fired her. She's a retard and should be kept far away from children.

Another one who wants to give the teacher a sex change.
Does no one read OP articles any more or what?
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

You'd think, being a teacher and all, she'd at least be aware of the basic code of the U.S. flag. Barring that, you'd at least think she'd have some respect.

"The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."

Flag Code

Good they fired her. She's a retard and should be kept far away from children.

Another one who wants to give the teacher a sex change.
Does no one read OP articles any more or what?

Gender fluidity says I can call him a her or her a him!
Probably the equivilent of a 'morals clause' in her contract covering this sort of thing. Legal to do, but just as legal to fire her for it.
You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
And? No one was stopping her in political dissent.

She could have done it in the corridors, in her break, any pretty much anywhere in school grounds.

But the school board didn't want stepping on the flag to be a part of their school curriculum, and obviously they weren't consulted about this addition.

That might be harsh in your opinion, but that's how bureaucracy works.

-- and that's tantamount to not wanting, say, Indian genocide to be part of the school curriculum. Or deciding, "let's teach World War II without the Holocaust, 'cause it's nasty and somebody might be offended".
No it isn't. Its tantamount to saying that stamping on all the flags of the United Nations, might be incredibly offensive - or just inappropriate for the school curriculum.

Are you advocating treading over the German flag, the Indian flag, and the flag of Israel?

Because that won't teach us anything about WW2 or the holocaust.

No learning is ever "inappropriate". In a school or anywhere else.

To repeat the bolded above ---- Appeal to Emotion (that's a fallacy by the way) has no place here. How anybody feels about a fetish is irrelevant to the point of free speech.
Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag - The Daily Beast
Freedom of speech does not equal freedom from consequences. Freedom of speech only means that, with exceptions, the government may not restrict what you can say. You must be careful what you say or accept the consequences.

You'd think, being a teacher and all, she'd at least be aware of the basic code of the U.S. flag. Barring that, you'd at least think she'd have some respect.

"The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise."

Flag Code

Good they fired her. She's a retard and should be kept far away from children.

Another one who wants to give the teacher a sex change.
Does no one read OP articles any more or what?

Gender fluidity says I can call him a her or her a him!

Then it's pointless to debate with people who can't even be bothered to read the article we're debating. Obviously you're not invested in the issue.
The school is within grounds to fire teachers that are needlessly disruptive to the learning of students. Obviously students in the class found it offensive, and the parents found it totally inappropriate.

Whether you find it unfair or not, that is how education works. The same rules allow schools to keep holocaust deniers, racists,etc from teaching kids. Take away those rules, and Neo Nazis, IS/Al Qaeda supporters, and David Irving will be teaching US history. Because that too is 'free speech'.

Nobody disputes they have the right to do so. It's their school.
The larger question is, what is served by taking the action they did?

Answer: not a damn thing.
Teachers should take into consideration the students they are teaching, the opinions of parents and students, as well as the school board.

It isn't a question of fairness or what was served by it.

There are exceptions (and this school board might even be wrong in it's decision), but do you deny that it might upset some students and parents, for those teaching their kids to step on the US flag?

It's supposed to upset them. Appeal to Emotion has no place in this debate; schools are for learning. They're not to churn out robots who murmur the right phrases. They're supposed to be educating people. You don't educate anybody by sugar-coating and hiding and pretending the unsavory stuff doesn't exist.
You should have no problem with a teacher being sacked for not advising the school on her new addition to the curriculum then.

Who is this "her" of which you speak? :dunno:

I don't know of any school where any teacher has to go running to Mommy School Board advising them of every move he's gonna make. A lesson plan is standard but how you go about it is a matter of personal style.
Where is this school you speak of where you get an A+ because you tread on national flags all day?
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You don't have to set fire to the Koran to teach us freedom of religion.

As a hard-won right, dissing the flag is a valid form of political dissent.
And? No one was stopping her in political dissent.

She could have done it in the corridors, in her break, any pretty much anywhere in school grounds.

But the school board didn't want stepping on the flag to be a part of their school curriculum, and obviously they weren't consulted about this addition.

That might be harsh in your opinion, but that's how bureaucracy works.

-- and that's tantamount to not wanting, say, Indian genocide to be part of the school curriculum. Or deciding, "let's teach World War II without the Holocaust, 'cause it's nasty and somebody might be offended".
No it isn't. Its tantamount to saying that stamping on all the flags of the United Nations, might be incredibly offensive - or just inappropriate for the school curriculum.

Are you advocating treading over the German flag, the Indian flag, and the flag of Israel?

Because that won't teach us anything about WW2 or the holocaust.

No learning is ever "inappropriate". In a school or anywhere else.

To repeat the bolded above ---- Appeal to Emotion (that's a fallacy by the way) has no place here. How anybody feels about a fetish is irrelevant to the point of free speech.
Good to know. You should have no problem with David Irving teaching that the holocaust didn't happen then, if 'no learning is ever inappropriate'. :rolleyes:

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