Ted Cruz destroys.

I just watched that exchange. In what world did Cruz "destroy" Zuckerberg?

If the OP and I were in a place where we could watch that exchange and discuss it like normal people, he would leave the discussion thinking that Cruz did nothing near destroying Zuckerberg.

I guaranfuckingtee that Zuckerberg isn't worried about that exchange in the least.
And I can guarantee that no one cares what you think.
What a stupid thing to say on an opinion forum.
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
In other words, you are disappointed that these hearings don't seem to be leading to government regulations about what can and cannot be discussed on facebook.

No, I'm disappointed that they aren't asking solid questions about what happened and why, as well as following up with solutions to help Facebook make sure this never happens again.
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
In other words, you are disappointed that these hearings don't seem to be leading to government regulations about what can and cannot be discussed on facebook.

No, I'm disappointed that they aren't asking solid questions about what happened and why, as well as following up with solutions to help Facebook make sure this never happens again.
lol How would the government "help" facebook without passing regulations?
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
So, by your own arguments, we should not blame someone who was criminally negligent?

Okay, I'll bite.................exactly how is he criminally negligent?
I guess you didn't hear about that massive data breach. Or about how Facebook was using the things people posted to their friends without permission?
I don't have Facebook ...........don't need it........don't want it......

And they are biased............it's that simple............

Just delete the program folks.............
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
So, by your own arguments, we should not blame someone who was criminally negligent?

Okay, I'll bite.................exactly how is he criminally negligent?
I guess you didn't hear about that massive data breach. Or about how Facebook was using the things people posted to their friends without permission?

It's in the TOS as to what they can do with your data, but the trouble is, most people don't bother to read the whole thing or understand what they are agreeing to because of all the legalese.

And no, it wasn't a data breach, it was some kind of survey used by Cambridge Analytica that they used to mine the data they wanted. Facebook didn't know what they were doing with it, they just thought it was for advertising.

A data breach is done by hacking, not surveys.
Watching Ted take on Zucky on the stand all the way through again. Ted was brilliant pointing out how reckless with rights to privacy Zucky is/was.
I just watched that exchange. In what world did Cruz "destroy" Zuckerberg?

If the OP and I were in a place where we could watch that exchange and discuss it like normal people, he would leave the discussion thinking that Cruz did nothing near destroying Zuckerberg.

I guaranfuckingtee that Zuckerberg isn't worried about that exchange in the least.
And I can guarantee that no one cares what you think.
What he says is way more truthful than anything you have ever posted.
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
So, by your own arguments, we should not blame someone who was criminally negligent?

Okay, I'll bite.................exactly how is he criminally negligent?
I guess you didn't hear about that massive data breach. Or about how Facebook was using the things people posted to their friends without permission?

It's in the TOS as to what they can do with your data, but the trouble is, most people don't bother to read the whole thing or understand what they are agreeing to because of all the legalese.

And no, it wasn't a data breach, it was some kind of survey used by Cambridge Analytica that they used to mine the data they wanted. Facebook didn't know what they were doing with it, they just thought it was for advertising.

A data breach is done by hacking, not surveys.
Facebook SAYS they didn't know. I guess you believe them? LOL
I just watched that exchange. In what world did Cruz "destroy" Zuckerberg?

If the OP and I were in a place where we could watch that exchange and discuss it like normal people, he would leave the discussion thinking that Cruz did nothing near destroying Zuckerberg.

I guaranfuckingtee that Zuckerberg isn't worried about that exchange in the least.
And I can guarantee that no one cares what you think.
What he says is way more truthful than anything you have ever posted.
Prove it.
Facebook, Twitter, and Google because of their lopsided censorship need to be declared Political Operatves, and have their classifications changed as to the way their funding streams are monitored, and as to how they are taxed and regulated. It's clear they are deeply involved in Partisan Politics, and are using their vehicle as a Propaganda Platform to the detriment of Free Speech and Equal Time for Dissenting Viewpoints.
Well, you still have World Nut Daily, Stormfront, InfoWars, Faux News, and AM radio.
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
In other words, you are disappointed that these hearings don't seem to be leading to government regulations about what can and cannot be discussed on facebook.

No, I'm disappointed that they aren't asking solid questions about what happened and why, as well as following up with solutions to help Facebook make sure this never happens again.
lol How would the government "help" facebook without passing regulations?
By making it so that ALL hate speech is banned. Which means pro American speech. You have heard them, right? Make America Great Again, is racist. It is a "dog whistle."

It also means only pro democrat or pro commie speech will be tolerated. You know, how they did the same thing for the obama campaign in 2012.

As admitted by former Obama Campaign Official Carol Davidson when the democrats used Facebook MINING helped get their god elected. CNN cheered.

It is not a myth. That Jew today in front of congress even admitted things went "right" for them in France, when they helped get the socialist elected. Yes, that was when things worked out. The asshole even said that today.
You know, when I was watching a bit of FOX news today (gotta check out what the conservative talking points are), I kinda figured this would be a hot subject for them. I saw FOX anchors and commentators saying how biased Facebook was against Republicans, but gave Democrats and liberals a free pass.

Good to see that the conservatives are sticking to their talking points like FOX tells them to.

By the way........................one of the other news channels that I watched had a commentator bring up a very interesting point. It seems that the panel was more interested in tearing Zuckerberg apart than they were in finding out what happened. And, not one of those congress critters asked him if there was something that the government could do to assist Facebook in making sure this didn't happen next election. Why is that? Instead of assigning blame, shouldn't they be working on figuring out how to stop it from happening again?

But, I guess the partisan divide in this country has gotten to the point where there are no solutions to be worked out, just fingers to point out blame.

And, the fingers are always pointing at the other side.
So, by your own arguments, we should not blame someone who was criminally negligent?

Okay, I'll bite.................exactly how is he criminally negligent?
I guess you didn't hear about that massive data breach. Or about how Facebook was using the things people posted to their friends without permission?

It's in the TOS as to what they can do with your data, but the trouble is, most people don't bother to read the whole thing or understand what they are agreeing to because of all the legalese.

And no, it wasn't a data breach, it was some kind of survey used by Cambridge Analytica that they used to mine the data they wanted. Facebook didn't know what they were doing with it, they just thought it was for advertising.

A data breach is done by hacking, not surveys.
Facebook SAYS they didn't know. I guess you believe them? LOL

Prove that they did. And yeah, if someone walks into your office and says they want to get a whole bunch of data for advertising, and that is your business, are you going to give them the 3rd degree to find out what they are going to do with the data? No, if they sound legit (which Cambridge did), you're gonna do business with them.

Or....................don't you believe in capitalism?
I just watched that exchange. In what world did Cruz "destroy" Zuckerberg?

If the OP and I were in a place where we could watch that exchange and discuss it like normal people, he would leave the discussion thinking that Cruz did nothing near destroying Zuckerberg.

I guaranfuckingtee that Zuckerberg isn't worried about that exchange in the least.
And I can guarantee that no one cares what you think.
What he says is way more truthful than anything you have ever posted.
Prove it.
Your reply here proves it!

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