Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control
OMG, Ted has lost touch with reality altogether.
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control
OMG, Ted has lost touch with reality altogether.
All the right wingers ignoring the facts because it's from a website they dislike.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
Is usnews lieing to?
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

You think anyone is stupid enough to believe this BS?
Oh yes, attack something because it has the word progressive in it and don't look on your own, idiotic drone.
Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
^ That better?
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
What about that ^

Cite where it says he's in favor of banning birth control.
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

You think anyone is stupid enough to believe this BS?
Oh yes, attack something because it has the word progressive in it and don't look on your own, idiotic drone.
Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
^ That better?
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
What about that ^

Cite where it says he's in favor of banning birth control.
Ted Cruz Calls Birth Control Abortifacients
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
Bush is probably worse though: Gov. Jeb Bush to Seek Guardian for Fetus of Rape Victim - NYTimes.com
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

You think anyone is stupid enough to believe this BS?
Oh yes, attack something because it has the word progressive in it and don't look on your own, idiotic drone.
Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
^ That better?
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
What about that ^

Cite where it says he's in favor of banning birth control.
Ted Cruz Calls Birth Control Abortifacients
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
Bush is probably worse though: Gov. Jeb Bush to Seek Guardian for Fetus of Rape Victim - NYTimes.com
Hey stupid, none of those links make mention of Cruz wanting to ban birth control. Are you retarded or just a liar?
Last edited:
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

You think anyone is stupid enough to believe this BS?
Oh yes, attack something because it has the word progressive in it and don't look on your own, idiotic drone.
Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
^ That better?
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
What about that ^

Cite where it says he's in favor of banning birth control.
Ted Cruz Calls Birth Control Abortifacients
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
Bush is probably worse though: Gov. Jeb Bush to Seek Guardian for Fetus of Rape Victim - NYTimes.com

you're freaking all over the place with your garbage spreading. none of those rags are Responsible of telling the TRUTH about any Republican. so go vote for the Democrat and quit littering up the place
Nothing about birth control.

"Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.

The announcement was made today at the Cruz Bus Tour stop in Newnan, GA. #CruzCountry

Senator Cruz's pro-life record includes the following:

• Leading the charge on behalf of 13 states in successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Joining 18 states in successfully defending New Hampshire's Parental Notification Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Successfully defending a Texas law that prevents state funds from being sent to organizations that perform abortions.
• Calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood amid charges that the abortion giant sells aborted body parts.

GRTL PAC only endorses candidates who fully support its principles and positions on pro-life issues.

"With so many candidates running for President, we hope others will follow Senator Cruz's lead, stand with us and seek our endorsement," Davis said.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that has adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century."

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

More assumptions for a leftwing hate site, seems the author is putting out a lot of unsupported BS. But hey, that never bothers a lefty putting out propaganda, right? Supporting personhood for the unborn is a long shot from a Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control.
Nothing about birth control.

"Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.

The announcement was made today at the Cruz Bus Tour stop in Newnan, GA. #CruzCountry

Senator Cruz's pro-life record includes the following:

• Leading the charge on behalf of 13 states in successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Joining 18 states in successfully defending New Hampshire's Parental Notification Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Successfully defending a Texas law that prevents state funds from being sent to organizations that perform abortions.
• Calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood amid charges that the abortion giant sells aborted body parts.

GRTL PAC only endorses candidates who fully support its principles and positions on pro-life issues.

"With so many candidates running for President, we hope others will follow Senator Cruz's lead, stand with us and seek our endorsement," Davis said.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that has adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century."

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
"Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death."
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
Nothing about birth control.

"Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.

The announcement was made today at the Cruz Bus Tour stop in Newnan, GA. #CruzCountry

Senator Cruz's pro-life record includes the following:

• Leading the charge on behalf of 13 states in successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Joining 18 states in successfully defending New Hampshire's Parental Notification Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Successfully defending a Texas law that prevents state funds from being sent to organizations that perform abortions.
• Calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood amid charges that the abortion giant sells aborted body parts.

GRTL PAC only endorses candidates who fully support its principles and positions on pro-life issues.

"With so many candidates running for President, we hope others will follow Senator Cruz's lead, stand with us and seek our endorsement," Davis said.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that has adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century."

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire

thanks dear. but I knew it just reading that garbage lying title he posted from his leftwing hate site. Now we see why the left is so UNINFORMED and sadly will fall for any LIE these websites and THE DNC feeds them
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

More assumptions for a leftwing hate site, seems the author is putting out a lot of unsupported BS. But hey, that never bothers a lefty putting out propaganda, right? Supporting personhood for the unborn is a long shot from a Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control.
Keep hiding from facts.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
"GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution.
Nothing about birth control.

"Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.

The announcement was made today at the Cruz Bus Tour stop in Newnan, GA. #CruzCountry

Senator Cruz's pro-life record includes the following:

• Leading the charge on behalf of 13 states in successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Joining 18 states in successfully defending New Hampshire's Parental Notification Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Successfully defending a Texas law that prevents state funds from being sent to organizations that perform abortions.
• Calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood amid charges that the abortion giant sells aborted body parts.

GRTL PAC only endorses candidates who fully support its principles and positions on pro-life issues.

"With so many candidates running for President, we hope others will follow Senator Cruz's lead, stand with us and seek our endorsement," Davis said.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that has adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century."

