Ted Cruz destroys.

Facebook, Twitter, and Google because of their lopsided censorship need to be declared Political Operatves, and have their classifications changed as to the way their funding streams are monitored, and as to how they are taxed and regulated. It's clear they are deeply involved in Partisan Politics, and are using their vehicle as a Propaganda Platform to the detriment of Free Speech and Equal Time for Dissenting Viewpoints.

You wouldn't know Free Speech if you created laws suppressing it. Like you're advocating for here.
Zucktard is a well rehearsed lib commie stooge. Notice how he can't give a straight answer to anything.

He also looks like a scared rabbit.

Well, he can go home to his 62 billion dollars and feel much better about himself! :21::21:

Seems more like he was thinking "I have more money than all these people put together, why am I here?"

He should just tell them to piss off. And if they don't like it, cash out and shut Facebook down altogether.
Zucktard is a well rehearsed lib commie stooge. Notice how he can't give a straight answer to anything.

He also looks like a scared rabbit.

Well, he can go home to his 62 billion dollars and feel much better about himself! :21::21:

Seems more like he was thinking "I have more money than all these people put together, why am I here?"

He should just tell them to piss off. And if they don't like it, cash out and shut Facebook down altogether.

And that difference in thinking is probably why he's CEO of a multi-billion-dollar business, and you aren't.
Lyin’ Ted isn’t even a citizen. Who the fuck is he to question an American?

Who is he to question an American? He's a sitting US Senator, that's who.

So the fuck what? That doesn't give him any direct personal authority to dictate. Fuck that. We fought a revolution over that of shit.

He hasn't "dictated" anything. He asked questions, which IS within his authority as a Senator to do.

I don't believe any revolutions have been fought, here or anywhere else, over asking questions. Maybe switch to decaf and calm down.
Lyin’ Ted isn’t even a citizen. Who the fuck is he to question an American?

Who is he to question an American? He's a sitting US Senator, that's who.

So the fuck what? That doesn't give him any direct personal authority to dictate. Fuck that. We fought a revolution over that of shit.

He hasn't "dictated" anything. He asked questions, which IS within his authority as a Senator to do.

I don't believe any revolutions have been fought, here or anywhere else, over asking questions. Maybe switch to decaf and calm down.

Yeah. Right. Just asking questions. Zuckerberg should have just told them to fuck off. What do you think would have happened then?
Zucktard is a well rehearsed lib commie stooge. Notice how he can't give a straight answer to anything.

He also looks like a scared rabbit.

Well, he can go home to his 62 billion dollars and feel much better about himself! :21::21:

Seems more like he was thinking "I have more money than all these people put together, why am I here?"

He should just tell them to piss off. And if they don't like it, cash out and shut Facebook down altogether.

And that difference in thinking is probably why he's CEO of a multi-billion-dollar business, and you aren't.

Maybe. I'm not here to debate Zuckerberg's personal qualities. I'm far more concerned with the inversion that's taking place regarding our civil liberties. Conservatives used to at least pretend to be concerned with government bullying business. Now they embrace it. Fucking hypocrites.
Lyin’ Ted isn’t even a citizen. Who the fuck is he to question an American?

Who is he to question an American? He's a sitting US Senator, that's who.

So the fuck what? That doesn't give him any direct personal authority to dictate. Fuck that. We fought a revolution over that of shit.

He hasn't "dictated" anything. He asked questions, which IS within his authority as a Senator to do.

I don't believe any revolutions have been fought, here or anywhere else, over asking questions. Maybe switch to decaf and calm down.

Yeah. Right. Just asking questions. Zuckerberg should have just told them to fuck off. What do you think would have happened then?

Can't say what WOULD have happened. What COULD have happened, potentially, would be Contempt of Congress. One presumes Zuckerberg didn't think it wise to risk it, since he didn't.
Zucktard is a well rehearsed lib commie stooge. Notice how he can't give a straight answer to anything.

He also looks like a scared rabbit.

Well, he can go home to his 62 billion dollars and feel much better about himself! :21::21:

Seems more like he was thinking "I have more money than all these people put together, why am I here?"

He should just tell them to piss off. And if they don't like it, cash out and shut Facebook down altogether.

And that difference in thinking is probably why he's CEO of a multi-billion-dollar business, and you aren't.

Maybe. I'm not here to debate Zuckerberg's personal qualities. I'm far more concerned with the inversion that's taking place regarding our civil liberties. Conservatives used to at least pretend to be concerned with government bullying business. Now they embrace it. Fucking hypocrites.

I don't see anyone "embracing" anything, because I don't see anything actually HAPPENING to embrace at the moment. Again, it's just questions being asked at the moment. When someone actually draws a conclusion and suggests a plan of action, THEN I will form an opinion about it. But I am not only not going to have an opinion demanded of me about something that hasn't occurred yet, and I am DAMNED sure not going to be called a hypocrite for an opinion I haven't formed about an event that hasn't happened.

You're in entirely too big a rush to start condemning and pointing the finger of blame; you can't even wait until someone does something to blame them about. Like I said, switch to decaf and calm the fuck down.
Eduardo Rafael Cruz is a real Nazi.

You clearly wouldn't know a Nazi if one crawled up your pants leg.
Sorry if I made you think of yourself. I know what a Nazi is as I am the relative of a famous one, Adolf. So please go back home and cry alone.

Why do leftists always think anecdotes = expertise? I have a best friend who's a physicist, but that doesn't mean I know jack shit about physics. HE does, but our relationship does not transmit that knowledge to me by osmosis.

I'm sure ADOLF knew what a Nazi was, and I'm equally sure he didn't think it was defined as "people who disagree with Tax Man politically", and therefore he would not have applied it to Ted Cruz.

Realize you're a brain-damaged twat, and go home and cry alone over it.
So sorry to have made you realize your ignorance of history and made you cry alone. Maybe your friend the physicist can teach you.
Eduardo Rafael Cruz is a real Nazi.

You clearly wouldn't know a Nazi if one crawled up your pants leg.
Sorry if I made you think of yourself. I know what a Nazi is as I am the relative of a famous one, Adolf. So please go back home and cry alone.

Why do leftists always think anecdotes = expertise? I have a best friend who's a physicist, but that doesn't mean I know jack shit about physics. HE does, but our relationship does not transmit that knowledge to me by osmosis.

I'm sure ADOLF knew what a Nazi was, and I'm equally sure he didn't think it was defined as "people who disagree with Tax Man politically", and therefore he would not have applied it to Ted Cruz.

Realize you're a brain-damaged twat, and go home and cry alone over it.
So sorry to have made you realize your ignorance of history and made you cry alone. Maybe your friend the physicist can teach you.

Yeah, you just keep telling yourself what a brilliant triumph your vague insult swipe at Ted Cruz was. You're certainly never going to say that to yourself if you're HONEST.

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