Teacher Fired for Stepping on U.S. Flag

Uh -- don't think so. A school is supposed to be a place to learn to think ... not a place to learn not to -- which is the message the school board sent: "Be a good little prole and do not question the State".

Again -- Fuck that.

Tell me again what the purpose of the Second Amendment is.... 'cause you're got a glaring contradiction here. :popcorn:

Pogo, you have the intellect of a squirrel dropping. I mean you are stupid as the day is long.

No shit fer brains, you don't have the "right" to free speech when acting as an employee of the school. A teacher who tells a boy he wants to ass rape him can rightly be fired. (In Los Angeles he will be promoted!)

You as a fucking retard don't grasp concepts that are obvious to normal people. The 1st protects your rights OFF the clock.

Here, learn something retard.

"It can't be more obvious that your goal here is complete lobotomized robot-think that won't dare ever question the government, but rather just smile blithely and do whatever "the flag" tells you. Here's a guy who tried to teach his kids that it's absolutely valid to raise such questions, and you want him banned out of teaching forever"

Wrong again. I probably question the government far more often than you. The government and the country are two very diferent things. Just as expressing an opinion and teaching are also two very different things. He was teaching disrespect for the country and the flag and that should never happen.
"It can't be more obvious that your goal here is complete lobotomized robot-think that won't dare ever question the government, but rather just smile blithely and do whatever "the flag" tells you. Here's a guy who tried to teach his kids that it's absolutely valid to raise such questions, and you want him banned out of teaching forever"

Wrong again. I probably question the government far more often than you. The government and the country are two very diferent things. Just as expressing an opinion and teaching are also two very different things. He was teaching disrespect for the country and the flag and that should never happen.

Bull Shit. The lesson was, in part, that investing an inanimate object with some weird kind of supernatural deity-essence is absolutely questionable. Which it is.

--- Which makes the school board's spineless reaction very much a mixed message, as it directly contradicts the teacher's lesson.

But between the teacher and the school board and the question of free speech, guess which one nailed it and which one failed it.
Bull Shit. The lesson was, in part, that investing an inanimate object with some weird kind of supernatural deity-essence is absolutely questionable. Which it is.

--- Which makes the school board's spineless reaction very much a mixed message, as it directly contradicts the teacher's lesson.

Pogo, you're one of the dumbest people on this board. When a certain bot that claimed truthiness matters left, you rushed to fill the void of retardation created. I mean, you define stupid.

Yet even considering this is you - the epitome of retardation - your posts are laughably inane.

{Indeed, there’s been a rash of firings and disciplines for expressing opinions, in and out of work. Justine Sacco, PR executive for Daily Beastowner IAC, was fired for posting, on a flight to South Africa, “Going to Africa. Hope I don’t get AIDS. Just kidding. I’m white!” The company was embarrassed when the tweet went viral. Business Insider forced their Chief Technology Officer Pax Dickinson to resign after he tweeted, “feminism in tech remains my champion topic for my block list. my finger is getting tired.” And who can forgetDuck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson, suspended (and then quickly reinstated) after making racist and homophobic comments in an Esquire interview. The First Amendment didn’t limit what any of these employers could do.}
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You drooling fucking moron.
"Bull Shit. The lesson was, in part, that investing an inanimate object with some weird kind of supernatural deity-essence is absolutely questionable."

He-and you-are free to hold that questionable opinion. You are NOT free to teach it to my children as fact in school.
"Bull Shit. The lesson was, in part, that investing an inanimate object with some weird kind of supernatural deity-essence is absolutely questionable."

He-and you-are free to hold that questionable opinion. You are NOT free to teach it to my children as fact in school.

I'm not a schoolteacher. But I'll be happy to teach them that elsewhere, including here.

So why do you want your kids to be unquestioning obedient drone robots who never learned to think?

The "Teacher"
Why have you never learned to think? I have taught my children how joyful it is to see someone who stomps on the flag getting the crap kicked out of them.
I can just see, teacher takes his class to Washington DC, hands them each a can of spray paint, lets them loose among the monuments in the Mall, and tells them take advantage of their 'Freedom of Speech'.

Wonder how many would know better?
To me, if the flag belonged to the teacher, then they should be free to do with it whatever they want.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if I had witnessed their walking all over it, I most definitely would not have hesitated to tell them that they can always leave this country whenever they want to if they hate it that much. :) :) :)
The classroom did not belong to the teacher.
To me, if the flag belonged to the teacher, then they should be free to do with it whatever they want.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if I had witnessed their walking all over it, I most definitely would not have hesitated to tell them that they can always leave this country whenever they want to if they hate it that much. :) :) :)
The classroom did not belong to the teacher.

