Ted chews The president's ass

Why would he? He's the President of the United States, not a clown trainer.


Maybe after his day job perhaps?
Maybe Obama can discuss how Ted Cruz's father from communist Cuba was allowed in
Run Teddie, RUN !

Cruz and his supporters are Clintons best friend !
How can we be sure that Ted Cruz's and Marco Rubios fathers were not Communist infiltrators?
Run Teddie, RUN !

Cruz and his supporters are Clintons best friend !
He's afraid to debate Hillary because she's actually running for president while Obama is not.

That said, it's still a ridiculous thing for him to even come up with. What a stupid, stupid fool.
Run Teddie, RUN !

Cruz and his supporters are Clintons best friend !
He's afraid to debate Hillary because she's actually running for president while Obama is not.

That said, it's still a ridiculous thing for him to even come up with. What a stupid, stupid fool.

Let him get through his own debates first
What an idiotic challenge.

I dont care what you think the debate would look like. It does not matter if you think that Cruz would make Obama look like a child or that Obama would school Cruz. The fact is that Obama is a sitting US president and Cruz is a candidate in the PRIMARIES (not even a presidential candidate). There is no reason whatsoever for Obama to even comment on this let alone actually debate him.
What qualifications does Ted Cruz have to discuss the issue with the President?
That's right Cruz isn't a community agitator.
What qualifications does Ted Cruz have to discuss the issue with the President?
That's right Cruz isn't a community agitator.

Obama is the president of the United States

What is Cruz?
The next president of the United States.
“I would encourage you, Mr. President, come back and insult me to my face,” Cruz told reporters outside the Capitol Hill Club in Washington

I would happily insult Rafael to his face. The son of a refugee from a country committed to the death of America has a lot of balls turning away refugees fleeing certain death.

I honestly wish I could meet this fearmongering pants shitting fucker in person and bitch slap him.

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