Ted Cruz agrees illegal kids have no right to use our schools. Finally somebody states the obvious

"Ted Cruz agrees illegal kids have no right to use our schools. Finally somebody states the obvious"

No, somebody exhibits his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.
"Ted Cruz agrees illegal kids have no right to use our schools. Finally somebody states the obvious"

No, somebody exhibits his ignorance of, and contempt for, the Constitution and its case law.

So entering our county illegally is just hunky dory in your mind.
Fuck off scoff law.
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I am so tired of hearing about those "rich white Anglos" on NPR. . Especially with all that PEW Hispanic trust funds dominating the place. NPR used to be THE neutral and un- opinionated source of facts once upon a time, till they got affiliated sponsors. The Pew Hispanic trust, or the "Gay and lesbian fund". NPR is dead to me now, sell outs. Dead and gone.
I am so tired of hearing about those "rich white Anglos" on NPR. . Especially with all that PEW Hispanic trust funds dominating the place. NPR used t be so neutral and un- opinionated source of facts once upon a time, till they got affiliated sponsors. The Pew Hispanic trust, or the "Gay and lesbian fund". NPR is dead to me now, sell outs.
Go watch Fox with the rest of the morons then.
I am so tired of hearing about those "rich white Anglos" on NPR. . Especially with all that PEW Hispanic trust funds dominating the place. NPR used t be so neutral and un- opinionated source of facts once upon a time, till they got affiliated sponsors. The Pew Hispanic trust, or the "Gay and lesbian fund". NPR is dead to me now, sell outs.
Go watch Fox with the rest of the morons then.
No, I just live life with the rest of the other hapless bastards. I don't know what world you live in.
I am so tired of hearing about those "rich white Anglos" on NPR. . Especially with all that PEW Hispanic trust funds dominating the place. NPR used t be so neutral and un- opinionated source of facts once upon a time, till they got affiliated sponsors. The Pew Hispanic trust, or the "Gay and lesbian fund". NPR is dead to me now, sell outs.
Go watch Fox with the rest of the morons then.
No, I just live life with the rest of the other hapless bastards. I don't know what world you live in.
The real one, try it sometime.
BS. States need to stand up and say the constitution gives us , not the feds, authority to run our schools.

Call it whatever you like, it's the law of the land. And I'd rather have them in school learning about America than roaming the streets learning how to live on them. If you were rational you'd think the same thing.

HAHAHA. This is too easy. Show us the law that says illegal kids can use our schools. It's not there - the courts simply invented the "right" of illegals to use our schools

And if letting illegal invaders use our schools is so rational, why don't other countries allow it? THINK
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And if letting illegal invaders use our schools is so rational, why don't other countries allow it? THINK
Read the thread, they do allow it, Dummy.

And the law was established by the highest court in the land, which means you and Canada Ted are fucked.
I am so tired of hearing about those "rich white Anglos" on NPR. . Especially with all that PEW Hispanic trust funds dominating the place. NPR used t be so neutral and un- opinionated source of facts once upon a time, till they got affiliated sponsors. The Pew Hispanic trust, or the "Gay and lesbian fund". NPR is dead to me now, sell outs.
Go watch Fox with the rest of the morons then.
No, I just live life with the rest of the other hapless bastards. I don't know what world you live in.
The real one, try it sometime.
Oh, that real one? Illegal abusing laws? Which one? My reality might differ from your rich snooty upper class white one.
"Generally speaking, at the legislative level, access to compulsory education is granted to all children in the EU. The right to education for undocumented children is explicitly referenced in Belgian, Italian and Dutch legislation; in France, Spain and Poland, undocumented children are implicitly included in the reference to ‘all children’; while Hungarian and Maltese law only mentions the right to education for those with a valid residence permit (PICUM, 2009, p.16). On a practical level, however, numerous difficulties emerge for those with an irregular migration status. These barriers may be practical, such as lack of identification; institutional, such as discriminatory legislation; or broadly societal, such as the fear of being detected. As a result, both compulsory education and higher education can be difficult for undocumented youth to obtain[7]."
Undocumented Migrants Right to Health and Education in Europe Protection Needs vs Immigration Control

Practical level is all that matters and your quote says on that level, illegals do NOT get free education in yurp. You also mention "discriminatory legislation" as one reason they don't get it. Their contradicts your whole claim. THINK
Illegals have no rights and certainly no educational rights. In fact education is never mentioned in the constitution which means even the kids of citizens have no constitutional right to schooling.!! The court simply rewrote the constitution in 1982 like they do all the time.

Ted Cruz questions Supreme Court ruling ordering free education for immigrant kids Dallas Morning News

march 9 2015
WASHINGTON – Sen. Ted Cruz said Monday that the Supreme Court probably made the wrong decision in 1982 when it ruled that public schools must provide free education to children who are in the country illegally.

“There’s a strong argument to say that it was [a mistake],” Cruz told a conservative radio host in Des Moines during a campaign visit to Iowa.

WHO host Jan Mickelson, an immigration hardliner, peppered Cruz with questions about Plyler v. Doe, a Texas case in which the justices ruled 5-4 that states must provide public education for students in the country illegally.

Mickelson argued that states should now defy the court and ignore the precedent, and prodded Cruz to embrace the idea.

The senator, a top student at Harvard Law School and former clerk to Chief Justice William Rehnquist, stepped carefully. But he agreed that the court got it wrong.

That said, he added, the court probably had no constitutional basis for forcing states to educate children in the country illegally.
Why does Ted Cruz hate The Constitution?
Yeah, kids suck.

How dare those kids stay here with their illegal parents, they should hit the highway back to Mexico.

Educating them will only allow them to take better American jobs they do already

And if letting illegal invaders use our schools is so rational, why don't other countries allow it? THINK
Read the thread, they do allow it, Dummy.

And the law was established by the highest court in the land, which means you and Canada Ted are fucked.

But the constitution says only congress can write laws so why is the court doing it??

The very first words of the constitution after the preamble are "all legislative powers herein granted shall be vested in a congress of the united states". Explain that!!!
Can any of our prog friends name another country that gives free k-12 to people that are not even allowed to be in the country??!! America is the laughingstock of the world.
Actually, America is a beacon for the workd
No, he's right... we're behaving stupidly in this regard, so we're perceived as being stupid... ergo, the 'laughingstock' comment.
Why does Ted Cruz hate The Constitution?

You're the one who hates the constitution. The C says education is entirely a state matter and it also says laws can only be written by congress. On both counts Plyler v doe must be nullified. THINK

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