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire
Christian news wire ?
Hey stupid, none of those links make mention of Cruz wanting to ban birth control. Are you retarded or just a liar?
Ok, you tell me what a "fetal personhood" means, especially in regards to the moment of conception. Idiot. Pills? Nope, that's murder now.
Nothing about birth control.

"Senator Cruz received the endorsement after reviewing his activities supporting personhood and receiving his signed GRTL PAC Personhood Affirmation, which asks that candidates support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Such an amendment would guarantee a constitutional right to life for every innocent human being, from earliest biological beginning until natural death.

The announcement was made today at the Cruz Bus Tour stop in Newnan, GA. #CruzCountry

Senator Cruz's pro-life record includes the following:

• Leading the charge on behalf of 13 states in successfully defending the federal Partial Birth Abortion Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Joining 18 states in successfully defending New Hampshire's Parental Notification Act before the U.S. Supreme Court.
• Successfully defending a Texas law that prevents state funds from being sent to organizations that perform abortions.
• Calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood amid charges that the abortion giant sells aborted body parts.

GRTL PAC only endorses candidates who fully support its principles and positions on pro-life issues.

"With so many candidates running for President, we hope others will follow Senator Cruz's lead, stand with us and seek our endorsement," Davis said.

Georgia Right to Life promotes respect and effective legal protection for all innocent human life from earliest biological beginning through natural death. GRTL is one of a number of organizations that has adopted Personhood as the most effective pro-life strategy for the 21st century."

Georgia Right to Life PAC Endorses Ted Cruz for President - Christian Newswire

thanks dear. but I knew it just reading that garbage lying title he posted from his leftwing hate site. Now we see why the left is so UNINFORMED and sadly will fall for any LIE these websites and THE DNC feeds them
She didn't debunk anything, cruz wants fetal personhood from the moment of conception. BC pills? Nope. Morning after? Nope.
Whack a doodle, left wing site, nothing was even hinted he wants to ban birth control. Good grief
Whack a doodle, left wing site, nothing was even hinted he wants to ban birth control. Good grief
Bullshit, I love how you right wingers constantly attack the website when it BACKS UP what it's talking about from other sources.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
"Cruz, like Akin, opposes abortion for victims of rape and incest. He also labels forms of contraception such as Plan B “abortifacients”, which isn’t scientifically or medically correct. At the Value Voters Summit last fall, Cruz repeatedly referred to contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs.”"
He supports passing "fetal personhood" from the moment of conception, which would effectively make morning after pills/etc all illegal and murder.
Whack a doodle, left wing site, nothing was even hinted he wants to ban birth control. Good grief
Bullshit, I love how you right wingers constantly attack the website when it BACKS UP what it's talking about from other sources.
Ted Cruz Ignites 2016 Race to the Bottom on Abortion and Women s Health - US News
"Cruz, like Akin, opposes abortion for victims of rape and incest. He also labels forms of contraception such as Plan B “abortifacients”, which isn’t scientifically or medically correct. At the Value Voters Summit last fall, Cruz repeatedly referred to contraception as “abortion-inducing drugs.”"
He supports passing "fetal personhood" from the moment of conception, which would effectively make morning after pills/etc all illegal and murder.

Your entire thread is bullshit, Cruz never endorsed it
What a fucking idiot.
While everyone is still transfixed by the outrage reality show that is the Trump campaign, other candidates like Ted Cruz have been scrambling behind the scenes trying to gather support wherever they can. When the Trump bubble finally pops and the whole thing goes down in flames, the most likely people to court his current supporters are Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz. (Bobby Jindal may even be further right than those two, but despite all of his desperate attempts to outdo Donald Trump and get attention, he is less popular than Hillary Clinton, in his own state of Louisiana.) The biggest prize for 2016 GOP presidential candidates is the evangelical conservatives who are adamantly against abortion for any reason, as well as some popular forms of birth control like the IUD which they also consider to be abortion. They believe that once a sperm fertilizes an egg, anything that prevents that egg from turning into a fetus, is the same thing as abortion. I know this sounds strange to some of us, but this is actually what they think, and I can confirm that the anti-choice activists in my family subscribe to this mindset. So that’s where Ted Cruz comes in. Cruz pledged last week to the extreme anti-choice Georgia Right to Life group that he would support a personhood amendment that would declare fertilized eggs to be human beings. Georgia Right to Life, one of the most outspoken proponents of the movement to grant legal “personhood” to fertilized eggs and fetuses, has endorsed Sen. Ted Cruz for president after he signed their candidate pledge promising to “support a personhood amendment to the U.S. Constitution.” GRTL’s pledge, which the group says Cruz signed, asks candidates to affirm that “a continuum of human life and personhood begins at the moment of fertilization” and promise to protect “the civil rights of the pre-born at an embryonic or fetal level.” In practice, personhood would not only criminalize all abortions, it could also endanger some common forms of birth control and put women who have suffered miscarriages at risk of prosecution. The Georgia group’s advocacy of sweeping personhood measures to ban abortion is so radical that it caused it to split from the National Right to Life Committee. (Source) Yes, these people were too radical for the already extreme National Right to Life Committee, and that was just fine with Ted Cruz. Not content just to defund Planned Parenthood or place serious restrictions on a woman’s right to choose, they also want to ban certain types of birth control which would prevent the need for an abortion in the first place.
Ted Cruz Pledges Support For Constitutional Amendment Banning Birth Control

Whackjob tier of the candidates. He and Hackabee have no chance. They are American mullahs.

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