Ted Cruz a NO vote on the GOP health care bill!


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
"WASHINGTON -- As Republicans continue to debate their plan for health care overhaul, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, said Sunday that he won’t vote for the bill as it stands because it will not solve the problem of rising insurance premiums.“I cannot vote for any bill that keeps premiums rising,” Cruz said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”
Ted Cruz says he won't vote for GOP health care bill as it stands

Well--this is a huge surprise, I must say. No one campaigned on repealing & replacing Obamacare like Ted Cruz did. For 7 long years he ranted and raved his way through the halls of congress on this. He and his midget minions in the house continually threatened to shut down the government over Obamacare. He continually threatened to defund Obamacare, (leaving millions that were forced on this plan without medical insurance overnight). He even read Green Eggs & Ham on the Senate floor over Obamacare--
The Republican house spent their time sending up 30 bills to Obama's desk to repeal Obamacare--with Obama having a veto pen in hand. No one, and I mean no one was a bigger pain the ass than Senator Ted Cruz was when it came to Obamacare.

Now that he is up for reelection in 2018-he has suddenly and remarkably developed a different attitude. Amazing how that works.

I am so glad oreo has stopped posting that vid of homosexual qu33r Shep Smith whining about the fake Russian meddling hoax. That said, the medical insurance situation is a disaster. Obese, low IQ democrats stuffing themselves with junk food combined with their genetic disorders as a result of inbreeding and behavior problems such as dangerous sex and shooting each other results in a massive burden on the medical system since obviously don't pay a penny into it. To start with, there needs to be incentives for the low IQ folks to stop procreating.
When Ted found out his father was involved in killing JFK, he had to rethink his entire campaign. He decided that porn and the ACA weren't so bad after all.
Ted can read the polls as well as any other reptile.
Ted Cruz says he won't vote for GOP health care bill as it stands

You do realize you're citing an article from March, right?

Cruz did this past weekend state, "Right now they don't have my vote," so I'm not saying your "headline" is errant but rather that your citation is.

Current (past six hours or newer) reporting on Cruz's position on Graham-Cassidy:

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