Ted chews The president's ass

Why would he? He's the President of the United States, not a clown trainer.

This is why I like Cruz(not necessarily support him).
Obama wont accept it. He knows emotion doesn't work in an actual debate.
Why would the President debate a third rate Presidential candidate?

Ted Cruz is a Senator, let him go through channels if he wants to meet with the President
What qualifications does Ted Cruz have to discuss the issue with the President?
What qualifications does Ted Cruz have to discuss the issue with the President?

Cruz resume makes Obama look like a loser.

What does Cruz have on his resume that would qualify him to discuss the Syrian refugee problem?

A prominent Democratic party senator told us yesterday that Obama is utterly clueless on Syria and ISIL, she threw him under the bus quite publically and voiced grave concerns for America's security. You should be asking what qualifications Obama has to discuss the issue with Cruz.

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