Ted Cruz doesn’t like Uganda’s new anti-gay

Wrong. It is natural to be attracted to the opposite sex. If one is attracted to the same sex then something is wrong. Perhaps that person was abused or molested as a child. Or if they were just “born that way“, then they need to learn to overcome it, like anyone else born with a disability.
You can still believe gay people are born that way and that those some of those that were abused became gay. Those two ideas dont have to be mutually exclusive.

"They just need to overcome it"? Why are you trying to tell someone what they have to do? Oh, just to make YOU happy, right?

Using "wrong" in this context is well, wrong. Not everyone comes out of the womb the same genetically.
Who cares if you believe in your bible....just quit trying to shove it down our throats.
Don’t worry, I am not here to convince you to accept the Bible. I know a fool when I see one, and I wouldn’t waste my time.
Homosexuality and transgenderism is far more dangerous to society than your scamdemic.

More people have died from AIDS and have suffered traumatic experiences due to homosexuals than ever died from COVID.
The straight white man has killed many millions using bombs. If you want to start talking about "dangers to society", lets start there.
All of Western Civilization is built off that “book of fairy tales”, if you don’t like it then move to another part of the world. Oh but you won’t, because you like to reap the benefits of Western society.
Where in the Western World is murder for being gay the law?
Way to go Ted. Why do these guys hate it when democracy is actually practiced?
He calls the law “barbaric”. So biblical law is barbaric? Ted is higher authority than the Bible now?

By the way, the law only allows death penalty for child molesters.

All of Western Civilization is built off that “book of fairy tales”, if you don’t like it then move to another part of the world. Oh but you won’t, because you like to reap the benefits of Western society.
Wrong. This country was built off slavery. Which, by the way, was justified by some of the leaders based on the bible.
"They just need to overcome it"? Why are you trying to tell someone what they have to do? Oh, just to make YOU happy, right?
All humans beings are tasked to do their best and honor the Lord. Shouldn‘t we all want to end bad deeds and acts? It isn’t about making anyone on Earth “happy”. It is about doing the right thing, protecting children and neighbors from evil-doers. Homosexuals and pedophiles are sinful and evil-doers.
All humans beings are tasked to do their best and honor the Lord. Shouldn‘t we all want to end bad deeds and acts? It isn’t about making anyone on Earth “happy”. It is about doing the right thing, protecting children and neighbors from evil-doers. Homosexuals and pedophiles are sinful and evil-doers.
Why are you trying to tell other people who to honor? What in the fuck is wrong with you?

But yes there are a lot of fake Christians that promote that homosexuality is perfectly fine. Which is why I left my church.
I'm guessing the more likely story here is you were kicked out for being a wack job.
Wrong. This country was built off slavery. Which, by the way, was justified by some of the leaders based on the bible.
^^ LOL there we have it. Another America hater that blames everything on slavery!

The country was not “built off slavery”, it was used by a small percentage of land owners in the South for cheap labor. It was White Christians that fought for their freedom. The people that opposed these Christians were called….Democrats!

So yea…nice try. :itsok:
Way to go Ted. Why do these guys hate it when democracy is actually practiced?
He calls the law “barbaric”. So biblical law is barbaric? Ted is higher authority than the Bible now…

Where does the Bible call for the execution of homosexuals.
I'm guessing the more likely story here is you were kicked out for being a wack job.
Nope. I was raised Methodist, but they have caved to the woke idiots and accept homosexual crap. So I stopped going. All the Methodist churches I went to were practically empty so I am hardly the only one who felt that way.

But yes there are a lot of fake Christians that promote that homosexuality is perfectly fine. Which is why I left my church.

Good. You didn't belong there.

9 out of 10 preachers in Uganda have no education.
^^ LOL there we have it. Another America hater that blames everything on slavery!

The country was not “built off slavery”, it was used by a small percentage of land owners in the South for cheap labor. It was White Christians that fought for their freedom. The people that opposed these Christians were called….Democrats!

So yea…nice try. :itsok:
Well, wasnt it? The White House was literally built by slaves.

It was also white Christians who enslaved blacks and justified doing so from passages in the Bible. History has proved them wrong and it is proving you wrong.

And lol trying to justify your position on what political parties represented 150 years ago. Why arent you for banning handguns? I mean Richard Nixon wanted to and he was a Republican. Arent you a republican like him? See how stupid that argument sounds?
Where does the Bible call for the execution of homosexuals.
Leviticus 20:13
If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them

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