Team Obama Tells Iran: Don’t Escalate, Don’t Take Trump’s Bait

The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized persons with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.
Well tell us exactly how telling Iran to be calm is negotiating...

Then why was Mueller trying to use the 'Logan Act' against Michael Flynn and now against his former partner?

Flynn charge suggests arcane law is 'leverage' for special ...
Dec 01, 2017 · Special Counsel Robert Mueller appears to be relying on an obscure 218-year-old law to apply pressure to officials in pursuit of a broader investigation into Russia's interference in the … Flynn's contact with the Russian ambassador "seems to violate what the Logan Act intended to prevent," Zeldin said. He added that even though the Logan Act hasn't been used successfully "it doesn't mean that Mueller wouldn't consider using it to pressure defendants."
What did Flynn discuss with the Russian ambassador? Context matters...

Flynn was acting in his LEGAL POSITION as the President Elects Staff. Your Obama folks have NO FUCKING STANDING TO BE DOING ANYTHING!
So you have no idea what his convo was about to make it wrong you just needed to laub a tennis ball..Anything but negotiating is allowed..
Why does Doc want to start and lose another war? Iran is twice the size of Iraq and unlike Iraq, they actually have a military.
Just one or two 50KT devices and that war is over...
Iraq will be a cake walk too! This is the real world, not comic books.
If we went into Iraq and fought it to win it. It would've been a cake walk.
You gonna don the uniform and walk the talk?
Why does Doc want to start and lose another war? Iran is twice the size of Iraq and unlike Iraq, they actually have a military.
Just one or two 50KT devices and that war is over...
Iraq will be a cake walk too! This is the real world, not comic books.
If we went into Iraq and fought it to win it. It would've been a cake walk.
You gonna don the uniform and walk the talk?
Wasn't our soldiers fault, they did a great job. With what they could do.
Why does Doc want to start and lose another war? Iran is twice the size of Iraq and unlike Iraq, they actually have a military.
Just one or two 50KT devices and that war is over...
Iraq will be a cake walk too! This is the real world, not comic books.
If we went into Iraq and fought it to win it. It would've been a cake walk.
You gonna don the uniform and walk the talk?
Wasn't our soldiers fault, they did a great job. With what they could do.
That is what they always do it's their job.
Team Obama Tells Iran: Don’t Escalate, Don’t Take Trump’s Bait
As tensions with Iran heat up, former Obama administration officials have quietly urged government officials there to keep their cool.

Team Obama Tells Iran: Don’t Escalate, Don’t Take Trump’s Bait
May 31, 2019 ~ By Betsy Woodruff & Erin Banco
As the Trump administration sent warplanes and an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, a small group of former Obama administration officials reached out to their contacts in the Iranian government, including Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif. Their message to Iran: Don’t take Trump’s bait. Stay calm. Conversations between former Obama officials and Iranian government officials have been ongoing since November 2016. Zarif, who visits the U.S. every year for the U.N. General Assembly in New York, usually meets with lawmakers, think tanks, journalists, and former officials when he is in town. But the recent round of conversations, which took place over the phone and in person over the last two months, came as lines of communication between the U.S. and Iran, through intermediaries in Europe and elsewhere, deteriorated.
The U.S. policy toward Iran—a scorched-earth campaign to crush the country’s economy—took a turn this month when the Trump administration, following new Iranian activity that concerned American intelligence and national-security officials, sent ships and B-52 bombers to the region in a show of force. That move fed fears of military conflict between the two powers.... Separately, some former Obama officials are trying to keep the roots of the Iran nuclear deal alive by taking the pulse of lawmakers on Capitol Hill to gauge whether they are in favor of restarting talks in the future.

It is obvious that the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA former Obama officials continue to refuse to work with the Trump administration and favor working with foreign belligerents against America. The Logan Act applies only to questionable minor infractions by the Trump administration, not to major violations by Obama or any Democrat. Apparently Trump doesn’t believe the Logan act should be enforced, Obama, Kerry, Clinton, are all guilty. but they're guilty of so much more and still walking wound. Example: Feinstein is still on judicial committee despite withholding Kavanaugh letter over 60 days.
This reminds me of how back in the 1980s, people like Robert McNamara and even former pres. Carter would often go on the Phil Donahue Show to tell us how crazy and misguided Reagan’s stance against the Soviet Union was.
Judging by past experiences, I guess the smart thing to consider when Obama or any of his followers speaks is probably to ignore it, unless of course he or they would appear to be breaking some law. In this case, maybe they need to be hammered and hammered hard with the violation of the Logan Act. That decision, right or wrong, will have to be left with those who have all the details and are in a position to do something about it.

This is a blatant violation of US Law. They should be arrested and jailed for interfering in US foreign Policy.

How was the policy interfered with?

Treason is in season if you’re a former Obama administration official, as they continue to test the boundaries of the Trump administration — and U.S. law — by continuing to remain in contact with arch-nemesis Iran.
Former Secretary of State John Kerry was busted — again — earlier this month for continuing his contacts with the terrorist-sponsoring Iranian regime in a bid, ostensibly, to ‘save’ the nuclear deal he and Obama negotiated.


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