Teacher Tells Student He Can Be Arrested for Speaking Ill of Obama

So pick one of those 22 that you think stacks up to the US head to head and we'll go from there.

If you're arguing for American exceptionalism, great. There I agree with you. But that was not your point. You argued for the status quo...

I stopped reading there. At no point did I ever argue for the status quo. My initial point was that drawing wide sweeping conclusions based on one teacher letting her emotions get the better of her is downright fucking stupid. And my follow up to your littany of stats is that I know statistics can be, and almost always are, misleading. I was in the business of manipulating stats for over 15 years to make them show whatever I needed to make them show in order to get venture capitalists and fund managers to open up their checkbooks. The education stats don't jive at all with anything I've seen personally. I suppose it's possible my personal experience is the exception and this story is the rule, but I highly doubt it. And finally, American exceptionalism is indeed part of this discussion. How can you reconcile American exceptionalism with the belief that we've completely failed at educating our children?

Why on earth would you think anybody is drawing conclusions based on this one case? We have already drawn our conclusions and this one situation just shows that the conclusion is dead on.

American exceptionalism exists because we are free...but our liberty is dwindling, thanks to assholes like this teacher, who teach our children lies and wave threats over them if they refuse to conform.
If you listened to the sound bite the kid was amazing. Even when confronted by a possibly unstable shrieking teacher he stuck to his principles. He should be on every talk show but alas he might be conservative so cross him off the list.

I don't think the kid(s) were amazing, there was more than on kid speaking. I do think though that he and his friends were well aware that they were going to prove the teacher biased and wrong. That they did. That the knew better than she that they had the right to criticize the President, (whomever holds that office), says somewhere along the line they picked up something on the first amendment.

What I noticed though is that he was very careful to say, 'he wasn't disrespecting the President, but asking a question of the teacher.' He was aware of the recording, obviously.

That teacher has no business in a classroom, IMO.
The teacher's name should be disclosed and be interviewed. Then a dehate on teacher unions and tenure should be held.
The teacher's name should be disclosed and be interviewed. Then a dehate on teacher unions and tenure should be held.

She was named and now on administrative suspension, with full pay and benefits:

Tanya Dixon-Neely

North Rowan High teacher suspended after yelling at student over Obama criticism | JournalNow.com


A Rowan County high school teacher was suspended with pay from her job Monday following the release of a YouTube video in which she is heard yelling at a student in class and telling him it's wrong to criticize President Barack Obama.

The 10-minute video captured the sound of the dispute but mostly showed what appeared to be the classroom ceiling at North Rowan High School. It had about 450,000 views on YouTube as of Monday evening and was the focus of national media attention, including from talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

In the video, Tanya Dixon-Neely and her students debate several political issues, including a discussion about Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The conversation starts with the class talking about recent accusations that Romney bullied someone as a teen in the 1960s. Dixon-Neely, a social studies teacher, then argues with some students who question whether Obama bullied someone in high school as well.

"That's disrespect. This man (Romney) is a presidential candidate. He's not the president," Dixon-Neely is heard shouting. "Let me tell you something. You will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom."

"I'll say what I want," a male student replied.

"Not about him you won't," Dixon-Neely replied.

"I'm going to call my dad real quick. We'll see," the student added. "I didn't disrespect him. I was just asking a question. I have different beliefs."

Later in the video, at least one student curses when the discussion changes to former President George W. Bush.

"Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?" Dixon-Neely said. "You are not supposed to slander.

"As a social studies teacher I cannot allow you to slander any president in here, past or present. If that's the case, somebody could say negative things about the tea party."...
The teacher's name should be disclosed and be interviewed. Then a dehate on teacher unions and tenure should be held.

She was named and now on administrative suspension, with full pay and benefits:

Tanya Dixon-Neely

North Rowan High teacher suspended after yelling at student over Obama criticism | JournalNow.com


A Rowan County high school teacher was suspended with pay from her job Monday following the release of a YouTube video in which she is heard yelling at a student in class and telling him it's wrong to criticize President Barack Obama.

The 10-minute video captured the sound of the dispute but mostly showed what appeared to be the classroom ceiling at North Rowan High School. It had about 450,000 views on YouTube as of Monday evening and was the focus of national media attention, including from talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

In the video, Tanya Dixon-Neely and her students debate several political issues, including a discussion about Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The conversation starts with the class talking about recent accusations that Romney bullied someone as a teen in the 1960s. Dixon-Neely, a social studies teacher, then argues with some students who question whether Obama bullied someone in high school as well.

"That's disrespect. This man (Romney) is a presidential candidate. He's not the president," Dixon-Neely is heard shouting. "Let me tell you something. You will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom."

"I'll say what I want," a male student replied.

"Not about him you won't," Dixon-Neely replied.

"I'm going to call my dad real quick. We'll see," the student added. "I didn't disrespect him. I was just asking a question. I have different beliefs."

