Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

Pure crap. Our education system is corrupt to the rotten core with union and govt dweebs. Education needs to be removed from the Feds and the unions need to be abolished so we can save our children. Do it for the children. Our taxes need to be spend on education for our children, not for union coffers to donate to Democrat political campaigns. Our education system is nothing but a fund raiser for the Democrat party.

Remember, it's for the children.

^Fear-mongering hyperbole.

Pure denial. I guess you never heard of the "Rubber Rooms" in NYC. You're not dealing with one of your uneducated students.


OK, whatever you say chicken little. Just remember to vacuum under your bed when you go there to curl up and whimper, dust mites can be a bitch.
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.
^Fear-mongering hyperbole.

Pure denial. I guess you never heard of the "Rubber Rooms" in NYC. You're not dealing with one of your uneducated students.


OK, whatever you say chicken little. Just remember to vacuum under your bed when you go there to curl up and whimper, dust mites can be a bitch.

Everyone can see you have no response to the "Rubber Rooms" in NYC. Anyone can google it and find the truth. You keep spewing your ignorant crap because that's all you have.
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.

True I only provided four links. You've provide...:eek:

Still waiting...
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.

QFT :thup:

Is that your link? Oh, no, it isn't. Do try again.

But hey, calling me a 'fag' is interesting. We weren't discussing sexuality, so why bring it up? Something else you want to tell us?
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.

QFT :thup:
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.

QFT :thup:

Failed again on that link. One more time?
I see now that efagminor is another one of those pseudo-intellectuals that likes to discuss matters only in the abstract, but refuses to engage in any pragmatic investigation of his ludicrous assertions. You see, he knows that if he actually names another country as producing brighter minds than the US, that claim will surely fail under the microscope of pragmatic scrutiny. No different than his counterparts who insist that US healthcare is among the worst in the world, when it's actually among the best.

QFT :thup:

Failed again on that link. One more time?

Failed again to name a single country. One more time?
If you listened to the sound bite the kid was amazing. Even when confronted by a possibly unstable shrieking teacher he stuck to his principles. He should be on every talk show but alas he might be conservative so cross him off the list.
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If you listened to the sound bite the kid was amazing. Even when confronted by a possibly unstable shrieking teacher he stuck to his principles. He should be on every talk show but alas he might be conservative so cross him off the list.

I agree that the kid maintained his composure rather admirably, and didn't get disrespectful when most kids would've (and it'd be hard to blame him if he did).
If you listened to the sound bite the kid was amazing. Even when confronted by a possibly unstable shrieking teacher he stuck to his principles. He should be on every talk show but alas he might be conservative so cross him off the list.

That's the standard reply from the left...."shut up".
Failed again to name a single country. One more time?

Named 22 in but one of my links. Now if you could just provide a single example supporting your point of view, we could continue.

So, link?

So pick one of those 22 that you think stacks up to the US head to head and we'll go from there.

If you're arguing for American exceptionalism, great. There I agree with you. But that was not your point. You argued for the status quo with regard to our public education system, despite all the evidence to the contrary...which you disregarded out of hand.

I'll take the US head to head against any other country. What I will not stand for is the piss poor educational results and skyrocketing costs that is the status quo of a government monopoly in education. There, many countries do better than us and I've given you four links detailing in which areas various countries fall in competition with America.

You can keep dodging providing evidence for your point of view but that doesn't change the facts that the status quo is seriously lacking.

I see no point in continuing this charade. I would be THRILLED to be wrong here. Seriously! If you could provide any evidence whatsoever that we are producing acceptable results in public education, I will gladly admit I was wrong to criticize the status quo.
What we have going on in the USA is this. The left has become quite comfy in their govt educational positions with their comfy benefits. They see that being threatened by the people they work for so they are angry, which then breeds a hateful spew against the Tea Party, Conservatives, Christians, etc. the people who play by the rules, pay their taxes, and work hard. Fuck 'em.
Named 22 in but one of my links. Now if you could just provide a single example supporting your point of view, we could continue.

So, link?

So pick one of those 22 that you think stacks up to the US head to head and we'll go from there.

If you're arguing for American exceptionalism, great. There I agree with you. But that was not your point. You argued for the status quo...

I stopped reading there. At no point did I ever argue for the status quo. My initial point was that drawing wide sweeping conclusions based on one teacher letting her emotions get the better of her is downright fucking stupid. And my follow up to your littany of stats is that I know statistics can be, and almost always are, misleading. I was in the business of manipulating stats for over 15 years to make them show whatever I needed to make them show in order to get venture capitalists and fund managers to open up their checkbooks. The education stats don't jive at all with anything I've seen personally. I suppose it's possible my personal experience is the exception and this story is the rule, but I highly doubt it. And finally, American exceptionalism is indeed part of this discussion. How can you reconcile American exceptionalism with the belief that we've completely failed at educating our children?
How does a woman this ignorant receive a teaching certificate? Honestly, is it any wonder students are coming out of high school dumb and ignorant when this is the caliber of those "educating" them?

SPENCER — After reviewing a video in which a North Rowan High School teacher tells a student he can be arrested for speaking ill of President Barack Obama, the Rowan-Salisbury School System said it can be a learning experience.

Meanwhile, an expert on politics at Catawba College says the social studies teacher just doesn’t have her facts straight when she insists speaking your mind about a president can get you charged with a criminal offense.

Although two students provided the name of the teacher, the Post is not publishing it because officials within the school system would not confirm her identity and she could not be reached for comment.

The video captures audio of the dispute but does not show the teacher or anyone else. It appears to have been shot with a phone or other device as the camera pointed at the ceiling the entire time.

Rowan-Salisbury spokeswoman Rita Foil confirmed the teacher is still employed with the district and has not been suspended for disciplinary reasons. Foil emailed this statement to a Post reporter Friday on behalf of the school system

“The Rowan-Salisbury School System expects all students and employees to be respectful in the school environment and for all teachers to maintain their professionalism in the classroom. This incident should serve as an education for all teachers to stop and reflect on their interaction with students.

“Due to personnel and student confidentiality, we cannot discuss the matter publicly.”

The nearly 10-minute video, shot by a student and uploaded to YouTube on Monday, had been viewed more than 1,000 times by Friday afternoon.

Video stirs debate on teacher's actions in North class | Salisbury, NC - Salisbury Post

Link to the video is below

Teacher yells at student because of a question he asked about Obama! - YouTube

The teacher got suspended - I think she should be fired for being a fucking retard...

"You can go to jail for talking ill of the president."

That dumb affirmative action case should be fired for A) teaching lies, B) disgracing the First Amendment and C) getting owned by her own students...

This is what you get when you give people jobs based on race and not qualifications...

Besides, in what universe is it appropriate that a teacher debates a student harshly???? That was wrong within itself.

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