That's right.
It belongs to the students. They are in fact the reason it exists. The only reason.

Something the school board needs to learn.
To me, if the flag belonged to the teacher, then they should be free to do with it whatever they want.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Now if I had witnessed their walking all over it, I most definitely would not have hesitated to tell them that they can always leave this country whenever they want to if they hate it that much. :) :) :)
The classroom did not belong to the teacher.

That's right.
It belongs to the students. They are in fact the reason it exists. The only reason.

Something the school board needs to learn.
Oh, the fuckin' DRAMA!!!!!
Shameful that a teacher would be fired for this.

That school could have used that as an educational tool. Instead, they acted like they're in Iran.

Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.
"That school could have used that as an educational tool."

Yes, they could have invited some of those people on permanent disability from defending that flag to come and tell the students just how much THEY gave, and how little the teacher respects their sacrifice.
The beauty of it is, they still can.
Shameful that a teacher would be fired for this.

That school could have used that as an educational tool. Instead, they acted like they're in Iran.

Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.
"That school could have used that as an educational tool."

Yes, they could have invited some of those people on permanent disability from defending that flag to come and tell the students just how much THEY gave, and how little the teacher respects their sacrifice.
The beauty of it is, they still can.

Nobody's on disability for defending a flag. A country maybe but not a frickin' flag.

But they could do that. Then they could segue into a class exploration of what symbolism and fetishism mean.

As a final finishing touch to which, they could come up and inspect the flag closely to read the words:
"Made in China".

There's a lesson.
Shameful that a teacher would be fired for this.

That school could have used that as an educational tool. Instead, they acted like they're in Iran.

Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.
"That school could have used that as an educational tool."

Yes, they could have invited some of those people on permanent disability from defending that flag to come and tell the students just how much THEY gave, and how little the teacher respects their sacrifice.
The beauty of it is, they still can.

Nobody's on disability for defending a flag. A country maybe but not a frickin' flag.

But they could do that. Then they could segue into a class exploration of what symbolism and fetishism mean.

As a final finishing touch to which, they could come up and inspect the flag closely to read the words:
"Made in China".

There's a lesson.

You know, for a fact, that that particular flag was made in China?

But you go ahead, burn the flag, walk on the flag. piss on it if you want.

Just be careful who you do it in front of.

Some guy with a metal leg make kick your ass.

or a man with a metal arm may knock your block off.

and while you're in the hospital, keep mumbling thru your broken teeth:

'But, I was just expressing my freedom of speech using a piece of cloth that doesn't mean a thing."

Ya know, an excellent place to show off your freedom of speech would be in front of a VA hospital, or even a clinic.

Even better place, would be outside the local VFW, somewhere about closing time.

Somehow, I doubt you have the guts for that.

Shameful that a teacher would be fired for this.

That school could have used that as an educational tool. Instead, they acted like they're in Iran.

Completely disses all the people who died so we would have the right to step on or burn a piece of fabric that symbolizes our most precious freedom - the First Amendment.
"That school could have used that as an educational tool."

Yes, they could have invited some of those people on permanent disability from defending that flag to come and tell the students just how much THEY gave, and how little the teacher respects their sacrifice.
The beauty of it is, they still can.

Nobody's on disability for defending a flag. A country maybe but not a frickin' flag.

But they could do that. Then they could segue into a class exploration of what symbolism and fetishism mean.

As a final finishing touch to which, they could come up and inspect the flag closely to read the words:
"Made in China".

There's a lesson.

You know, for a fact, that that particular flag was made in China?

But you go ahead, burn the flag, walk on the flag. piss on it if you want.

Just be careful who you do it in front of.

Some guy with a metal leg make kick your ass.

or a man with a metal arm may knock your block off.

and while you're in the hospital, keep mumbling thru your broken teeth:

'But, I was just expressing my freedom of speech using a piece of cloth that doesn't mean a thing."

Ya know, an excellent place to show off your freedom of speech would be in front of a VA hospital, or even a clinic.

Even better place, would be outside the local VFW, somewhere about closing time.

Somehow, I doubt you have the guts for that.

Try me.

So what you're saying here is Constitutional rights can be infringed by physical assault.
Good luck with that.

Anybody who defends this country, defends what it stands for. And first on that list --- literally First ---- is free speech.

All the threats of physical violence in the world ain't gonna change that.

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