Later in the video, at least one student curses when the discussion changes to former President George W. Bush.

"Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?" Dixon-Neely said. "You are not supposed to slander.

"As a social studies teacher I cannot allow you to slander any president in here, past or present. If that's the case, somebody could say negative things about the tea party."...

Still waiting for the interview and debate!
How can you reconcile American exceptionalism with the belief that we've completely failed at educating our children?

Because I believe we're exceptional despite centrally planned education.

All the rancor aside, I appreciate the debate. I've nothing more to add at this point.

All the best.
The sad thing about that audio tape is that a woman that ignorant is teaching our kids.

You're not allowed to criticize the President? Since when? This is America. We have a constitutional right to do just that.

Had a teacher 50 years ago give the class a spelling, all 28 students heard her say "spell flow", we all did and failed... she told the parents at the PTA, "I said spell flow, you know, the flow you stand on".

True Story

Teachers credentials have been eroding for years and it is getting unbelievable lately.


Someone should have "axed" her to clarify.
The teacher's name should be disclosed and be interviewed. Then a dehate on teacher unions and tenure should be held.

She was named and now on administrative suspension, with full pay and benefits:

Tanya Dixon-Neely

North Rowan High teacher suspended after yelling at student over Obama criticism | JournalNow.com


A Rowan County high school teacher was suspended with pay from her job Monday following the release of a YouTube video in which she is heard yelling at a student in class and telling him it's wrong to criticize President Barack Obama.

The 10-minute video captured the sound of the dispute but mostly showed what appeared to be the classroom ceiling at North Rowan High School. It had about 450,000 views on YouTube as of Monday evening and was the focus of national media attention, including from talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

In the video, Tanya Dixon-Neely and her students debate several political issues, including a discussion about Obama and Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

The conversation starts with the class talking about recent accusations that Romney bullied someone as a teen in the 1960s. Dixon-Neely, a social studies teacher, then argues with some students who question whether Obama bullied someone in high school as well.

"That's disrespect. This man (Romney) is a presidential candidate. He's not the president," Dixon-Neely is heard shouting. "Let me tell you something. You will not disrespect the president of the United States in this classroom."

"I'll say what I want," a male student replied.

"Not about him you won't," Dixon-Neely replied.

"I'm going to call my dad real quick. We'll see," the student added. "I didn't disrespect him. I was just asking a question. I have different beliefs."

Later in the video, at least one student curses when the discussion changes to former President George W. Bush.

"Do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about Bush?" Dixon-Neely said. "You are not supposed to slander.

"As a social studies teacher I cannot allow you to slander any president in here, past or present. If that's the case, somebody could say negative things about the tea party."...

Still waiting for the interview and debate!

Don't hold your breath.
Jail Time for Insulting Obama? Student Who Stood Up to Outrageous Teacher Speaks for First Time

“[The teacher] always has open discussions about the presidents and candidates, and she doesn’t want to hear anything but what she believes, and if you disagree you get berated and put down, and I just decided to finally get some proof of it,” he explained.

Rogers’ mother remarked: “My biggest concern is that this ‘teacher’ is responsible for teaching my child and hundreds of others, and she is not teaching them factual information.”
If you're arguing for American exceptionalism, great. There I agree with you. But that was not your point. You argued for the status quo...

I stopped reading there. At no point did I ever argue for the status quo. My initial point was that drawing wide sweeping conclusions based on one teacher letting her emotions get the better of her is downright fucking stupid. And my follow up to your littany of stats is that I know statistics can be, and almost always are, misleading. I was in the business of manipulating stats for over 15 years to make them show whatever I needed to make them show in order to get venture capitalists and fund managers to open up their checkbooks. The education stats don't jive at all with anything I've seen personally. I suppose it's possible my personal experience is the exception and this story is the rule, but I highly doubt it. And finally, American exceptionalism is indeed part of this discussion. How can you reconcile American exceptionalism with the belief that we've completely failed at educating our children?

Why on earth would you think anybody is drawing conclusions based on this one case? We have already drawn our conclusions and this one situation just shows that the conclusion is dead on.

That's a complete and utter fallacy. Even the most remedial stats course will teach you that in the first week. But yes, I agree with you wholeheartedly that your conclusions are already fully drawn. :thup:
The public schools have been teaching lies to our kids for decades. This is nothing new.
eflatminor is lying.

Oh screw you Jake.

The story never happened, eflatminor. It is made up or altered from its core truth. The language is formulaic, like stories that begin "Once upon a time" or "This happened, no shit" or "eflatminor is lying again."

Any jerk off can call someone a liar behind a computer screen, despite any evidence to support the claim. In other words, you are a coward and no longer worthy of any consideration whatsoever. Ignored and forgotten.

All the best with your issues.

For any reasonable person reading this, I will swear on my honor that this is a true and accurate story. I do not lie in person or on line.
You have no evidence that the story ever happened.

And you wish to lie from behind the computer screen.


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