Ted chews The president's ass


I have no idea where my balls went.
“I would encourage you, Mr. President, come back and insult me to my face,” Cruz told reporters outside the Capitol Hill Club in Washington

I would happily insult Rafael to his face. The son of a refugee from a country committed to the death of America has a lot of balls turning away refugees fleeing certain death.

I honestly wish I could meet this fearmongering pants shitting fucker in person and bitch slap him.
You dont have the balls to look him in the eye, cupcake.
Can someone explain what the hell Ted knows about foreign policy?
You know what I find really funny about all of this? Ted Cruz was saying that if Obama is going to insult him, he should do it to his face.

Only one problem here..................Obama didn't say anything about Cruz, or Republican senators, he was talking about the Republican governors who refused to allow Syrian refugees.

Cruz wasn't insulted, he wasn't even referred to, he's just looking for some press time so that he can try to drive up his poll numbers.
You know what I find really funny about all of this? Ted Cruz was saying that if Obama is going to insult him, he should do it to his face.

Only one problem here..................Obama didn't say anything about Cruz, or Republican senators, he was talking about the Republican governors who refused to allow Syrian refugees.

Cruz wasn't insulted, he wasn't even referred to, he's just looking for some press time so that he can try to drive up his poll numbers.
Sounds like Cruz is an attention whore

Tired of being ignored
The first order of business for the republican president is obama's impeachment and trial before the senate.
The first order of business for the republican president is obama's impeachment and trial before the senate.

Ummm................not to split hairs here, but if the next president is a republican and that is what their first order of business should be, wouldn't that be a waste of time and money to impeach a president who has already left office?
The first order of business for the republican president is obama's impeachment and trial before the senate.

Do you realize you have to be an active President to be impeached? There will also be a Democratic Senate
You also have to have committed a crime
The first order of business for the republican president is obama's impeachment and trial before the senate.

Ummm................not to split hairs here, but if the next president is a republican and that is what their first order of business should be, wouldn't that be a waste of time and money to impeach a president who has already left office?
No. He would lose his pension, library, secret service protection and any other benefit of the presidency.
The first order of business for the republican president is obama's impeachment and trial before the senate.

Do you realize you have to be an active President to be impeached? There will also be a Democratic Senate
You also have to have committed a crime
Malfeasance in office would be good enough.

Do you know what malfeasance means?
Not being a conservative does not qualify as malfeasance

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