Teachers Union Boosts Spending for Liberal Candidates

Why not. Others break the law. Corporations and individuals. Such as your new hero from KY. DO you approve?

Seems you pass the blame. But that is a typical remark from the right.
Ever wonder or decided to check into another reason as to why grades are not meeting requirements? I bet not.
Go to a local school meeting or board meeting or to a school and as what is one, and I emphasize one, of the reasons for students not meeting requirements.
I guarantee it will be absences. But then again, you are a right wing believer. So it is all the teachers fault.

Parenting in this country is worse than any other country in the world.

This country spends more on education than anyone else in the world but yet has the least to show for it. We have a terrible education system in this country.

Thanks to Democrats for spending the money as payback the filthy greedy unions instead of spending it for anything that really matters.
Democrats always blame others for their failure. I watched the teachers in Wisconsin throw their hissy fit and scream and trash the capitol building. Parents of students weren't responsible for that.
The teacher unions in Washington state went out on strike, which is against the law in Washington even if their contract has expired. You approve?
How can you even make this claim.Being hypocritical about citizens united.
Again. its all pure conjecture on your part.

Surprised? And it makes no difference what the majority of the membership wants.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, the union reported $37.6 million in political activity and lobbying expenditures, a $12.7-million increase from the previous year.

Read more @ Teachers Union Significantly Ups Spending on Political Activities, Boosts Liberals
Why is the Left not upset about all this money being spent on politics?

They are most upset about Citizens United...rather hypocritical, no?
In the world of Moon Bats the concept of "more money for education" will never mean better education. It means more payoff to the filthy unions that contributed to the Moon Bat candidates.

It is a scam.
How can you even make this claim.Being hypocritical about citizens united.
Again. its all pure conjecture on your part.

Surprised? And it makes no difference what the majority of the membership wants.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, the union reported $37.6 million in political activity and lobbying expenditures, a $12.7-million increase from the previous year.

Read more @ Teachers Union Significantly Ups Spending on Political Activities, Boosts Liberals
Why is the Left not upset about all this money being spent on politics?

They are most upset about Citizens United...rather hypocritical, no?
Please explain.
Duh. Why would they donate to candidates who openly despise education and teachers?

Isn't that what they're already doing?
I dunno. Are they giving the GOP any money?

Government education in this country is a sad joke. As pointed out by a previous poster and despite the claims of the teachers unions that education is underfunded, it is quite true that we spend more than just about every country in the world and get very poor results. Every time someone comes up with an idea to improve our education system, whether it be by vouchers, school choice, charter schools, homeschooling, etc. the Democrats fight against these reforms tooth and nail in order to preserve the status quo which is exactly what the unions want. So yes, there is a party that despises education and all they care about is the tens of millions of dollars they reap in donations from the unions. If you really think they give a shit about the quality of education your child is getting then I have a bridge I'd like to sell if you're game.
Over 40% of the nation believes in creationism and denounces science as being nothing more than a political tool. Those people don't vote Democrat. The GOP demonizes higher education, public education (the only education most people can afford), Professors, teachers... the fact of the matter is that most of the people the GOP hates that are involved in education are trying to improve the education system. They're certainly not in it for the shitty salary and the student loan debt.

Do you think these fibbs are cute?

We hate indoctrination of the children, we hate public unions...
Surprised? And it makes no difference what the majority of the membership wants.

For the fiscal year ending June 30, the union reported $37.6 million in political activity and lobbying expenditures, a $12.7-million increase from the previous year.

Read more @ Teachers Union Significantly Ups Spending on Political Activities, Boosts Liberals

Teachers are not required to pay the portion of their union dues that go to political activity.

Actually they are, they must apply for a refund..

The landmark U.S. Supreme Court case Communications Workers of America v. Beck (1988) lets union members get a refund for the part of their dues that are used for political activity.

How many actually apply and get a refund is another story.

Also to defeat the inventible far left drone ranting:

What does the Citizens United decision mean for labor unions?

Prior to Citizens United, the funds that unions collected from union dues could not go to political spending that expressly advocated for the election or defeat of a candidate. That funding could, however, still go to other “political activities.” These include informational and educational materials that are distributed to members.

Under Citizens United, unions can take member dues and spend the money on materials in support or in opposition to a candidate for office. This is problematic because union members are not asked for permission before this money is spent, and it is often difficult to ask for a refund.

Didn’t Citizens United create “super PACs”?

No. The Court in Citizens United found that unions and corporations could spend money from their general treasury to advocate for or against a candidate and that banning that activity was unconstitutional under the First Amendment’s Free Speech Clause. A later case decided by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, SpeechNow.org v. Federal Election Commission, allowed unions, corporations, individuals, and associations to make unlimited contributions to a group that only spends its funds on independent expenditures. These groups are called super PACs.

Is the identity of a group that spends money as allowed under Citizens United a secret?

No. Both unions and corporations must disclose that they are behind any advertisement or other electioneering material. Unions must specifically disclose where their money goes.
The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

The US already spends more money on education than anybody else in the world but has some of the worst results.

The Moon Bats wants to put more and money into education.

Is that simply insanity or is it simply corruption to pay off the filthy ass Teacher's unions?

Take your pick.
The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

The US already spends more money on education than anybody else in the world but has some of the worst results.

The Moon Bats wants to put more and money into education.

Is that simply insanity or is it simply corruption to pay off the filthy ass Teacher's unions?

Take your pick.

If we had a two party system, this might not be occurring. But, since the Rs just bend over and take it, it continues unabated. They are terribly afraid of being labelled by Ds as against educating the poor kiddies, which Ds do to any pol who even suggests reducing education spending.
The definition of insanity is doing the same stupid thing over and over again but expecting different results.

The US already spends more money on education than anybody else in the world but has some of the worst results.

The Moon Bats wants to put more and money into education.

Is that simply insanity or is it simply corruption to pay off the filthy ass Teacher's unions?

Take your pick.

If we had a two party system, this might not be occurring. But, since the Rs just bend over and take it, it continues unabated. They are terribly afraid of being labelled by Ds as against educating the poor kiddies, which Ds do to any pol who even suggests reducing education spending.


We did not get into this mess of an out of control debt ridden bloated abusive government just because of the stupidity of the Democrats. They were aided and abetted all along by the Republicans.
Teachers unions are no more a "person" than are corporations, yet both contribute whether their constituents agree with where the money is going or not.

Money is killing our political system.

Money isn't the problem; the people are the problem. No amount of money can defeat an informed electorate. The problem is we don't have one.
The problem with our education system is the dumb ass red states . Take them out and the US ranks in the top 10 .

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